Resitance Fall Of Man First Look Article + Gameplay Video

It looks good and it is a descent solution for the minority of fps players who dont like WW2 games.
But is hard to believe that it can compete COD3
Actually i believe that this is gonna be the the best seller fps for all 3 consoles this winter.
i disagree, resistence will not be the number 1 sold fps this christmas it'll be most likely the highest rated fps but when the installed user base is gonna be less than 2million (+ a high % of those will be in japan) no way is it gonna be the top seller.
the developers must be pissed, i know i would be in their boots.
here theyve made a '(ign)halo killer(/ign)' yet sony havent manufactured the consoles
i disagree, resistence will not be the number 1 sold fps this christmas it'll be most likely the highest rated fps but when the installed user base is gonna be less than 2million (+ a high % of those will be in japan)
I'm pretty sure I understand what you mean, but to be clear: a FPS shooter market is bascially NA until the EUR launch. JPN is a non-factor with regards to FPS, as far as I know.

I just drank another beer and I understood you a little more. :p How many until I completely grok zed-talk?
I'm pretty sure I understand what you mean, but to be clear: a FPS shooter market is bascially NA until the EUR launch. JPN is a non-factor with regards to FPS, as far as I know

Well but at least Insomniac does have a few robot spiders and futuristic weapons and such. So who knows it might help a tiny bit in Japan. :D

I think you guys are right that in general COD3 has the better papers, not necessarily because it's a better game, but much more because it's part 3 in a successful franchise. But it will be out much later than Resistance, I think, and especially among the PS3 crowd Insomniac has a very good rep which might help their sales also. In general, I think Resistance is the more impressive game technically, but COD will appeal to a lot of people (large existing fanbase) and it's a very mature, well evolved game.

I did like this part of the IGN preview:

IGN said:
In addition, the PS3 room had three screens outputting at 1080p, which looked simply awesome. As another quick gameplay note, the PS3 version was making basic use of the tilt functionality, having players melee attack by snapping their right hand forward in a elbowing motion. Team representatives said that PS3 tilt functionality would be improved in the final months before release, adding in the ability to lean around cover by simply tilting the controller from right to left, something that the Wii version is also currently making use of.

Note, by the way, that outputting at 1080p doesn't automatically mean native support, but it's interesting. But anyway, it's good to read that the sixaxis will be put to good use in this game. I'm sure it will set a precedent that will eventually lead to optimal of the sixaxis in FPS games.
Resistance has very good graphics.I think it looks on par with something like BIA3,an UE3-powered fps.

One thing that puzzles me though is that on all the videos that i've watched i just don't see this huge number of enemies on screen that peole have been talking about.The most enemies on screen that i've seen is four.It doesn't look like the Halo games in that particutar area,at all.You might be on a warzone,but i really don't see a battlefield full of enemies and soldiers.Funny how everybody is conviced that this has a ton of enemies on screen and mention that on other games' threads.Can someone point me to a video that shows,let's say,10 enemies on screen??

Other than that i will get this game when i buy the ps3 at the Eurpean aunch cause i like Sci-fi fps a lot.
One thing that puzzles me though is that on all the videos that i've watched i just don't see this huge number of enemies on screen that peole have been talking about.The most enemies on screen that i've seen is four.It doesn't look like the Halo games in that particutar area,at all.You might be on a warzone,but i really don't see a battlefield full of enemies and soldiers.Funny how everybody is conviced that this has a ton of enemies on screen and mention that on other games' threads.Can someone point me to a video that shows,let's say,10 enemies on screen??

At just over 1 minute into the big gamespot interview from a while back (my download file says 28-8) you enter a square with several of your own troops, and if you pause the game at exactly the right moment, you can in fact see, I think exactly, 10 enemies on screen at once. There are more people than that running around on that square though. Here I'm not tlaking of the scenes where you have between 20-40 of those wall-crawling scorpion-like beasties, but the main grunt ones.
Damn. No mouse/keyboard support...

Well that's ok as it's a console only title. On the other hand for titles that originate on the PC, I'm hoping they will allow for mouse/keyboard support - but I do think that his argument that you need to balance the game is valid, and I can see how that would make things harder. Though personally, I would just deal with it by allowing online games to specify certain control types only.

It's a shame though that the sixaxis came through so late. Apart from the oft-mentioned shaking, I can think of a great deal of nice ways to use the sixaxis in FPS games, but it looks like it came too early for Resistance. Maybe it will find its way into Ratchett, though, and it also looks like CoD3 is picking up on it, which is promising.
Totally. I think the PS3 controller (i refuse to call it with that stupid name) could be used for so many cool things in a fps, least of which very accurate aiming if done correctly...
but I do think that his argument that you need to balance the game is valid, and I can see how that would make things harder. Though personally, I would just deal with it by allowing online games to specify certain control types only.

Yes that could work, however they don't only need to worry about multiplayer game when they are balansing the game. Mouse and Keyboard can make a singleplayer game too easy compared to playing it with pad, I don't think that really is such a big problem, but I understand that the developers choose to make their games to use only one control method, thus shaving off little bit of extra work.
Some new vids (also discussed in the PS3 Billboard ad thread)...

Go to here playb3yond and enter the R:FoM codes found here The Human Super Computer on NeoGAF's Code Guide for some new vids.

They're not explicit in the "nathanhale" video but they say something like "The PS3 can output in 1080p". If R:FoM isn't 1080p it's mighty misleading of them to mention 1080p like that.

EDIT: Link fixed. Many thanks Zeckensack.
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Enter Ted Price using the codes. Interview.
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I think this is a new video.{58F7A24B-2BD0-47A8-8578-3238DE30B5DC}
the sense of scale is pretty crazy.

I think the only thing that bugs me is how friendly fire doesnt seem to affect anything. Theres no animation or audio after it happens. Other than that, game looks amazing. :)

I hope the setting is on ultra easy...because the AI seems down right stupid. Most of the time, they just stand and shoot. I wonder how does it compare to GRAW. GRAW's AI isn't anything to write about, but at least it ducks for cover and tries to out flank you.
I hope the setting is on ultra easy...because the AI seems down right stupid. Most of the time, they just stand and shoot. I wonder how does it compare to GRAW. GRAW's AI isn't anything to write about, but at least it ducks for cover and tries to out flank you.

They do duck, flank, hide behind cover, etc. Just not really shown in that specifc video. Theres a clip on a page or so back where one of the chimera actually ran away, made the player think he was gone or hiding, and soon as he walked through the doorway the chimera soldier jumped out and killed him.