Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 [XBSX|S, PC, XGP]

You once again have nothing of value to critic or argue yet you feel compelled to post. Ignore button exists, use it since you tire of my observations.
Yes, I do feel compelled to point out that you're not ever impressed with anything. Since you want me to critique you, I'd LOVE for you to give us more details. Which facial animations are over exaggerated for effect? Which character animations look off to you? I'm asking because I'd love for you to give me examples of games which do it better. Then once you do that, I'll discuss with you why I think you're wrong.

Not sure why you had to add "it seems like the general public doesn't care about this game"... Do you think you're adding something of value to the discussion by posting that? Or perhaps are you just attempting to validate your own opinion? Because I'd argue that the general consensus is that this game is stunningly beautiful.. and that a lot of people wish this game was also coming to their platform of choice. I'm sure if it was on Playstation, public interest would be higher.
I was going to address the valueless comment of "the general public doesn't care about this game", but figured I'd be arguing with a brick wall, so didn't bother. :)
Yes, I do feel compelled to point out that you're not ever impressed with anything.
Wrong, you just have a very selective memory.
Since you want me to critique you, I'd LOVE for you to give us more details. Which facial animations are over exaggerated for effect? Which character animations look off to you? I'm asking because I'd love for you to give me examples of games which do it better. Then once you do that, I'll discuss with you why I think you're wrong.
Why would I waste my time doing that. According to you, I’ve not presented any evidence for you to review and despite not hearing my arguments, you’ve already decided I’m wrong. It means you only discuss to advance your opinions and not to have actually have meaningful discussion with the understanding that you may indeed be wrong. One of the least productive and most useless types of conversations.
Not sure why you had to add "it seems like the general public doesn't care about this game"... Do you think you're adding something of value to the discussion by posting that? Or perhaps are you just attempting to validate your own opinion?
I don’t need to validate my opinion as it’s not an opinion, it’s a measurable fact. It’s a matter of fact statement, take it or leave it, that’s not my problem. The most recent trailer on the Xbox YouTube page has less than 250k views in 5 days. If you want to see a game the general public cares about, go look at the GTA 6 trailer with its 146 million views in 8 days.
Because I'd argue that the general consensus is that this game is stunningly beautiful.. and that a lot of people wish this game was also coming to their platform of choice. I'm sure if it was on Playstation, public interest would be higher.
I don’t play platform wars friend and I have no interest in playing them with you. I own all the platforms so if you want to advance your platform agenda, look elsewhere. That’s low tier bait.
Wrong, you just have a very selective memory.
No, I don't have selective memory.. it's more likely that you never posted examples of what impressed you those previous times either.
Why would I waste my time doing that. According to you, I’ve not presented any evidence for you to review and despite not hearing my arguments, you’ve already decided I’m wrong. It means you only discuss to advance your opinions and not to have actually have meaningful discussion with the understanding that you may indeed be wrong. One of the least productive and most useless types of conversations.
Yea, why would you present any evidence or examples of games that do it better? Why on earth would that be something you should do.... right?... And I've already decided you are wrong... about Hellblade 2... not that there aren't examples of things out there that may potentially be better. I can't think of many, so I'm interested in what you possibly think is better. I mean how far do you expect people to go with you when you don't, and aren't willing to post examples when pressed? If you're not willing to post examples of things which make you believe Hellblade 2 isn't impressive.. you've lost your argument.. and in turn.. you're just someone who is never impressed. You specifically mentioned facial animations being exaggerated... so post some examples of ones which aren't and explain why Hellblade 2's are. That's literally the LEAST you could do.
I don’t need to validate my opinion as it’s not an opinion, it’s a measurable fact. It’s a matter of fact statement, take it or leave it, that’s not my problem. The most recent trailer on the Xbox YouTube page has less than 250k views in 5 days. If you want to see a game the general public cares about, go look at the GTA 6 trailer with its 146 million views in 8 days.
No, you're definitely trying to validate your opinion, because trailer view counts are meaningless when examining graphical/visual quality of a game. You literally just threw that comment in there for absolutely no reason but to attempt to add validity to your argument that it's "not impressive" and thus "not exciting to generate views".. You've got to do a lot better than this man.
I don’t play platform wars friend and I have no interest in playing them with you. I own all the platforms so if you want to advance your platform agenda, look elsewhere. That’s low tier bait.
I never said you did. It's a simple fact that if this game was on more platforms it would generate more interest. That's a logical statement.. considering that console install base split between them.
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No, I don't have selective memory.. it's more likely that you never posted examples of what impressed you those previous times either.
Boy, you sure like to double down yea? Literally on Saturday but like I said, selective memory and all.
Avatar looks quite good. I’m pleasantly surprised by how good it looks visually. There are a couple of things minor issues with some areas having lower quality textures but other than that, massive props to the team.

