Resident Evil 5

I thought the hardest boss encounters was the one where Wesker says he's only got 7 minutes to play with you. The first minute or so of the encounter no weapon will help you because you can't kill anyone.
You have to run around avoid getting hit by Jill or Wesker and hope he knocks you through the door.

Of all the boss encounters, that one was the most frustrating to me because it seemed really dependent on luck.
The most reliable way to trigger Wesker to throw you into the door is to throw Jill but a lot of times she runs away to the top level or you just cant throw her for whatever reason even if you're standing right next to her.

Spoilers! I already played it, but it for those that haven't. Mind you, the spoiler is pretty obvious and I guess it really really really really really early.

I didn't realize Wesker said anything about 7 minutes. I was trying to kill him the whole time ;) I guess I missed what he said because it was insanely late. That fight is pretty fun though.
Yep. In a way, that's true for all weapons. One of the hardest "bosses" in the game is the hammer/axe guy from the demo. He comes so early and I barely had any ammo. I just waited him out and didn't kill him on my first play.

Yeah the best way to kill him on Normal during a first playthrough is grenades and melee attacks. There are 3 grenades on the 2nd floor of the building you start from. You could do some additional damage with some shots from your weak handgun to the head. Also you can lure him toward the transformers and oil barrels. You do get quite a few handgun rounds inside the building you start from, or course you'll use most of those rounds on the fodder zombies, but it does help when you shoot the Axe guy in the head. It does enough damage to allow you to kill him if you use the 3 grenades and melee attacks.
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If you have trouble with weskers first fight, just do this
Stand in front of the door, and wesker will kick you in. It has nothing to do with luck if you do it this way. It might not go with the first but 2nd is always a kick to the chest and through the door.
Just beat the game.

It's infinitely more fun when playing with a friend. I hear some people disliked the second half of the game while I thought it was incredibly fun, even if it degenerated into a TPS by the end.

Can't imagine playing certain parts with the AI though.
Played for quite some time at a demo booth at a mall right next to my house. It was a lot of fun. Yes, the mood is missing, but it has been replaced by some really cool Melee attacks by Chris. The whole fun was putting a bullet or two in a zombie and then smashing him with an "uppercut" or "roundhouse" . It was fun :D !
and, guess what, the guy at the booth is my FAN now. While I was playing, he kept saying," You play so p[rofessionally, Sir ! You can come anytime sir, this game is always for you, Sir !" It was so Funny :LOL: ! Apparently He became a fan of the game after watching me play, he was struggling with the controls earlier ;)!
Played for quite some time at a demo booth at a mall right next to my house. It was a lot of fun. Yes, the mood is missing, but it has been replaced by some really cool Melee attacks by Chris. The whole fun was putting a bullet or two in a zombie and then smashing him with an "uppercut" or "roundhouse" . It was fun :D !
and, guess what, the guy at the booth is my FAN now. While I was playing, he kept saying," You play so p[rofessionally, Sir ! You can come anytime sir, this game is always for you, Sir !" It was so Funny :LOL: ! Apparently He became a fan of the game after watching me play, he was struggling with the controls earlier ;)!

Funny...and disturbing...:oops:
Played for quite some time at a demo booth at a mall right next to my house. It was a lot of fun. Yes, the mood is missing, but it has been replaced by some really cool Melee attacks by Chris. The whole fun was putting a bullet or two in a zombie and then smashing him with an "uppercut" or "roundhouse" . It was fun :D !
and, guess what, the guy at the booth is my FAN now. While I was playing, he kept saying," You play so p[rofessionally, Sir ! You can come anytime sir, this game is always for you, Sir !" It was so Funny :LOL: ! Apparently He became a fan of the game after watching me play, he was struggling with the controls earlier ;)!

