You are talking about a gameplay element being utilized to add drama, that fairly well sums up no substance
In what way does adding some extra drama to a game give a game no substance?
It's non linear, we have seen that done many times prior to GTA3 and in and of itself it is neither a pro nor a con(same with linear gameplay).
I've seen many things done before, it does not mean its not a good thing.
Up until GTA3 I had never seen a 3D game that gave so much freedom, allot of it is gimicky yes, and the game is not the best in the world and does not deserve the scores it got (allot of that was people going "WOW look at the big 3d world.. this is great" but it is a very good game IMO.
There are several gameplay elements in place, again it has been done numerous times before.
Since when is unique always good?
Did you complete or beat the game?
No, I would have though if I hadn't re-installed my PC and lost the saves (I backed them up but the CD I used to backup was faulty). Its not the sort of game to keep my absolutely gripped right up to the end, but I think I would have completed it, although I can't be absolutely sure obviously. Of course I'm not going to start again and go right through it now, because I really would get bored of it too quickly now.
You need some better racing games How frequently do you keep a car for more then a half hour at a time?
I'm not a big racing game fan, but I've been known to play racing games in the past

(I liked NFS5).
I don't keep a car for an hour at a time. But then I can have any car in the game, so I rarely keep any car even if its in perfect condition. Also there's a hell of allot more cars on the roads in GTA3 then any racing game I've played, so its bound to be harder to keep the car in good condition.
I agree that the cars smash up a little to easy but that doesn't really detract from the fact that the car handles very well IMO, which is the most important thing to me. I can drive along at high speed through traffic, hand brake round corners and not get a scratch on me often, which is quite an acheivement and a testement to the good handling of the cars AFAICS. Of course often I hit something, but then I'm not driving around at 30 miles per hour and stopping at red lights here

. I'm flying along at break neck speed and doing hand brake turns from corners.. I wouldn't expect to last long in a real life conjested city while doing that, would you?
Once you prove yourself you are trusted with more difficult tasks. This goes for gansters just as it does military. You think you could walk off the street and enter the SAS right off? Seriously though, once you reach a certain level of reputation your tasks are likely to wander in terms of difficulty, but to start with(remember this guy is an unknown who just broke out of a prison transport) you would certainly slowly work your way up the criminal ladder.
To a degree yes I suppose your right, but the tasks would not increase linearly.
If your the main guy they're getting to do there dirty work then they cannot pick and choose what sort of stuff you do all the time. It depends on what they need doing really. It might be something quite simple one week, hard the next, and simple the week after. I suppose once you really get respect and trust they'd try to keep you for the more important jobs as much as possible. But if they have other people on other jobs and they need something doing and your free then they might just ask you to do something you would consider easy or boring. A job is not always about how challenging it is, even when your a hired gun, I'm sure there are meanial tasks sometimes in most jobs even for the best of there proffesions.
Also it takes time to get allot of respect, bare in mind that you work for many different people and organisations in the game, earning one persons trust and respect does not neccesarilly earn you the instant trust and respect of everyone else.
Although to be fair I haven't been able to finish the game so I don't know for sure exactly how all the missions are structured, only the ones I got through. So I admit that I may be wrong and the missions might end up as a whole being structured poorly.