Resistance reviewed again?

I think it's "heat of the moment", a new game is relased and it get good reviews. But after some time new games are released and the bar for games is upped a notched and the game is no longer as hot as it was before. Therefore it probably gets a lower score unless it became a classic from the start.

Agreed - but this was only a couple of months ago! :eek:

I thought the game deserved a 7-8 IMO. Then again the Eurogamers guys fell pretty hard for the e3 vids in '05 so they may be still basing their opinion on what they have been shown the system will do. :???:
The concolusion of the review explains the score - Resistance isn't doing anything new and the reviewer thinks Insomniac should be. Thus it's a mediocre score for a mediocre game (no different to other standard FPS fair) with mediocre graphics.

I beg to differ but that's my personal opinion... even if it's nothing new, Insomniac has covered the basics very well. Otherwise, they won't have such a strong userbase (See the GAF clan).

scooby dooby said:
How do you know what difficulty level he played at? He does say the 1st level was extremely hard.

By playing through the SP campaign twice... and seeing his note: "Like so many regulation, unambitious shooters, at no stage will the enemy consider chasing you down as you frantically retreat. They just sit waiting at their spawn point, ducking and firing, ducking and firing."

The above point is false (but more so on "Hard" mode). Even at normal difficulty, he probably didn't play the Cathedral level, the tunnels and the later ones.... or may be he forgot :D

The initial levels were hard for me because I had to get used to the new controls and the non-regenerating health. I am more used to Halo controls. But it's not really that difficult compared to later levels. So if he mentioned the above... I'd assume he will have no problem with the initial few levels.

In fact...

Review said:
But as many have noted, the game's best weapons are the real star of the online game, and make it a lot easier to tolerate the utter blandness of some of the maps. The balanced nature of the weaponry makes it an intriguing battle on some levels, with weapons like the Auger making it a real cat and mouse affair - especially with someone, say, capable of rebounding Hailstorm fire with skill.

That's Hailstorm with a capital H. Hailstorm is not available as an online weapon because it would be too powerful. I joked about it in the GAF forum twice. It makes me wonder how far he has played the MP game (if at all ? Should I trust his comments about blandness of some maps ? or is that an over-generalized statement that applies to any game ?).

I'm not interested to discredit the reviewer (further). I'll just say that a PS3 owner should give Resistance a good look, you may be surprised :)

TheChefO said:
Negative PR? The only "negative" I remember is people saying the game wasn't as good as the game of the year. That's hardly negative as every other game last year fell into the same category!

Not just that, there were also many who think that the art direction is lacking, graphics is last gen, concept is boring, ...

And what do you mean by "Resistance dominate in terms of smoothness and player activities"?

Do you mean frame/net dips and number of users online?

I'd have to say I haven't played Resistance online but I've not noticed a problem with Gears in "smoothness" or number of users online. So it would be difficult for me to imagine this game "dominating" Gears in these areas. Unless you mean other ps3 games?

:) I noticed it personally 3 times when playing Gears in game stores (The first two times someone else was playing, just in case I jinxed it). But this is a Resistance thread, so yes I like the framerate and all the intense activities happening at the same time.
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The problem would be that Resistance isn't a mediocre game with mediocre graphics.
That's still subjective though. If the reviewer felt Resistance wasn't doing anything new for FPSes, then perhaps it is a mediocre game from gameplay perspective?

As neither an FPS fan, nor having playefd Resistance, I can't offer my opinion. Although I do see an interesting need for diverse reviewing, with a hard-core enthusiast review and a disinterested party review. That'd give a perspective from both someone who plays lots of FPSes and compares this game to those, and a person who doesn't play FPSes to give a different perspective whether they enjoyed it or not. There might well be games that don't appeal to hardcore genre-enthusiasts who have seen it all before, but add something different to non-genre enthusiasts that it'd be worth them checking the title out. Certainly from what I've read, there's a part of me that wouldn't mind giving this title a try. That's very different to my usual reaction to shooters, so perhaps even as a mediocre shooter, it'd have lots of appeal for those normally not interested in shooters? Then it would warrant a totally different score for a different audience.
Is the AI really as bad as he describes it? Because if so, it's worse than it just not doing anything new,but not doing things done 6 years ago (halo) which is pretty unacceptable.

Say what you will about gears, but at least the enemies are fairly intelligent (still worse than halo though). AI makes or breaks a shooter everytime imo.

I don't know what particular part of the AI your asking about (I can't remember the entire review)...