Are you *sure* he was watching you play? .... :devilish: ;)
I bought the Xbox version this afternoon.
Its a definitely a showcase of technical craftsmanship. Texturing is uniformly solid, lighting is great, character modelling is incredible, post processing is impressive and the effects--particularly smoke, fire and explosions-- are unquestionably at the top of the pack. It's a very great looking game. I dont think it looks better than this, that, and the other thing, like some of its apologists would have me believe, but it looks quite stunning nonetheless.
But the gameplay....what utter bullshit.
Alot of my problems have to do with the controls.
Why the fuck cant I move and shoot? I dont care what kind of excuses RE5 apologists come up with, this an action game that emphasizes shooting. This isnt a stealth game. I expect to be able to run and shoot.
But that's the least of problems with this game: boring encounter design (run from the dude with the chainsaw or the pick axe while overcoming our awful gameplay mechanics, tee hee, tee hee) mediocre pacing (I didnt feel a bit of excitement until the on-rails turret section) and forgettable boss fights.
Cut scenes are well choreographed, but I can hardly remember a damn thing about the "plot" or "narrative." I dont care where I'm going, I dont care who I'm fighting for and I don't care who I'm with. And apparently RE5 doesnt either.
I havnt encountered a single thing in this game that smacks of good, progressive game design, it feels like it's just a bunch of cynical shit the designers are throwing at me to try and manufacture some tension and excitement.
I assume those that play cooperatively will have a better time with this game, but my solo experience has been a fairly uninteresting one.
The graphics sure are nice though. :???:
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I bought the Xbox version this afternoon.
Its a definitely a showcase of technical craftsmanship. Texturing is uniformly solid, lighting is great, character modelling is incredible, post processing is impressive and the effects--particularly smoke, fire and explosions-- are unquestionably at the top of the pack. It's a very great looking game. I dont think it looks better than this, that, and the other thing, like some of its apologists would have me believe, but it looks quite stunning nonetheless.
But the gameplay....what utter bullshit.
Alot of my problems have to do with the controls.
Why the fuck cant I move and shoot? I dont care what kind of excuses RE5 apologists come up with, this an action game that emphasizes shooting. This isnt a stealth game. I expect to be able to run and shoot.
But that's the least of problems with this game: boring encounter design (run from the dude with the chainsaw or the pick axe while overcoming our awful gameplay mechanics, tee hee, tee hee) mediocre pacing (I didnt feel a bit of excitement until the on-rails turret section) and forgettable boss fights.
Cut scenes are well choreographed, but I can hardly remember a damn thing about the "plot" or "narrative." I dont care where I'm going, I dont care who I'm fighting for and I don't care who I'm with. And apparently RE5 doesnt either.
I havnt encountered a single thing in this game that smacks of good, progressive game design, it feels like it's just a bunch of cynical shit the designers are throwing at me to try and manufacture some tension and excitement.
I assume those that play cooperatively will have a better time with this game, but my solo experience has been a fairly uninteresting one.
The graphics sure are nice though. :???:

IMHO tecnically it's impressive for some aspect (characters modelling, light and special effects) but less for others (low textures are too many) , however graphic is the best part. The shame is the treatment for ps3 version. Cuts here and there, fps low...The real problem however is the game: I found funny in coop but disappointing in sp , story meh (even worsen imho of the previous), bad bad battle bosses (apart the final acts wtf are finished the awesome battles of the previous chapter? ) and after the african levels, levels design becomes bad. I repeat, IMHO, a great disappointed for a RE episode, sure good game online but not deserve the title of RE.
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Got to play the VS mode and it's basically Mercenaries mode but with up to 4 players. Of course now you could kill other players instead of just enemies. The download is only a few megabytes.
I also think it's annoying that this game does absolutely NOTHING smart with its setting. Prior to release, it was implied that Capcom would be using the African setting (birthplace of humanity, etc) in a unique manner, which intrigued me.

After all, Far Cry 2 did so with moderate success, so I was open to the (slim) possibility that Capcom would use the African setting for some thoughtful commentary on the current state of affairs in that region. Such is emphatically not the case. It's just one cliche after another after another.I admit, it's partly my fault for expecting anything different, but the absurdity of this game....

