Some developer comments on PS3/X360 (Edge Magazine)

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OpaOpa said:
From the Gaming Age forum:

(Today, 10:06 PM)
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I read the article today and that's a pretty skewed set of quotes you pulled out there. In all it was a pretty balanced 50/50% spread of pros and cons for both machines.

Nice work Titanio :rolleyes:
That person didn't provide the interviews which balance it out did they?
Whatever is the truth doesn't change the fact that this was the part of the interview that he found interesting. If you have a problem with it, simply don't post in the thread. Those of us who find it interesting can have a civil discussion about it. Unless you can prove that the parts he picked were not in the magazine, or he made it up, please don't pollute this thread.

You are no angel either. At least his post has a source we can all see. Rather than "a developer from UbiSoft" who states how much better the Xbox 360 is than the PlayStation 3.

word...paint... :LOL:
Nice work Titanio :rolleyes:

2. I've just finished reading Edge, and I think that Titanio's original post was a fair summary of the quotes that it contains. Like he has (repeatedly) said there are many other comments, but they don't specifically mention one platform or another. I don't think it's fair to blame Titanio for any perceived bias in the comments, as if such a bias exists (and I'm not sure about that) then the blame must lie with either Edge magazine, or the developers who commented in it.
Alpha_Spartan said:
If the article in question had more positive Xbox 360 spin, this thread wouldn't exist because we know the OP started this thread to stroke fanboys like Edge.

No it would exist, you probably would have posted it instead. But your brand of bullshit comes in a special mint flavor apparently.

Alpha_Spartan said:
This thread says alot about the caliber of individuals who play console games. As a PC gamer, I find it hard to say Nvidia is better than ATi or vice versa

Lovely generalization. Because we all know unlike the console rubes, PC gamers are never prone to such primative bickering. Traditional Nvidia vs. Ati discourse is a veritable bastion of civilility and intelligence.

Alpha_Spartan said:
The only people who don't think this thread shouldn't be locked on priciple alone are the ones who have already concluded in their minds that the PS3 is the most powerful and that it's the best thing since sliced cliches.

If the OP is the bar for locking threads than the last 2 months of this particular forum should be whittled down to a dozen or so contributions.

You really gotta love the false indignation by all the pots in this thread. Its really special.
Congratulations!! I officially declare this the Worst Thread of the Year! 8) A sudden influx of newbies coming in from abroad (abroad meaning outside of B3D, not outside 'this country', as we're multinational and proud of it) with their agendas, to bring even the old Toy Story arguments once again. HEy, guys. We've finally hit rock bottom!

Titanio : Thanks for the links. You're postings on this board have been considered and objective. You obviously prefer the Sony platform but are capable of debating the technical pros and cons of all systems from what I've seen. I'm happy to believe those comments posted represent the entirety of hardware-based comments in the magazine (save any oversights) and of course you couldn't post the entire article as forum rules stipulate no full articles (not that newbies care for such things as rules an etiquette).

It's a shame there's plenty of people with ill-informed opinions who regardless think themselves right about everything. There's so many flaws and faults in this thread it was laughable. But it's best to let it die.

Hopefully soon the mods will put it to rest and we can bury it under the carpet and forget about it...

Edit : It's also very, very funny when newbies with even single figure post-counts start demanding mods start banning :LOL:
Shifty Geezer said:
Hopefully soon the mods will put it to rest and we can bury it under the carpet and forget about it...

I'd actually like to see it locked and then pinned. A sort of "This is your brain on drugs" public service announcement for the whole forum. ;)
OpaOpa said:
Slap a ban on this troll. He selectively picked and chosed what to post. Misleading and downright pathetic.
I never thought I could do this to one of OpaOpa's post but QFT. :oops:

seismologist said:
It's a bad sign when Gaming-Age can have a more intelligent discussion on this topic then we do here.
It is a worse sign that some of the trolls from Gaming-Age have moved to B3D. :cry:
I'm trying to find the bad in there. Other than SN systems, who dont even have current middleware solution for Xbox :rolleyes: and that dont have Middleware Graphics Engines for any of current consoles, so basically their comments dont mean squad to me, i find EPIC comments to actually be very good for both consoles.