If he says the game is too easy, he was likely playing on a setting that was too easy -- AI isn't stupid and definitely does smart things (like flanking you if you sit around, and smart use of grenades and the variety of weapons they are given). I was as happy with it -- probably comparable to Gears AI... neither was the most amazing, but neither was bad... it put up a fight and didn't do stupid things (I can't remember as well for GoW, since I haven't replayed it since the first time -- been too busy).
I'm not interested to discredit the reviewer. I'll just say that a PS3 owner should give Resistance a good look, you may be surprised :)

That goes without saying, but I suspect the intention of this thread was to draw the typical crowd together for the typical reasons. Half the people discussing Resistance in this thread don't own a PS3 and don't like Sony. "Look, I found a bad review for a flagship PS3 game, but I play ignorance and post it as an honest question".

Resistance, like 99% of all games is a evolution, not a revolution. It doesn't redefine the genre but it does everything right and is fun online and off. It it was a multi-platform game it would be a huge hit, but it's PS3 only and as with anything related to Sony that puts a bullseye on it.
Not just that, there were also many who think that the art direction is lacking, graphics is last gen, concept is boring, ...

:) I noticed it personally 3 times when playing Gears in game stores (The first two times someone else was playing, just in case I jinxed it). But this is a Resistance thread, so yes I like the framerate and all the intense activities happening at the same time.

Ive only heard good things about the graphics with some even claiming better than Gears. :???:
Art direction/Inspired ... I've heard mixed reviews there.

Your personal anecdotal evidence is hardly proof of "dominate" but I'll just say I'm happy Resistance plays well online for you. Welcome to the club. :smile:

Resistance, like 99% of all games is a evolution, not a revolution. It doesn't redefine the genre but it does everything right and is fun online and off. It it was a multi-platform game it would be a huge hit, but it's PS3 only and as with anything related to Sony that puts a bullseye on it.

I thought it was a good game from the little time I had with it. Like you said "evolutionary not revolutionary".
TheChefO said:
Ive only heard good things about the graphics with some even claiming better than Gears. :???:

... if you say so...

Your personal anecdotal evidence is hardly proof of "dominate" but I'll just say I'm happy Resistance plays well online for you. Welcome to the club. :smile:

I'm just summarizing the response over at GAF regarding Resistance's smooth, 40-player MP games.

What club ?
I'm just summarizing the response over at GAF regarding Resistance's smooth, 40-player MP games.

What club ?

Wow - 40 players online and smooth??? That is something to write home about! I get one bad apple in a group of 8 and I'm done! :devilish:

The club of happy online console players of course. :smile:
Wow - 40 players online and smooth??? That is something to write home about! I get one bad apple in a group of 8 and I'm done! :devilish:

The club of happy online console players of course. :smile:

Resistance is server based online, GoW is P2P. Although CoD3 is P2P with 24 players and is a hoot!

but I agree... online console gaming is good for everybody... welcome to the club patsu! :smile:
Here is a mini counter-review from someone freshly finished the game.

Graphics: Some environments were beautiful and flawless, I can even say best I have seen. Some not so much. Weather effects were pretty good though. My main problem was with the lack of soft shadows on characters.

Level Design: Mostly non-repetitive which is very big plus but for some reason overlooked. Linear though. Lot's of stressful levels.

AI: As good as mindless remote controlled creatures should be. Many of them end up being noticeable smarter later in the game (they evolve). I say any smarter would make the game unnecessarily difficult. Unfortunately they always make stupid animal sounds which ruins the surprise when you are approaching to their location. Funny thing is humans are dumber than enemy. Collaborative AI would be cool, I hope Halo 3 bring something new to table.

Weapons: Unbeatable of course. Tag was useful and fun for attacking from distance without sniper rifle, and were fighting against bigger foes. Bullseye weapon without tagging is like power without control. Clearly is a must have in MP. Mines were great too, which is where you sense platformer history of Insomniac I guess. (Disclaimer: haven't played any R&C yet but definitely will do before Tools of Destruction)

Story: Makes you follow but overall just a big cliffhanger. You only learn what is happening, no idea why.

MP: Will try cooperative mode soon but online is really good. Among free-for-alls, conversion mode is especially innovative. Missing online coop is the price of dedicated servers I assume (where is p2p?).

Overall while gameplay was great, the whole package made me feel like either it was somewhat rushed or Insomniac didn't aim high enough. That said, the only real negative for me was lack of innovative enemies. Still I didn't get bored at any point which is impressive as even Half-Life 2 failed time to time. I don't even like monster shooters normally.
That's still subjective though. If the reviewer felt Resistance wasn't doing anything new for FPSes, then perhaps it is a mediocre game from gameplay perspective?

As neither an FPS fan, nor having playefd Resistance, I can't offer my opinion. Although I do see an interesting need for diverse reviewing, with a hard-core enthusiast review and a disinterested party review. That'd give a perspective from both someone who plays lots of FPSes and compares this game to those, and a person who doesn't play FPSes to give a different perspective whether they enjoyed it or not. There might well be games that don't appeal to hardcore genre-enthusiasts who have seen it all before, but add something different to non-genre enthusiasts that it'd be worth them checking the title out. Certainly from what I've read, there's a part of me that wouldn't mind giving this title a try. That's very different to my usual reaction to shooters, so perhaps even as a mediocre shooter, it'd have lots of appeal for those normally not interested in shooters? Then it would warrant a totally different score for a different audience.

