Now THAT looks very convincing, from a totally reputable and undoubtable source...... :rolleyes:
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Poster in First Link said:
"SEGA SAMMY is confident that the XBox360 and Revolution shall be Microsofts and nintendo's last home game consoles thus they are charging ahead with plans for there own console between 2011-2012.

It would now seem that SEGA SAMMY have settled on Optware's HVD format for the system. HVD's allow upto 3.9TB capacity and a transfer rate of 1GBPS.

More news as it becomes available."

Unfortunately MS or Sony might not even be able to afford using that technology even then. (hope I'm wrong, because I hate loading time!) Blu-Ray and HD-DVD are going to be the equivelant of DVD by then, maybe even with comparitively worse speed to ram ratios! (next gen. consoles should have a few GBs of ram)
BlueTsunami said:
Originally Posted by Poster in First Link
"SEGA SAMMY is confident that the XBox360 and Revolution shall be Microsofts and nintendo's last home game consoles thus they are charging ahead with plans for there own console between 2011-2012.

It would now seem that SEGA SAMMY have settled on Optware's HVD format for the system. HVD's allow upto 3.9TB capacity and a transfer rate of 1GBPS.

More news as it becomes available."


Because if Microsoft and Nintendo cannot survive in that environment, who better to take on the challenge than someone who was already pushed out? :p