Resident Evil 5

That's ridiculous. RE5 totally feels like an RE game, even with the changes. The core mechanic is the same in all of them: You stand in place and shoot and slow deliberate moviing enemies. What other game does this?

Zombies are actually humans infected by the Las Plagas parasite and turned into majini. According to the RE5 files in the game (as agame reviewer shouldn't you have read this?):

The parasite attaches itself to a human host and is assimilated by the centeral nervous system. Infected humans lose all rational thinking facilities and are wholly subject to control by another type of Plaga known as control Plaga (usually another infected human). Hosts may lack rational thought function, but they still retain human-level intelligence such as the ability to understand and communicate with each other. They can also use tools and are surprisingly crafty when working in groups against an enemy.

There's your explanation right there why zombies can be so dumb and at the same time appear to have high level functions.

I know - because they aren't zombies. That's my point. So there is no excuse for them being as stupid as they are - at least, they could have done much more with them. They don't work well in groups; their AI is of the very much limited PS2 level AI. This problem is mainly evident in latter levels. The first two chapters are the best in the game - very unique and great when the zombies follow you on the roofs.

Do I need a second player ? or is the SP good enough ?

I'll play with you.
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I don't see any problem with the AI in later levels. The regular enemies still follow you around including the non-entrenched soldiers. The AI is correct for the type of enemiy they are. In fact even from the start some enemies will try to dodge your targeting laser when you aim at their head.

RudeCurve, I am looking for a game to buy. The following was an earlier conversation in this thread:

What is great about RE5 ? Do I need a second player to enjoy it ?

What is great about RE5? The whole game just read any review from the major game sites. Funny that Dead Space was brought up to supposedly point to it's superior controls yet when I played DS the controls sucked despite being able to aim and move. In fact the aiming has no weight at all, it felt like I was controlling the aim with a mouse in a PC game.

Do I need a second player ? or is the SP good enough ?

That depends on you, SP is fun but coop is more fun, nothing beats a human controlled partner. I've had great fun playing with complete strangers online after completing the game in SP. Some people prefer to play the game the first time in SP, others prefer to do it with another player. Even if you don't like scary games and you might not find the game scary but it's still a very fun action game. It's just a fun TPS. If this is your first time playing an RE game then I'd suggest you leave the control layout at the default D type, but adjust the aiming speed to fastest. From there you're going to need some practice with the controls because you're going to need to know how to move around effectively without getting hurt. When you unlock the Mercenaries mode, it's better to play with a partner.
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What is great about RE5? The whole game just read any review from the major game sites.

Apart from Eurogamer, 1up, Edge, G4TV, CVG...

But yes it's had lots of very good reviews and it's certainly an enjoyable game. Especially in co-op. But don't expect puzzles or discovery.
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The game is good but hardly a classic. You probably enjoy it once or twice and throw it away. Co-op is much more fun than single player, because it was built for it. One of the things I hated in the game was that you could never count on the computer to "Have your back" she was always slow to react even when they were right next to you.

Even if they say resident evil is over , I doubt it is. It brings alot of cash to the company and no wonder. If they decide to do another Resident evil, I hope they go with the zombies again.
Well, i loved the game. I actually finished it the day it was released.

Apart from the generally bad and completely uninteresting story (though very well presented with mostly nicely done cutscenes), the game was good. It didn't have the charm of 4, and almost all the supporting characters were put there for the sole reason of turning at some point in the game into illogically big monsters with a lot of tentacles, but in the end it was a better game than most. It certainly had the graphics, atmosphere and tension, together with some very interesting bosses and lesser "fiends" (lol).

Final question. How long are the boss fights ? (Is it overly difficult from your point of view ?)
[size=-2]I had already made the assumption that the levels are well-paced given the developers' experiences in the series[/size]
I found this game luckluster and overhyped.. Graphics are good. Gameplay is linear, non-scary, and short. RE4 notwithstanding, the control scheme and mechanics in this game are just bad in my eyes.

I don't "Feel" like the character I'm controlling is an extension of my body- (Unlike, say, Uncharted, Gears 2, and FPS games). I feel like I'm constantly wrestling with Chris to make him shoot, then move etc. Bleh.
Final question. How long are the boss fights ? (Is it overly difficult from your point of view ?)
[size=-2]I had already made the assumption that the levels are well-paced given the developers' experiences in the series[/size]

The boss fights depend completely on what weapons you use. Rocket launcher and the boss fights last around 1,5 seconds.
I know - because they aren't zombies. That's my point. So there is no excuse for them being as stupid as they are - at least, they could have done much more with them. They don't work well in groups; their AI is of the very much limited PS2 level AI. This problem is mainly evident in latter levels. The first two chapters are the best in the game - very unique and great when the zombies follow you on the roofs.