I mean EPIC thinks the Dev kits where at 25% of final power....So its only normal to see them excited about the PS3, not because in the End it will be much powerfull but because at the Time they were doing things on the Ps3 devkits that they couldnt on Xbox 360 dev kits.

I dont know, i think anybody with common sense knows that the Ps3 will be more powerfull, but anybody with common sense also knows that its pretty hard for Ps3 to Xbox 360 be as big of a leap as Ps2 to Dc or Xbox to PS2, because the gap = 1/4 of the time of the other examples.

Sorry guys, but some of you are being way to EXPLOsive in Xbox 360 defense, when it doesnt need, since the only in your face comments are from SN....wich i already talked about :LOL: and the Ps3 "fanboys" are giving way too much weight to again...SN :LOL:

Everybody relax, the Ps3 will have as big of an advantage in power as time allows it to have, wich isnt much guys, but i guess its enough for some of you to get all "ahaha see, see, na na na na na" :rolleyes:

Just for fun, here is the Sony gamer lifetime pro-Ps1:

Ps2 in 99, OMG the Ps2 >>>>>>>>>> DC, GRAphics GRaphics :oops:
PS2 in 2000, Well graphics are better....kinda, but THEY ARE better "MUAHAHAHA"
Ps2 in 2001, MGs2 looks better than Xbox games, muahaha
Ps2 in 2002, Pfft its all about gameplay and quality games, and the PS2 can push more polygons and has better lighting
Ps2 in 2003, MEh the PS2 can still push more polygons and particle effects, and its all about the gameplay
Ps2 in 2004, its definitilly all about the gameplay, gameplay is what matters, we never cared much about graphics
Ps3 in 2005, OMG OMG, lookz at teh KILLZONE :oops: Ps3 > Xbox 360, graphics good, graphics matter much, even if killzone is crap if it launches with those graphics, Killzone > any Xbox 360 game, GRAPHICS GRAPHICS

:LOL: and as time passes and more info comes available, "No no Ps3 still 2x>Xbox 360 because its teh Teraflop KING".

therealskywolf said:
I'm trying to find the bad in there. Other than SN systems, who dont even have current middleware solution for Xbox :rolleyes: and that dont have Middleware Graphics Engines for any of current consoles, so basically their comments dont mean squad to me, i find EPIC comments to actually be very good for both consoles.

I mean EPIC thinks the Dev kits where at 25% of final power....So its only normal to see them excited about the PS3, not because in the End it will be much powerfull but because at the Time they were doing things on the Ps3 devkits that they couldnt on Xbox 360 dev kits.

I dont know, i think anybody with common sense knows that the Ps3 will be more powerfull, but anybody with common sense also knows that its pretty hard for Ps3 to Xbox 360 be as big of a leap as Ps2 to Dc or Xbox to PS2, because the gap = 1/4 of the time of the other examples.

Sorry guys, but some of you are being way to EXPLOsive in Xbox 360 defense, when it doesnt need, since the only in your face comments are from SN....wich i already talked about :LOL: and the Ps3 "fanboys" are giving way too much weight to again...SN :LOL:

Everybody relax, the Ps3 will have as big of an advantage in power as time allows it to have, wich isnt much guys, but i guess its enough for some of you to get all "ahaha see, see, na na na na na" :rolleyes:

Just for fun, here is the Sony gamer lifetime pro-Ps1:

Ps2 in 99, OMG the Ps2 >>>>>>>>>> DC, GRAphics GRaphics :oops:
PS2 in 2000, Well graphics are better....kinda, but THEY ARE better "MUAHAHAHA"
Ps2 in 2001, MGs2 looks better than Xbox games, muahaha
Ps2 in 2002, Pfft its all about gameplay and quality games, and the PS2 can push more polygons and has better lighting
Ps2 in 2003, MEh the PS2 can still push more polygons and particle effects, and its all about the gameplay
Ps2 in 2004, its definitilly all about the gameplay, gameplay is what matters, we never cared much about graphics
Ps3 in 2005, OMG OMG, lookz at teh KILLZONE :oops: Ps3 > Xbox 360, graphics good, graphics matter much, even if killzone is crap if it launches with those graphics, Killzone > any Xbox 360 game, GRAPHICS GRAPHICS

:LOL: and as time passes and more info comes available, "No no Ps3 still 2x>Xbox 360 because its teh Teraflop KING".


