So often I see Valve's Source engine shows significant gain with quad-CPU


By how much in reality this is possible that quad-cores will boost significant performance in gaming! in year 2007/08 or if it possible at all anyway....
Valve Source engine particle simulation
Next up are a couple of tests we picked up during a visit to Valve Software, the developers of the Half-Life games. They've been working to incorporate support for multi-core processors into their Source game engine, and they've cooked up a couple of benchmarks to demonstrate the benefits of multithreading. The first of those tests runs a particle simulation inside of the Source engine. Most games today use particle systems to create effects like smoke, steam, and fire, but the realism and interactivity of those effects is limited by the available computing horsepower. Valve's particle system distributes the load across multiple CPU cores.
Getting good gains from multi-threading for modelling ensembles of non-self-interacting particles should be relatively easy.