Rumor: MS and Nintendo jointly develop next console

The guy is saying that the rumor is coming from Nintendo world a Brazilian site: Source : Nintendo World - Nintendo Magazine of Brazil

So rumors about rumors :)
Here the large rumour of the day launched nevertheless by the site Nintendo World (Official Nintendo Magazine of Brazil) which recall had diffused it the first image of Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes on GameCube a few months ago, according to Nintendo World, Nintendo is about to sign an agreement with Microsoft to develop a new console together... Without giving more precise details.

(Source: Nintendo World - Nintendo Magazine of Brazil)

"Babelfish English Translation
Nah, I went back home friday last week. :)


PS: the place you live/work... It's not exactly the prettiest part of the city I ever saw... *cough* *ahem* :)
Grall said:
Nah, I went back home friday last week. :)


PS: the place you live/work... It's not exactly the prettiest part of the city I ever saw... *cough* *ahem* :)

YEAH thats why i'm moving and starting a new job on the 11th :D
london-boy said:
Grall said:
Congrats! :) So where you heading next then?


HAMMERSMITH... heard of it?

Used to work in Hammersmith, one upon a time. To be fair it can hardly be called the prettiest part of London either!

Working for anyone interesting?
THANX notAfanB...

gonna be working in a medical insurance company. big international corporation, sounds good and it does have cool benefits apart from the money
london-boy said:
THANX notAfanB...

gonna be working in a medical insurance company. big international corporation, sounds good and it does have cool benefits apart from the money

Sounds good.

One day I hope to work for a company that offers "benefits". Sounds like an interesting concept to me rather than the "turn up, do your job, and be thankful you're getting fricking paid" approach.


Time to get drunk. ;)
Gerry said:
Sounds good.

One day I hope to work for a company that offers "benefits". Sounds like an interesting concept to me rather than the "turn up, do your job, and be thankful you're getting fricking paid" approach.


Time to get drunk. ;)

r u in london?
hammersmith aint THAT bad... always better than finsbury park.... :LOL:
any serious company gives some kind of benefit...
Two control-obsessed companies with completely different vision for consoles are going into joint development? History channel would need to update it's "Ten greatest man-made disasters of all time" documentary.
without considering the money MS wasted to buy Rare.... (it is rare isnt it? dont really follow nintendo stuff... talking the guys who made Perfect Dark)
MS wants it more than Nintendo; you guys know how damned stubborn Nintendo is.

It is feasible, too. Just not that much.
I said this awhile ago. Everyone said i was crazy. But now with nintendo and ms both going to ati . It just looks more and more likely. IF this does happen look to see a pure game console from nintendo and then the living room hub from ms. That way at launch they can have a 200$ system and say a 400$ system on sale.
ATI has made statements that they are independantly making two seperate chips for both MS and Nintendo, with different requirements and timetables. that makes me think this is unlikely (besides, why would Nintendo and MS want to share profits on a console? there's no advantage unless MS outright acquires Nintendo, which isn't likely)