But sometimes I wonder when the subjective point of view is used for political motives. That makes things suck that much more for actually give the game its due. You could at times hear it in the tone and message of the letter. Sometimes it is that these reviewers are being paid under the table for their proper word. If there is alot of it... plain out propaganda. 2cents.
But sometimes I wonder when the subjective point of view is used for political motives. That makes things suck that much more for actually give the game its due. You could at times hear it in the tone and message of the letter. Sometimes it is that these reviewers are being paid under the table for their proper word. If there is alot of it... plain out propaganda. 2cents.

Judging from the articles these guys spit out around e3 2005, I don't think you could call them biased against Sony in that manor. Perhaps bitter at Sony that they were made fools of after the truth came out about that event...
...or just irresponsible reviews (They are hurting Sony *and* Insomniac). We'll never know the truth so I'm not going to waste time on it.

betan said:

Thanks for the mini review :) It shows that you've indeed played through the game.

*If* you like Resistance, you should join a clan next :D
The team games carry RoFM beyond hectic shooting, sniping and strafing.

By now, many experienced clans have evolved their own strategies online. It's interesting/fun to see how they play out against each other in team objective games.

Level Design: Mostly non-repetitive which is very big plus but for some reason overlooked. Linear though. Lot's of stressful levels.

Definitely, during my second play-through, I took the time to visit different locations because they are varied and detailed. I also experimented with different killing techniques (e.g., using Sapper to lay traps/mines).

AI: As good as mindless remote controlled creatures should be. Many of them end up being noticeable smarter later in the game (they evolve). I say any smarter would make the game unnecessarily difficult. Unfortunately they always make stupid animal sounds which ruins the surprise when you are approaching to their location. Funny thing is humans are dumber than enemy. Collaborative AI would be cool, I hope Halo 3 bring something new to table.

:D The groans made me jump sometimes (in close quarters). In "Hard" (later levels), the Chimeras will strafe, hide, dodge, rest, take hidden/alternate routes, lay down cover fire, and even charge in groups when I'm hiding (recovering health point). Their Auger, Bullseye and grenade combo can be a real pain. This is excluding encounters with the large monsters.

The Chimeras are not always smart, but they are not stupid either. Most of the time, I can see through their plans. In 2-3 places, I fell for them. They will also come for me when I made a mistake. In one game, I tried to trick the Chimera AI, but was out-menuveured (Just one Hybrid sneaked past the choke point and circled behind me when I ducked under cover to regain some health point).

Sometimes, the level is set up with one party as decoy, while the other waiting to ambush me. Sometimes, the same guy/party moved from one point to another to keep me guessing. Sometimes they just tear down the path/door to seek me out. Sometimes it's just wide open space with a healthy serving of incoming fire.

Overall while gameplay was great, the whole package made me feel like either it was somewhat rushed or Insomniac didn't aim high enough. That said, the only real negative for me was lack of innovative enemies. Still I didn't get bored at any point which is impressive as even Half-Life 2 failed time to time. I don't even like monster shooters normally.

Initially I find the levels too short (and it seems they have to use cinematics to tie them together)... but my perception changed right after I jumped into the Chimeran tunnels. They are prettier than London and tougher/longer. I also find it amusing that the Menials will carry on their daily chore if you don't reveal yourself to them.
Thanks for the mini review :) It shows that you've indeed played through the game.
My pleasure. I hope and expect to see SW Jedi Knights style gameplay with levelups in the Rise of Man. Skill points put to good use, ingeniously implemented mind control, human enemies and new set of creative levels would make dream come true. Better dynamic lighting would be a bonus as well.
*If* you like Resistance, you should join a clan next :D
The team games carry RoFM beyond hectic shooting, sniping and strafing.
Sure of it. You guys all have headsets now in your clan(s)?
By now, many experienced clans have evolved their own strategies online. It's interesting/fun to see how they play out against each other in team objective games.
But that's also a problem for a late comer like myself.
Fortunately matchmaking is pretty good (at least for free-for-all).
Definitely, during my second play-through, I took the time to visit different locations because they are varied and detailed. I also experimented with different killing techniques (e.g., using Sapper to lay traps/mines).

:D The groans made me jump sometimes (in close quarters). In "Hard" (later levels), the Chimeras will strafe, hide, dodge, rest, take hidden/alternate routes, lay down cover fire, and even charge in groups when I'm hiding (recovering health point). Their Auger, Bullseye and grenade combo can be a real pain. This is excluding encounters with the large monsters.

