Resistance: Fall of Man update! BIG READ , come inside!

Well....try this test: Set any PC game(HL2,doom3,quake,ect..)you have to run at 30fps(max detail,ect...), now set the game to run 60fps(adjust resolution, affects water quality, ect...)

I think the majority of gamers want 60+ frames per second.....but I could be wrong. :)

oh, don't get me wrong the more fps (stably) the better!
You mean solid 60 fps ;)
I'd take higher resolution at 30 fps. 60 fps looks slick, but 30 is very useable and allows for more eyecandy. Higher resolutions make a big difference when viewing objects at a distance too, so actually affects gameplay to a degree.

As long as a game never drops below 30 fps (or better yet, either locked absolutely to 30 fps or 60 fps) I'd be happy.

Yeah, with PC games I've had the luxury and the ability to control the gameplay/graphic(maybe I'm a control freak? :) )
I adjust the system for graphics or gameplay.....maybe consoles aren't for me. :( :)

Sorry for the off topic rant.

Resistance does look fun!
Insomniac lack coding skills and experience??? :oops:
I am not talking generally. It was their first game for ps3 , no ? So they were noobs :D
I believe that if they ever decide to come with a second shooter , it will be alot better than their first one. And cod2 -> cod3 prove this point.
Just beat the game. Ending is dissapointing, they leave too much open to "Play teh sequel!" They dont explain Chimera, though its heavily hinted at.

That said the game was a lot of fun but began to drag near the end. It ended shortly after I got a bit bored with it so thats good I suppose. Not too long not too short ;)

If I had to compre Gears and this Id say I like Gears more simply for the fact that I love the cover system. It took a little bit to adjust back to a traditional FPS after playing Gears. Thats not to say this is a bad game, infact Id say its the best launch title for the PS3. Id give it an 8.5 ;)
Just beat the game. Ending is dissapointing, they leave too much open to "Play teh sequel!" They dont explain Chimera, though its heavily hinted at.

That said the game was a lot of fun but began to drag near the end. It ended shortly after I got a bit bored with it so thats good I suppose. Not too long not too short ;)

If I had to compre Gears and this Id say I like Gears more simply for the fact that I love the cover system. It took a little bit to adjust back to a traditional FPS after playing Gears. Thats not to say this is a bad game, infact Id say its the best launch title for the PS3. Id give it an 8.5 ;)

Have you tried out the online? Everyone keeps saying the online simply kicksass. Good to know it has nice single player aswell but for me its online where its at in FPS games.
I dont really like multiplayer anything. Its just mindless DM. Its sorta fun but then you realize theres no point to it. I stopped caring about online multiplayer a long time ago. It doesnt help that almost everyone on XBL is a jackass who trash talks. Co-op is what I like in multiplayer.
I've always been a console gamer, but recently decided to try out PC gaming (because a workmate bragged on about Battlefield 2) and I must say; FPS without a k/b & mouse support is lunacy! Why this game doesn't incorporate that, I really can't understand that! Would it have meant more dev time? More cost? Because with the PS3's native k/b & mouse support, I thought it would've been a no-brainer!

Anyways, I would still pick this up not because of the lack of quality titles on PS3 but because of the outstanding reviews it's been receiving. Can't wait to play it...although I'm forced to! March launch is evil!
Most relaistic glass ever seen in a game?


Now THAT is broken glass! Is there a video of someone shooting out the glass? That'll be fun to do actually!
Yeah, this is really the best looking glass I've seen in a game. They did a really nice job on that and I hope more dev's follow their lead.
In regards to the best FPS to use for a game, as always it depends on the game. Of course we would all love a solid 60FPS but sometimes the tradeoffs for this would be too high for a particular type of game. Just as a broad generalisation i would say the following should be aimed for based on genre;
Racing Games: 60FPS
Sports Games :60FPS
First Person Shoter: 30FPS
In regards to the best FPS to use for a game, as always it depends on the game. Of course we would all love a solid 60FPS but sometimes the tradeoffs for this would be too high for a particular type of game. Just as a broad generalisation i would say the following should be aimed for based on genre;
Racing Games: 60FPS
Sports Games :60FPS
First Person Shoter: 30FPS

I would put FPS at 60fps as well, 30 feels sluggish when you try and turn fast, but I guess thats not much of an issue with consoles since you would be limited by the analog stick anyway
60, 30 20 10, who cares!?!

As long as the game is fun, doesn't make me sick(motion sickness), and is smooth. I don't really care about the numbers.

Resistance is smooth.

Please warn when posting spoilers...especially ending spoilers..if you could edit your post above great.

Man I've been playing nothing but MP. Trying to get my rank up on ranked servers. I'm loving it. If any of you have resistance add me to your buddy list, Bad_Boy is my playstation ID. :)