soldier girls from around the world...

What about Emporer penguins then? The female comes back with food after a few months to take over looking after the chick and relieving the male and they still find them, even though

1) Penguins look very similar
2) They are all in a big bunch
3) It's howling a gale
4) It's probably dark.

Amazing birds.

Uh, you only REaffirmed the argument. That is Emperor Penguins can tell apart other Emperor Penguins but oddly enough, you can't. Probably because you aren't one.

But if you are, damn, you are one amazing bird.
(Don't forget to also check the filename of that comic ;))
nice one
though technically the japanese arent really that short anymore (ie the average height has rocketed up faster than the west)
go to indonesia + malaysia etc if u wanna be amongst short ppl, I feel guilty riding a bemo there, as Im taking up approx 3 guys places

also no bears in the southpole (but u knew that anyways)
Uh, you only REaffirmed the argument. That is Emperor Penguins can tell apart other Emperor Penguins but oddly enough, you can't. Probably because you aren't one.
On a slightly related note, as young babies, humans apparently can recognise different chimpanzee faces as easily as human faces but we later lose that ability.
Simon, do they lose the ability to recognize the chimps they have already learned to recognize, or just new chimps?
We'll it's a bit hard to ask a 4~5mnth old infant, but the test basically was (IIRC!)
a) show sets of photographs of human and chimp faces
b) measure interest levels of the child by determining how long they looked at each image. (I assume that repetitions of the same image occurred in order to detect if the child recognised them)

IIRC for younger infants, they would spend similar amounts of time looking at new faces of both chimps and humans but, after a certain age, they would only show the interest for human faces.

FWIW, I think it was part of one of Professor Robert Winston's documentaries.




JAG would have been somewhat interesting if it hadn't been for the gigantic prick they cast in the lead male role.
Yes, she is cutie hot ;). In fact, those kind of girls are my type, not the "bitchy hot" ones, if you understand what I mean.