Rumor: Silicon Knights "We're dumping Unreal Engine 3"

Has Microsoft got somthing to do with it? Have they turned around to SK and said " tough shit your using UE3.0 " ? Afterall Microsoft paid them a huge amount of money for the trilogy :)
That would be great. Would give them some real incentive to make themselves free again, for a while.
you know, over the past week i've seen forum posts and even news sites pimping this story, and i really don't understand what the big deal is about. just because one developer decides a certain middleware package does or doesn't work for them means nothing in the grand scheme of things. and as long as a game is fun and looks good i could honestly care less what technology is powering it, beyond the simple geek curiosity that we all have. it's not like i wouldn't but a game if it didn't run on UE3, and i'm certainly not buying Too Human just because it's running on UE3. in fact, i'm not buying TH at all until i read 3 reviews that all say it's great. i respect SK to the fullest, but i think they sometimes have fantastic ideas that fail to be properly executed.
Yeah, Dyack's comment is a little suggestive that there perhaps was something to the story, but not to the extent initially reported. "rumors of Silicon Knights completely scrapping the Unreal Engine 3 on Too Human" etc. The MS comment also talks about reworking things etc. So wires probably got crossed somewhere.
I noticed that too. A significant code rewrite combined with a moderate delay would be possible according to Dyack's wording.
A few of you are stretching to link the rumors. They aren't ditching unreal 3 in favour of theiir own engine. End of story.

I had a feeling that modifying unreal 3 to suit thier needs wasn't ever an issue. The article seemed a bit odd to begin with. Throwing around words like "heavily modifying" still don't justify the accuracy of the original article.
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A few of you are stretching to link the rumors. They aren't ditching unreal 3 in favour of theiir own engine. End of story.

I had a feeling that modifying unreal 3 to suit thier needs wasn't ever an issue. The article seemed a bit odd to begin with. Throwing around words like "heavily modifying" still don't justify the accuracy of the original article.

Like Mark Rein said in the podcast Tatanio alluded to, team who attempt to use the UE engine before Epic has shipped their first game, typically have to start using their own code much earlier than would normally be the case.

Since TH has been in development for a year at this point, it's likely that the UE engine is extremely modified at this point.

I would wager this rumour started as an internal decision to re-write some fundamental aspect of the engine, that's the only way to explain the so-called 'confirmations' that many people reported from their sources.