Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 [XBSX|S, PC, XGP]

From the official Xbox News article:

The footage shared tonight was captured in-engine and reflects the power of Xbox Series X available to developers to deliver new universes, experiences and games in ways you have never imagined.
From the official Xbox YouTube video text:

Senua's Saga:Hellblade II - the next entry in the Hellblade franchise from developer Ninja Theory.
Footage for this trailer was captured entirely in engine.
Built for the new Xbox Series X* - the fastest, most powerful Xbox ever.
Power Your Dreams.
*The availability and sale of Xbox Series X is subject to required regulatory approval(s) in your jurisdiction.
The footage shared tonight was captured in-engine and reflects the power of Xbox Series X available to developers to deliver new universes, experiences and games in ways you have never imagined.
Which basically confirms that it's a depiction of what a real-time cutscene might look like on XBSEX
diminishing returns ? No, astonishing returns !

The "Accurate Human Rendering in Game [2020]" thread will be glorious.

Some gif, this is incredible





Looks lovely. Still: What a weird choice for a sequel. Like getting a movie sequel to One flew over the Cuckoo's nest Or Shutter Island.
Senua II - 12 tflops of crazy
This had my jaws dropped hard, if the gameplay graphics look anywhere close to those then the leap would be way bigger than last gen. Excite!
I have a strong feeling the visual fidelity of gameplay and realtime cinematics will transit ever more seamless than before due to everything is using the same asset quality and settings with the only major difference being cinematic lighting and camera angle.
Once nice detail in the first shot of twig head people is that individual leaves on the trees are moving about. Not saying that it'll be like that in every game, but it's a nice change from current gen texture wibbling.

Yes and they work very tight on the cost side. Now thy have the backup of the Xbox division.:D This will look gorgeous.

I'm sure they've said that they'll be sticking with shorter game expediences. It'll be interesting to see exactly how many people have worked on this. Are they staying with small teams for a long span or throwing a large portion of the company behind each release. Sacrifice was around 20ish people?
i just wish the puzzles will be clearer or maybe add "easy mode" for dumb people like me. I stopped playing it after stuck on the 2nd or 3rd "portal" puzzle
I'm confused which ones are due to the artists efforts and which ones are due to hardware power and which ones are only possible due to both
Impressive, but... "in-engine". :-? You can render at slow 15 FPS and then double it and play it as a smooth 30 FPS video, and other stuff. I'd like developers to show us true real-time stuff. I don't like to wonder how much of that will be seen in real-time.