Yea, why would you present any evidence or examples of games that do it better? Why on earth would that be something you should do.... right?... And I've already decided you are wrong... about Hellblade 2... not that there aren't examples of things out there that may potentially be better. I can't think of many, so I'm interested in what you possibly think is better. I mean how far do you expect people to go with you when you don't, and aren't willing to post examples when pressed? If you're not willing to post examples of things which make you believe Hellblade 2 isn't impressive.. you've lost your argument.. and in turn.. you're just someone who is never impressed. You specifically mentioned facial animations being exaggerated... so post some examples of ones which aren't and explain why Hellblade 2's are. That's literally the LEAST you could do.
If you cannot figure out why I think the visuals are downgraded, go watch the original trailer from years ago and compare it to the most recent trailer. Do so and I promise, you'll understand why I find the downgrades to be thoroughly unimpressive. If you want to understand why I'm not impressed by the animations, watch the trailer critically not as a fan. Watch the character reactions to getting hit, looks abnormal. Watch the way she walks, literally in the first 15 seconds, watch her left elbow to arm movement. Literally looks weird af. There are so many awkward moments with the animations. Now one could argue that Senua suffers from mental illness/psychosis and the creators are trying to depict that via the animations. To that, I'd laugh and question why the characters have video gamey animations which are more similar to that of a patient suffering from Shell-Shock than that of a patient suffering from mental illness?
No, you're definitely trying to validate your opinion, because trailer view counts are meaningless when examining graphical/visual quality of a game. You literally just threw that comment in there for absolutely no reason but to attempt to add validity to your argument that it's "not impressive" and thus "not exciting to generate views".. You've got to do a lot better than this man.
Oh so now you're me and know the intent behind my statement? Rich... Talk about inferring meaning from something that has no meaning.
I never said you did. It's a simple fact that if this game was on more platforms it would generate more interest. That's a logical statement.. considering that console install base split between them.
That statement is not logical nor is it a fact as it assumes/implies that there's a strong correlation/causation between interest in a game and platform availability. We know that is false because there are games on all platforms that fail to generate interest and perform poorly both critically and in retail. On the other hand, there are games available on select platforms that garner a lot of interest. At times this leads to people picking up said platform, emulating, begging for ports, etc. One cannot assume that if the game is available on more platforms, it would generate more interest. Provide the proof that Hellblade 2 would generate more interest if it was on more platforms? It's already on PC which dwarfs the consoles in terms of userbase and it's failing to generate interest. It's available via x-cloud which is on mobile, pc, tablets, even smart tvs, etc. It's available on pc, it's available on xbox.
Boy, you sure like to double down yea? Literally on Saturday but like I said, selective memory and all.

If you cannot figure out why I think the visuals are downgraded, go watch the original trailer from years ago and compare it to the most recent trailer. Do so and I promise, you'll understand why I find the downgrades to be thoroughly unimpressive. If you want to understand why I'm not impressed by the animations, watch the trailer critically not as a fan. Watch the character reactions to getting hit, looks abnormal. Watch the way she walks, literally in the first 15 seconds, watch her left elbow to arm movement. Literally looks weird af. There are so many awkward moments with the animations. Now one could argue that Senua suffers from mental illness/psychosis and the creators are trying to depict that via the animations. To that, I'd laugh and question why the characters have video gamey animations which are more similar to that of a patient suffering from Shell-Shock than that of a patient suffering from mental illness?

Oh so now you're me and know the intent behind my statement? Rich... Talk about inferring meaning from something that has no meaning.