For example, unlike some, I wasnt really offended by the hooga booga spear chucking, disease ridden savages prancing around in grass skirts with bones protruding from every orifice; but I did think it was utterly ridiculous. If you're going to make some sort of reference to primitive tribalism, then you probably should NOT do so in such a childish and stupid manner.
RE5's plot and storytelling gives Hideo Kojima's foolishness a run for its money. Yet Capcom expects to me to give a damn about this game's story and plot development. No can do.
Haha had a nice little skirmish in VS mode last night. Joined a 4 player Slayer game on Ship Deck level. The host, player 1 climbed to the top of the tower at the front of the ship, picked up the rocket launcher by the zip line and proceeded to try and take down another player below on deck level in middle of the ship. I guess he didn't have his map on or didn't care but I was hiding nearby at deck level at front of ship waiting for him to come to me so I could blow up one of the gas tanks but he decided to climb up to the tower access ladder on the opposite side instead of the one on my side.

So I waited for him to climb to the top and I then proceeded to follow him. When I get to the top I see him aiming the rocket launcher at another player on deck level in the middle of the ship. Of course when you are looking in the targeting scope you can't see the map. So I'm standing there a couple feet behind him on the tower and I proceed to unload a barrage of SMG rounds into his back. At this point he stops aiming the rocket launcher and turns around and sees me unloading SMG rounds into his chest now. He turns around and grabs the zip line and starts to tether down towards the other end of the ship. At this point I'm still unloading SMG rounds into his back while he's zipping on the line. I switch to my grenade launcher and unload a few rounds toward the zip line landing pad on the other end. By the time he lands on the other end, the game disconnects LOL. I guess the guy couldn't handle a dose of his own medicine and decided to quit the game, he was the host.

I've encounter a few players like this. They go out of their way to attack YOU instead of the enemiies then when somebody does to them they don't like it and complain. There was this one guy who said I cheated because I used the grenade launcher to kill him. Funny because he didn't have a problem killing other players with his powerful magnum.
Played a Survivors game last night on Public Assembly stage. Man I just LOVE chucking grenades while on the second floor of buildings. Reason being many times I don't even need a direct line of sight to hit other players especially players on ground level who stand close to the walls. By using the radar map to locate other players near me but on ground level, I could throw grenades without them being able to see me because their view is blocked by the 2nd floor ledge. It's so amusing and satisfying to watch a grenade you've tossed slowly roll off the edge of the 2nd floor ledge and drop straight down onto your opponent's lap. It's hilarious hearing other players curse when they take huge damage from those grenades without even knowing who tossed them. Sniping with I was right when I said the level design in SP is very good because the same levels are being used in MP with great results.
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I finished Resident Evil 5 a couple of days ago and Resident Evil 1 today (probably for the fifth time since years ago).

The difference between what defined Resident Evil as a survival horror game then compared to now is unbelievably huge.

But first here are my impressions of 5. Visuals were superb. If I didnt know it was a game and someone presented me the cut scenes as a CGI video I might have believed him. I often got the impression that it looked on par or better than the recent CGI resident evil movie. Capcom did a great job on that.

I also loved the reappearance of a certain monster enemy from the old ;)

Now here is what I didn like.

I have said this before. The animations were the same from 4. The problem isnt just the fact that they are outdated and limited compared to other games but the fact that they best fit for an action game than a survival horror.

Having played Resident Evil 1 again I now know better what is going on with 5 in terms of controls. It is the fact that the controlled characters perform powerful moves, the fact that the game presents fast paced quick time events and that it presented very destructive reaction moves.

It brakes the sense of realism that the old games had.

But wait I dont think it started with 4 either. The problem started with Nemesis. After 2 Capcom gave to the player the ability to dodge attacks and threw more ammo and more powerful weapons.

In the original the sense of survival and horror was larger because weapons exposed tangibly their weaknesses against enemies. Moves were as many as that of a real person in a horrific dangerous situation. You had to think of your ammo and health supplies. Like it would have been in real life. And they were either too few or enough based on the player's patience to search and avoid danger.

