london-boy said:Legion, i know you think non-US citizens have a lower IQ, but i thought it was OBVIOUS that my "everyone" meant "every country with a dictator".
Of course i don't think every country is a dictatorship. Jesus...
London, how can you make a statement like this and end it with "JESUS" as a sigh of frustration? You are causing your own agitation by your consistant act of taking me out of context.
Your assertion i think less of non US citizens is both mindless and completely unsupported. Stop engineering this bullshit in order to feel as though you have a valid reason to attack me.
If you'd like i could associate your emotional over expression with your wantingness to play the role of the female in homosexual relationships do to you lack of real masculine identity. But i will refrain.
Let me recap,
In you view, if Saddam was there as long as he was, then it's the UN fault.
Holy shit! Did i not say i blame neither the US nor the UN for allowing his people to die? Did i not associate the US with this as well? I simply realize in hindsight if we had removed him in the first iraq war more people could be alive today.
Of course the fact that the US (and not only them, to be fair) financed his goverment over the years doesn't matter.
Of course the fact that France and Russia (and not only them, to be fair) financed his goverment over the years doesn't matter.
The fact that when the US decided to do something about it more than 10 years ago then suddenly retreated and left him in his place doesn't matter.
Oh it does matter. They left him in power and shouldn't. Leaving more than 12 years of diplomatic sanctions which did nothing to remove him. I wonder to day what the cause for this decision was.
Any nation in Europe at this time could have removed this man. Where were they?
The fact that he was there as long as he was, because it was in the interest of many countries (including the US) doesn't matter.
How would keeping him in place have been a benefit to the US? We could have seized their oil then if that were what we were after then and inserted a puppet government.
The fact that in a moment of economic regression of the US, suddenly they become interested in the world's dictators who coincidentally live in extremely oil-rich countries, is just that, a coincidence.
As well as the attack on American soil during 9/11! Do you not see that as a possible cause?! For Christ sake if we wanted his oil we could have releaved sanctions on him rather than start another costly war London. Correlation doesn't equal causation.
If Saddam was there as long as he was, its because it was in the interest of many countries (including the US) that he would remain there.
Possibly another valid reason diplomacy doesn't seem to work well with dictators.
I strongly believe that one of, if not the main reason why pretty much every country opposed action on Iraq, was because they had something to lose with the fall of Saddam.
Like what? We could easily have replaced him with a puppet. What would we have lost?
I'm not talking about the people, who generally opposed war because they genuinly think bombing civilians is wring.
London no one was trying to bomb civilians. They are soft targets and not the way to get at Saddam. If you want to hit a dictator you need to target his infrastructure.
I'm talking about the goverments around the world.
Governemts are like firms in my opinion. And firms have only one objective: maximise profits. And it's clear that there was a lot of money around Iraq like there is around the whole middle east. That is why it is so difficult to reach a conclusion to those issues. Money and religion.
The 2 evil doers of this world. Money and Religion.
Sounds like your a grand follower of Palast.
But that's my very conspiracy-theory-view of the world...
Interesting...if this is how you see the world why would you think diplomacy would ever work in any situation with a dictator? Ultimately all countries involved would be so for their own interests.