That statement is not logical nor is it a fact as it assumes/implies that there's a strong correlation/causation between interest in a game and platform availability. We know that is false because there are games on all platforms that fail to generate interest and perform poorly both critically and in retail. On the other hand, there are games available on select platforms that garner a lot of interest. At times this leads to people picking up said platform, emulating, begging for ports, etc. One cannot assume that if the game is available on more platforms, it would generate more interest. Provide the proof that Hellblade 2 would generate more interest if it was on more platforms? It's already on PC which dwarfs the consoles in terms of userbase and it's failing to generate interest. It's available via x-cloud which is on mobile, pc, tablets, even smart tvs, etc. It's available on pc, it's available on xbox.

You're telling me to go watch a non-gameplay, pre-rendered trailer not running on console hardware... and compare it to the most recent trailer, running actual game code, on a Series X? And you really seem to be confused about why I'm calling you out... I mean dude, do you watch CGI movies and expect games to look like them? You're expecting Avatar the movie quality, running on a console? No wonder why you're constantly unimpressed... and you're still not providing any GAMES which do it better. You know GAMES are the barometer, right?

So now that we've established that your perspective is flawed.. we can explain why GAME graphics, have odd quirks, like an animations snapping somewhat. I mean, I can point to any game you will name me, and show instances of the same thing happening. Again, show me some games which have better animation. Because I will absolutely find instances in all of them where animations look abnormal... Alan Wake 2 is full of them, for example. Do you see people blasting Alan Wake 2's visuals because it has to be a game at some point as well???

And yes, my statement is perfectly logical. There ABSOLUTELY is a correlation between interest in a game, and that games availability to more people.... am I actually even reading you properly? Obviously games on all platforms can fail to generate interest.. you're not making any point there. It's completely logical, that if a game made for one platform DOES generate interest... it would generate MORE interest if it was on MORE platforms.

And this is all besides the point that you simply injected that remark to attempt to validate your opinion... like as if of all things it's the visuals of Hellblade 2 which is "causing people to be disinterested".. :rolleyes:
Senua's Saga has the most technically beautiful and realistic graphics in the gaming industry. Reading the Neogaf and Reddit posts, even fanatical Playstation believers bowed their heads and acknowledged all this...

The reaction after the current trailer was that it turned out even better than in the previous video. Ninja Theory's knowledge and skills are unquestionable.
You're telling me to go watch a non-gameplay, pre-rendered trailer not running on console hardware... and compare it to the most recent trailer, running actual game code, on a Series X? And you really seem to be confused about why I'm calling you out... I mean dude, do you watch CGI movies and expect games to look like them? You're expecting Avatar the movie quality, running on a console? No wonder why you're constantly unimpressed... and you're still not providing any GAMES which do it better. You know GAMES are the barometer, right?

So now that we've established that your perspective is flawed.. we can explain why GAME graphics, have odd quirks, like an animations snapping somewhat. I mean, I can point to any game you will name me, and show instances of the same thing happening. Again, show me some games which have better animation. Because I will absolutely find instances in all of them where animations look abnormal... Alan Wake 2 is full of them, for example. Do you see people blasting Alan Wake 2's visuals because it has to be a game at some point as well???

And yes, my statement is perfectly logical. There ABSOLUTELY is a correlation between interest in a game, and that games availability to more people.... am I actually even reading you properly? Obviously games on all platforms can fail to generate interest.. you're not making any point there. It's completely logical, that if a game made for one platform DOES generate interest... it would generate MORE interest if it was on MORE platforms.

And this is all besides the point that you simply injected that remark to attempt to validate your opinion... like as if of all things it's the visuals of Hellblade 2 which is "causing people to be disinterested".. :rolleyes:
I’d type a drawn out response but I literally don’t care. You’re free to believe what you believe. More power to you.
The other thing to note about YouTube views is that a ton of people already saw the trailer at VGA. Also, this game has 4 times the views that the Baldur's Gate 3 one does and it was game of the year. :)
Positive previews appearing, based on an hour's play at the studio. The visuals continue to look fantastic.

(There's silly internet drama kicking off about it being 30fps in the usual places. Wait until those sweaty forum dwellers notice it's aspect ratio! 🙄 )

Looks amazing, both graphically and gameplay wise. Can't wait to pick it up bu man do I wish I had more time to play all these games!
Please keep to the topic of this singular video game.