If you wanted many ammo you had to go pass through many monsters in order to search and/or kill as less as possible which exposed you to danger. The other option was to use your ammo on them to reduce them and have less (ammo) for later which also exposed you to later danger from a different angle.

If you didnt do things right you might have reduced your chances to survive for the later parts of the game in general. This added realism.

From nemesis and later on I didnt worry much about ammo even if I wanted to. There were plenty to find in many areas. Especially for powerful weapons.

Then capcom also choose to make Resi more linear. You mostly move from one area to the next, therefore the design of the game changed which meant putting enough ammo in each area to move to next new one. Resident evil wasnt divided to levels originally.

It also started to partially predict/read your ammo status to drop you what you need. It gives birth to unlimited ammo now

Unlike 4 and 5, in 1 and 2 you had to find and discover the special places that had ammo and use them accordingly in order to survive.

Extra ammo hidden in places feel more like a bonus this time than an essential asset. I also didnt like the fact that I can play a single stage multiple times and pile up with treasures that tend to reappear in the same places and inside the same enemies. If you die you start the stage with the money, weapons and ammo you gained before you died. So the game often becomes easier and easier each time you die.

But even if I try to have as few ammo as possible and have only the gun and shotgun in my menu it still doesnt feel scary. It feels like a shoot em up where I make my life harder to kill targets in order to move forward.

It also pisses me off that the game progresses like this: Walk a bit, cut scene with enemies, shoot and kill, take key, open door to next area, cut scene with enemies, shoot and kill, take key etc etc. Surprisingly this is how Gears progresses too.

Which is bullshit and repetitive.

And now lets go to the sound effects.We dont need too much sound effects to create atmosphere. Resi 1 (not the director's cut version) and 2 succeeded because they had the right amount of effects. Silence created suspense too in some specific areas. In others the environment sound effects were enough. And in others there was a sense of a sinister presence and mystery in the music.

They replaced this with action packed soundtrack.


And why do I have to face enemies with guns so much?

And although I welcome co-op, having a partner that is as powerful as chuck norris (which happens to be as powerful as my own character) in a game that is supposed to be a survival horror makes it even less scary.

I miss narrow spaces with enemies that arent affected much by guns.
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I just recieved RE5 a few days back , and I played with some randomn guy from US, and that guy was so powerful(I was playing the first level) that he killed everybody off :LOL: I had nothing to do !

Since then, I have been playing SP.
The concerns voiced by Nesh are True. It isn't Survival Horror anymore. The game starts exactly like RE4, you enter a village, at first only one zombie attacks. They even tried to recreate the scene where everybody vanishes after hearing a Siren (Gong in RE4), but utterly failed, as it did not register at all.

The sunlight kills the mystery. There is no mood of finding out whats wrong. To me , personally, it feels as if everything is happening in this broad daylight, and everybody in the world can watch it from above. There is no feeling of an isolated mysterious village with stuff going on that nobody knows of. They should have not gone with sunlight, there is no mysterious lighting, no scary shadows, low view distance, or fog anymore. Its more of Left 4 Dead than RE, but even L4DE has night to complement the setting.

I am still at the beginning of the game, so things could change, but that is how I feel as of now.

The game does have its moments, when Zombies attack from all sides, its frantic and fun !
Great post Nesh. Although I didn't play more than the RE5 demo, it sums up exactly what I've been feeling in regards to the old Resident Evil games to the new ones. The new ones just don't do it for me anymore and your post explains perfectly why. I also rather liked the 'awkward' controls - despite the limited freedom, it gave you a sense of being paralized of shock when suddenly faced with a zombie a few feet before you, crawling in your direction.

Even the movies, don't really capture the essence of what the Resident Evil franchise once was. What a shame.

Not sure if I will pick this up really. I think I'd rather replay the RE1 and hope for a RE2 on PSN soon...