What's your point? The enemies are dumb by design and the game go so far to tell you exactly why. You're just being obtuse and trying to turn the game into something it isnt. Accept that this is how the Resident Evil universe has always been or do yourself a favor and get rid of the game because no amount of complaining will change what is a fundamental core of the game design.
The enemy AI definitely isn't good, but with the history as a zombie franchise and moving onto "infected", I don't think AI is really an expectation. You know, wild maniacs don't really plot or use much in the way of tactics.

I think it's more an issue of whether the game succeeds under the confines of the genre, and I think it does, but to each his own.

Deepbrown is right about puzzles. There aren't any. The series has definitely taken a turn toward action, starting with 4. 5 really is an action game, start to finish. If you haven't played 4, you might be surprised how much the series has changed. If you played 4 and didn't like it because of the changes, you'll probably like 5 even less.

Complaints about linearity ... I'm not sure how linear became a bad word. The game is very linear, but it's paced well, the bosses and mini-bosses are pretty cool. There are some very nice levels and interesting environments. I thought there was a good variety in the levels.
The boss fights depend completely on what weapons you use. Rocket launcher and the boss fights last around 1,5 seconds.

This is not a very good explanation at all. In fact the (infinite) rocket launcher isn't even available during the initial playthrough. The rocket launcher also defeats any challenge to "fighting" a boss. Really the sole purpose of the rocket launcher is to basically allow you to rush through the game and kill the bosses with one or two hits so you could quickly move to the next stage.

Final question. How long are the boss fights ? (Is it overly difficult from your point of view ?)
[size=-2]I had already made the assumption that the levels are well-paced given the developers' experiences in the series[/size]

The boss fights are not overly difficult on Normal on a first playthrough. Some are more difficult than others. Personally I had the most trouble with the last boss because I tried to kill it using a brute force method. That said some bosses or minibosses will take awhile and lots of ammo to defeat if you use a brute force approach, however if you take advantage of your surroundings and use the "special technique" that is hinted at for each boss then they will be easier to defeat.
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Okay, doesn't sound like an overly hardcore game. I'll take a closer look.

I'll play with you.

Cool, although I prefer we gang up in some FPS first (KZ2 or R2).

Quite a few things going on right now, plus I'm trying to catch up on Heroes Season 3 in the background. My playtime is practically zero these days. [size=-2]Waiting eagerly for Patapon 2 and curious to see inFamous, Fat Princess[/size]
This is not a very good explanation at all. In fact the (infinite) rocket launcher isn't even available during the initial playthrough. The rocket launcher also defeats any challenge to "fighting" a boss. Really the sole purpose of the rocket launcher is to basically allow you to rush through the game and kill the bosses with one or two hits so you could quickly move to the next stage.

Indeed it isn't. However its true that how long the boss fights last is depending on your weapon. Magnum and you can pretty much 3-4 shot most bosses. Professional is the only level that gives challenging bosses simply because of the 1 hit kill method. Well not every boss kills you with 1 hit but most of them do. This is what the infinite rocket launcher is for. To get past professional mode. you won't do it with your handgun I promise. :D
Actually the Magnum cannot kill bosses with 3-4 shots in many situations, it all depends on if it's been upgraded and if you're playing the game for the very first time and whether or not you're playing it on Amatuer setting.

The reason being you cannot get the revolver magnum until you get to a certain stage so you cannot use it on the easier bosses in previous stages unless you go back to play those stages again with your newly acquired magnum. Not only that but if you depend too much on your uber magnum you might find yourself out of hard to find magnum ammo.
Actually the Magnum cannot kill bosses with 3-4 shots in many situations, it all depends on if it's been upgraded and if you're playing the game for the very first time and whether or not you're playing it on Amatuer setting.

The reason being you cannot get the revolver magnum until you get to a certain stage so you cannot use it on the easier bosses in previous stages unless you go back to play those stages again with your newly acquired magnum. Not only that but if you depend too much on your uber magnum you might find yourself out of hard to find magnum ammo.

Yep. In a way, that's true for all weapons. One of the hardest "bosses" in the game is the hammer/axe guy from the demo. He comes so early and I barely had any ammo. I just waited him out and didn't kill him on my first play.
How do you wait him out ? You don't have to kill it to progress ?

Nope. Just survive long enough and you'll be moved on to the next section. There are a number of optional encounters in the game. If you survive them or kill the mini-bosses you'll be awarded with a treasure.
Yep. In a way, that's true for all weapons. One of the hardest "bosses" in the game is the hammer/axe guy from the demo. He comes so early and I barely had any ammo. I just waited him out and didn't kill him on my first play.

I thought the hardest boss encounters was the one where Wesker says he's only got 7 minutes to play with you. The first minute or so of the encounter no weapon will help you because you can't kill anyone.
You have to run around avoid getting hit by Jill or Wesker and hope he knocks you through the door.

Of all the boss encounters, that one was the most frustrating to me because it seemed really dependent on luck.
The most reliable way to trigger Wesker to throw you into the door is to throw Jill but a lot of times she runs away to the top level or you just cant throw her for whatever reason even if you're standing right next to her.

edit: didnt think I mentioned spoilers, but added the tags anyways
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