Richard Hammond - ouch!

Ouch, according to wikipedia he was travelling at 280mph when the car crashed. Hope he comes out ok. If he is, you know damn we'll they have it on the show. There's no way they can resist showing a high speed jet powered car crash.

On a lighter note, here's the show where they take a caravan trip. I'm in tears every time I watch it, especially when James hits the post with the caravan.

Wiki also says that he's dead, but I'm holding out hope it just someone screwing around.

Yeah, it's gone. Sometimes I hate Wiki.
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most definately not dead yet, at least not according to any reputable news sources.

It's an odd one - he walked out of the crash and into the helicopter by all accounts, but is now critical. Maybe swelling in the brain or something, but either way he made it to hospital quickly so his chances are hopefully good.
According to the BBC, he was unconscious and trapped - so unless he came round and was easily freed, then there's still conflicting information going around.
Top Gear is such a lads having fun show with the 3 of them larking about in cars. I agree about the caravan incindent - soo funny. As was launching a nitrous powered mini off a ski jump. Even my wife loves watching it.

Hope he pulls through, not least for his two young kids :(
Jet powered cars... Yeah, I can see why those were a bad idea. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he makes it.
I hope he pulls through. Top Gear is a great show and the host dynamics is great, and losing Richard would be a big blow.
Fifth Gear doesn't hold a candle to Top Gear in terms of production values, entertainment and script, though Tiff Needell is a much better driver than Jeremy, Richard or Captain Slow.
According to Swedish media ( he has been up on his feet and walked a few stumbling steps. He smiles and talks. But is very dizzy, as if he was drunk.

I really hope he's going to get well.
I hope the little twit is OK. I find Top Gear irritating yet compelling viewing. Fundamentally though I wouldn't wish ill on any of the presenters (apart from perhaps the old "fleas of a thousand camels infesting your armpits" happening to Clarkson on live TV).

The b3ta FP is class beyond belief :D