Resistance: FOM fits on a standard DVD, Blu-Ray game uses 17gb of garbage padding!

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Yeah, that statement was either so advanced that we didn't get it, or the guy seems to be awfully confused:D

I think the answer may lie in seek times. As I understand it, one of the big drawbacks of CLV is lower seek times. I'm guessing that must be due to the higher RPM's towards the centre of the track, if that's true, it makes sense that the seek times might be better at the edges of the disc where the RPM's are lower.
Nope, other way around. Faster read times on the edge of the disc because the velocity is higher the further away you are from center.

In other words, you have to have higher RPM as the head moves towards the center of the disc to have the same read speeds throughout.

Why resistance would need to push stuff to the edges, that I dunno as I though the BR drive was CLV.

It is CLV. What is somewhat strange is that there is 30MB padding between each FMV file. The spacing doesn't really make sense. If they just wanted to push it out to the edge, they would throw all the padding at the beginning and then the data after that. This padding really seems like redundant use of space. Maybe it is something used to make seek times smaller, due to some quirk with the blu-ray design (or maybe the padding is duplicated data, so no matter where the laser is, it potentially takes less time to reach the desired address).

edit: hah scooby you beat me to it, though I'm not sure I buy that the seek times are lower at the edge of the disc (and I think you meant that one of the drawbacks of CLV is higher seek times :)). I'm guessing that redundant data is always going to be useful on optical media because seek times will always be high. And btw, as RPM's climb, seek times should fall.
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I'm still lost as to when Insomniac or Sony or anybody else said that the game took up 22 GB. I only recall some purported 'insider' guy on a forum claiming he'd heard or seen that the game was taking up x amount. And I'm pretty sure everybody with any sense was certain that they were including things like bonus content, FMV and so on.
I'm still lost as to when Insomniac or Sony or anybody else said that the game took up 22 GB. I only recall some purported 'insider' guy on a forum claiming he'd heard or seen that the game was taking up x amount. And I'm pretty sure everybody with any sense was certain that they were including things like bonus content, FMV and so on.

Here's your answer:
The 20Gb debate

The second topic that has been surfacing a lot lately is our support of Blu-ray as a medium. Yes it is true - we are currently using more than 20 gigs
. And yes, we do compress our level data. The fact that we store so much on disc is actually not that surprising when you look at the numbers. Consider that even with compression, each of our “levelsâ€￾ (or loaded areas) has more than 300 megs of unique data. And keep in mind that we’re also streaming data during level playthroughs. It doesn't take too much level data before you've gone past what can be stored on a dual-layer DVD. And between single player and multiplayer we have a lot of level data (over 40 different large loaded areas) – yes, more than will fit on a dual layer DVD.

We also include a lot of data in the form of game movies in both HD and PAL formats, high quality audio streams for all supported languages and some of those Insomniac “extrasâ€￾ that our fans have come to expect.

I realize that some people will still be skeptical unless we provide an actual layout of the disc. But for now I wanted to give you some better info.
Ted Price did say 22Gb at some point, but then brought it down more recently to 16Gb.
Do we have an official confirmation that the PS3 uses a CLV (only) Drive? Cause IMHO thats nonsense.
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Gaming blog, inaccurate post from a forum used as source, yet another debate about the need or not of optical media capable of stocking more than DVD9 do, lock.
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