Resistance: Fall of Man update! BIG READ , come inside!

I do think that people who wait out in the cold, or go to great lenght to secure a console, and spend $700-800 on launch day do want to justify their purchase with something that is not available on the other platforms.

I know I would.

Something needs to justify the purchase now, otherwise why not wait until March to pick one up? You would save yourself alot of hassle.

Those people who wait out in the cold are the die hard PS fans. They'd walk through hell to get one. They want the console even if it had only one game. I to went to great lengths to make sure I could get a PS3 come launch and it wasn't because of just the launch games. If all the launch games sucked I wouldn't think that that would mean the PS3 sucked and wasn't worth what I paid for it. I also went to great lengths to get a 360. Was I impressed by the games I got for it. Not really. Does that mean the 360 sucks. Of course not.
Its a luxury item. People will get it if they want it. Some people think spending only 200 dollars on a console is nuts too. Hey I think spending 500 bucks on a pair of shoes is nuts myself, but hey to each his own.
[edit]This is in reply to scooby.

Hmm, I'm not one to buy consoles at launch, but if you're going to get it anyway before the first price drop - eg. for Motorstorm - then wouldn't it make sense to get it as early as possible if you get even a little enjoyment out of it before your actual "reason" is ready?

Hell, if I'll be in a spending mood and if the linux scene really starts to rock I may get it and buy the first game a year or more later, ie. when WKS or FF is released :D
[edit]This is in reply to scooby.

Hmm, I'm not one to buy consoles at launch, but if you're going to get it anyway before the first price drop - eg. for Motorstorm - then wouldn't it make sense to get it as early as possible if you get even a little enjoyment out of it before your actual "reason" is ready?

Hell, if I'll be in a spending mood and if the linux scene really starts to rock I may get it and buy the first game a year or more later, ie. when WKS or FF is released :D

In principle I agree, but it depends how much of a hassle it is to get one, in this case, only 400k for all of NA, or less, it will be a major PITA.
"I've been waiting to see more of the Docu-cam shake for years and the only game with good implementation of it may be GOW which is an FPS disguised as a third-person game."

"Definitely. The best efforts on organic movement to date have been a bizarre 'clown's unicycle' bobbing motion as you run. It's not even a hard thing do, so I'm surprised it's as unnatural as it is."

There no docu-cam shake in FPSes when you run because you don't carry your head in your hand.

Your body is biomechanically engineered to keep your head as steady as possible when walking, running or whatever.

The problem comes from the lack of total movements possible within a game. Your range of motion or movements totally suck in video games, which is understandable because there is no economical way to control all the natural movement capable by a human being.

But a good implemented docu-cam shake is more important than a realistic docu-cam shake becouse in the end it is about giving the player the same feel as when you watch a good WW2 movie with docu-cam shake, in short a cinematic feeling!
Resistance and Genji are what I'm picking up for sure (I liked Genji 1 for some reason!).
You're not alone man, I really liked the first one and wish it could hit HDTV res's (would be the icing on the cake), and now it can with genji 2. Can't beat twice the content of the orginal either. I think people underrate genji because of its lackluster showing when it first was shown (massive damage stuff you know), but its looking better each time they show it and I cant wait to try it out.

but yeah, that was off topic, I just had to share what I thought about it. :)
Hell, if I'll be in a spending mood and if the linux scene really starts to rock I may get it and buy the first game a year or more later, ie. when WKS or FF is released :D
I believe you are obliged to place Heavenly Sword on that list, or be smote with divine forum wrath. ;)


Whatevah. seems to have some hi-def shaky-cam videos of the game from some conference in France.

In no where in that video did you see an emeny making a melee attack and roaming with a nice animation like in 2005, why, WHY!? Are they even capable of opening their mouths now? They are static as hell, just taking randomly small steps, barely reacting when being shot...


Should I expect anything after release?
In no where in that video did you see an emeny making a melee attack and roaming with a nice animation like in 2005, why, WHY!? Are they even capable of opening their mouths now? They are static as hell, just taking randomly small steps, barely reacting when being shot...


Should I expect anything after release?

Are you talking about the guys that Jump on you or what? Wait til you have the game on your system and rate it then.
In no where in that video did you see an emeny making a melee attack and roaming with a nice animation like in 2005, why, WHY!? Are they even capable of opening their mouths now? They are static as hell, just taking randomly small steps, barely reacting when being shot...


Should I expect anything after release?

there are some new screens, but there're nothing good..
I ment these guys. Look at the 2005 trailer and you'll see what I mean.

I hope they will improve it upon release, it's just that, it's not even a month left.

If I'm not mistaken there have been videos showing the guy getting a bit too close to these guys and them whacking him up. I haven't checked the new playsyde video for resistance nor do I remember what the 2005 trailer looked like (some of it though). I think this game has achieved its 2005 trailer and surpassed it, perhaps some animations haven't surpassed it but we will see how the final product looks on our TV's. Its not long people, get ready! :) (Except for us europeans.) :(
I can only say that those screenshots do not do this game justice. I was one who criticised this game for having really disgusting textures from the very start. From recent videos, I can say my doubts have been for nothing because they either fixed it up or the screenshots I saw were simply garbage (as are these).
Sankari said:
Are you talking about the guys that Jump on you or what?

I think he means this melee animation.
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yeah its very cool but i dont thing that you will see exactly the same animation in this game.
Anyway if you like this kind of smashing animations i recommend you try Condemned. :smile: