I'm trying to find the bad in there. Other than SN systems, who dont even have current middleware solution for Xbox

and that dont have Middleware Graphics Engines for any of current consoles, so basically their comments dont mean squad to me, i find EPIC comments to actually be very good for both consoles.
I mean EPIC thinks the Dev kits where at 25% of final power....So its only normal to see them excited about the PS3, not because in the End it will be much powerfull but because at the Time they were doing things on the Ps3 devkits that they couldnt on Xbox 360 dev kits.
I dont know, i think anybody with common sense knows that the Ps3 will be more powerfull, but anybody with common sense also knows that its pretty hard for Ps3 to Xbox 360 be as big of a leap as Ps2 to Dc or Xbox to PS2, because the gap = 1/4 of the time of the other examples.
Sorry guys, but some of you are being way to EXPLOsive in Xbox 360 defense, when it doesnt need, since the only in your face comments are from SN....wich i already talked about

and the Ps3 "fanboys" are giving way too much weight to again...SN
Everybody relax, the Ps3 will have as big of an advantage in power as time allows it to have, wich isnt much guys, but i guess its enough for some of you to get all "ahaha see, see, na na na na na"
Just for fun, here is the Sony gamer lifetime pro-Ps1:
Ps2 in 99, OMG the Ps2 >>>>>>>>>> DC, GRAphics GRaphics
PS2 in 2000, Well graphics are better....kinda, but THEY ARE better "MUAHAHAHA"
Ps2 in 2001, MGs2 looks better than Xbox games, muahaha
Ps2 in 2002, Pfft its all about gameplay and quality games, and the PS2 can push more polygons and has better lighting
Ps2 in 2003, MEh the PS2 can still push more polygons and particle effects, and its all about the gameplay
Ps2 in 2004, its definitilly all about the gameplay, gameplay is what matters, we never cared much about graphics
Ps3 in 2005, OMG OMG, lookz at teh KILLZONE

Ps3 > Xbox 360, graphics good, graphics matter much, even if killzone is crap if it launches with those graphics, Killzone > any Xbox 360 game, GRAPHICS GRAPHICS

and as time passes and more info comes available, "No no Ps3 still 2x>Xbox 360 because its teh Teraflop KING".