Good to see your damage control posts aren't just limited to IGN. :LOL:
fouad said:
"The overall impression that we have with developers is that everyone perceives the PS3 to be slightly or significantly more powerful than 360. That's going to make quite a difference, since everyone's pushing high def so hard. High def means a lot more pixels being drawn, a lot more throughput, so that little bit more power PS3 has could be quite significant.

100 GFLOPS/s more power on PS3 than xbox360, is not a slightly difference, ITS A HUGE difference, and this wont show in graphics, but in physics, AI and animations. bad developers dont even bother about this. So ONLY great developers will show the difference in power between PS3 and XBOX360. ( for example : GT5 and MGS4 )

Yes the great and holy GT4 team loook they can do things no ther can ther are Greater than all of us. Nevermind these Giant bags of cash and mass live sacrifices we use to feed the beast.
Diesel2 said:
therealskywolf said:
I'm trying to find the bad in there. Other than SN systems, who dont even have current middleware solution for Xbox :rolleyes: and that dont have Middleware Graphics Engines for any of current consoles, so basically their comments dont mean squad to me, i find EPIC comments to actually be very good for both consoles.

I mean EPIC thinks the Dev kits where at 25% of final power....So its only normal to see them excited about the PS3, not because in the End it will be much powerfull but because at the Time they were doing things on the Ps3 devkits that they couldnt on Xbox 360 dev kits.

I dont know, i think anybody with common sense knows that the Ps3 will be more powerfull, but anybody with common sense also knows that its pretty hard for Ps3 to Xbox 360 be as big of a leap as Ps2 to Dc or Xbox to PS2, because the gap = 1/4 of the time of the other examples.

Sorry guys, but some of you are being way to EXPLOsive in Xbox 360 defense, when it doesnt need, since the only in your face comments are from SN....wich i already talked about :LOL: and the Ps3 "fanboys" are giving way too much weight to again...SN :LOL:

Everybody relax, the Ps3 will have as big of an advantage in power as time allows it to have, wich isnt much guys, but i guess its enough for some of you to get all "ahaha see, see, na na na na na" :rolleyes:

Just for fun, here is the Sony gamer lifetime pro-Ps1:

Ps2 in 99, OMG the Ps2 >>>>>>>>>> DC, GRAphics GRaphics :oops:
PS2 in 2000, Well graphics are better....kinda, but THEY ARE better "MUAHAHAHA"
Ps2 in 2001, MGs2 looks better than Xbox games, muahaha
Ps2 in 2002, Pfft its all about gameplay and quality games, and the PS2 can push more polygons and has better lighting
Ps2 in 2003, MEh the PS2 can still push more polygons and particle effects, and its all about the gameplay
Ps2 in 2004, its definitilly all about the gameplay, gameplay is what matters, we never cared much about graphics
Ps3 in 2005, OMG OMG, lookz at teh KILLZONE :oops: Ps3 > Xbox 360, graphics good, graphics matter much, even if killzone is crap if it launches with those graphics, Killzone > any Xbox 360 game, GRAPHICS GRAPHICS

:LOL: and as time passes and more info comes available, "No no Ps3 still 2x>Xbox 360 because its teh Teraflop KING".


Good to see your damage control posts aren't just limited to IGN. :LOL:

I dont need to do damage control. I know how it is. But suit yourself. The last part was meant to be taken as a joke, nothing else.
I love thread like these...I can individualy from each and every post....Slap XBOX360 or PS3. It may be detrimental to this forum....but now I mentally put a label on members and go from there.
serenity said: looks like your projecting your thoughts as a if you could only make a mod lock this thread....wait...if this thread is that bad...I shouldn't be posting on it right?...thats how it work?

*This is my last post in this thread, I would hope people take a stand (The more elder members and the mid range ones)
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