The Chimeras are not always smart, but they are not stupid either. Most of the time, I can see through their plans. In 2-3 places, I fell for them. They will also come for me when I made a mistake. In one game, I tried to trick the Chimera AI, but was out-menuveured (Just one Hybrid sneaked past the choke point and circled behind me when I ducked under cover to regain some health point).

Sometimes, the level is set up with one party as decoy, while the other waiting to ambush me. Sometimes, the same guy/party moved from one point to another to keep me guessing. Sometimes they just tear down the path/door to seek me out. Sometimes it's just wide open space with a healthy serving of incoming fire.

Initially I find the levels too short (and it seems they have to use cinematics to tie them together)... but my perception changed right after I jumped into the Chimeran tunnels. They are prettier than London and tougher/longer. I also find it amusing that the Menials will carry on their daily chore if you don't reveal yourself to them.

I really liked level variety and adequate length. It adds a lot of replay value.

Main reason game felt rushed was because of the discontinuity between levels. I don't remember much cinematics either, just a few pictures and a nice voice over.
My pleasure. I hope and expect to see SW Jedi Knights style gameplay with levelups in the Rise of Man. Skill points put to good use, ingeniously implemented mind control, human enemies and new set of creative levels would make dream come true. Better dynamic lighting would be a bonus as well.

I'm more a gameplay person... so online co-op or other new game mechanics/modes for me !

Sure of it. You guys all have headsets now in your clan(s)?

Not all. I have one but I usually turn off my mic because I have a kid in the house :)

But that's also a problem for a late comer like myself.
Fortunately matchmaking is pretty good (at least for free-for-all).

I think it's still separate servers for different regions now. I heard they will combine them some day, so you still have a window.

I really liked level variety and adequate length. It adds a lot of replay value.

Main reason game felt rushed was because of the discontinuity between levels. I don't remember much cinematics either, just a few pictures and a nice voice over.

Yes... the cinematics and the levels at the beginning are not long, so it felt disruptive to me. Subsequently, they nailed the pace so it was good. Agree with the replay value too.
I actually played it for a good while yesterday, and I don't think the reviews were honest at all.
The graphics are amazing. Sure the test can be rigged. Inside that church the floor is intact and hence flat (just don't mention that three minutes later you're outside again!). While crawling around in a tunnel, it looks just like a tunnel (just don't mention that three minutes later you're back in the shiny-to-stained tiled walls of a lab corridor and get to see the best real-time breaking-glass simulation of your life). Duh!

But if you look at the large portions of the game that take place outside, among ruined human towns, on the outskirts of towns, interspersed with Chimeran machinery, this is world-beating stuff. The foliage is the best I've ever seen, it's better than Oblivion, better than Gothic, better than anything else that runs in real-time and is available now period. The amount of detail is absurd (same goes for all the rubble, cars, broken-down balconies, stuff in the bare environments (speaking of vegetation here). The skin rendering is really convincing, too, IMO. The game has in-game cut-scenes (which reviewers tend to ignore to ramble in a more focused fashion about the 2D interludes), and this is where it's appreciated the most.

Some reviewers just didn't get the weapons. No, the alien rifle is not the same generic assault rifle, and tagging isn't just a five-minute gimmick, the reviewer just didn't get it! The human rifle is precise, instant-hit but has limited range. The alien rifle has low accuracy, and bullet speed is limited, but they come out faster and go for a long range. You use the tag mode to turn the alien rifle into a precise long-range weapon, beyond the human assault rifle's capabilities. See?
Every weapon makes sense. They all fill their own niche.

Story continuity: it, err, is better than you were told. In many cases the levels are rightly stitched together, you're taken out of it for a cut-scene and dropped back in, at the same spot, just with the path backwards closed off now. I agree that the fade-out is awkward, it feels like you're being knocked out by an anesthesist or something, while your control and vision are slowly taken away. Very poor choice for a transition IMO, because people instinctively resist (no pun intended) such loss of presence. Otherwise the story is definitely par for the course.

Let me put it this way: the ball is in Bungie's court.
  • enemy design and variety
  • weapon design
  • level design
  • match-making system
  • a single-player campaign that doesn't suck
  • graphics
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Let me put it this way: the ball is in Bungie's court.
  • enemy design and variety
  • weapon design
  • level design
  • match-making system
  • a single-player campaign that doesn't suck
  • graphics

Not to say anything negative about this game is it is clearly one of if not the best on ps3, but:

You don't honestly think people will be holding this game up as a standard for Halo3 to meet do you?


I think this game will be the furthest thing from peoples minds when Halo3 comes out. Gears, yeah maybe a bit. KZ2... yeah quite a bit. Anything else... not so much.
