Remote desktop utility for another computer on your LAN?

Guden Oden

Senior Member
I have 2 pooters with just 1 monitor. Would like to use them both using just the monitor I got. They're hooked up via 400mbps firewire LAN at the moment.

Main box runs winXP home, other box runs winME.

Must be freeware or at least nagfree shareware that doesn't expire or some sh!t like that.

Thanks for any/all help!
The Baron said:

did you miss the part about a 400Mbps FireWire between the two machines? :)
VNC works fine, its just alot more bandwidth hungry than a RDC.
In this case, VNC will work great, and be easy.
RussSchultz said:
Get XP pro for the 98 machine.

You have any idea how much MONEY one has to pay for XP pro????

Didn't you see me asking for free stuff only? :oops:

Oh, and thanks for the VNC tip, I'll check that out... Hope it'll do what I want to do. :)
XP pro for students is about $80.

Remote desktop plugs into the OS, and doesn't rely on taking images and transporting them across the wire, meaning you don't need a 400Mbps link to get it to work seamlessly. It also connects printers and audio devices (so that you can "print" and "listen" when logged into your remote machine, and it gets redirected to local devices)

If VNC does the job for you, more power to ya, but for my taste, RDC is head and shoulders above VNC.
RussSchultz said:
XP pro for students is about $80.

1: No it isn't, not in this country.

2: I'm not a student, and if I was, $80 would be a buttload of cash.

3: You're not very helpful.
4: You're not very polite.

Sorry for offering an option that wasn't exactly what you asked for, but a better solution in my opinion.
RussSchultz said:
4: You're not very polite.

Why do you say that?

Because I didn't say, "thank you so much for your completely useless advice"? Well, okay then. Thank you SO much for your completely useless advice.


I mean, I *did* ask for tips of free software, and you offer what would actually in reality cost me US$468 to buy, so before you call me impolite, maybe you should stop and think for a sec of what it is you're doing...
Never mind you said "thanks for any/all help", or didn't really specify HOW you want to use your two computers from one monitor.

If you want to log in and twiddle with your server settings or spend minimal time on it but not really _use_ it, VNC will work fine.

If you want to log in and do real work, like programming, text editing, webbrowsing, etc, VNC won't work fine. Remote desktop, though it costs money, will provide you with what you need.

If you want to play games, then even remote desktop won't work fine. Go out and buy a $30 dollar KVM switch (assuming your two computers are close together, which I'm assuming because you're using a firewire connection)

But most of all, don't ask for help and then bitch when somebody doesn't give you exactly what you asked for. You'll find less people wanting to offer you help the next time, for fear they may offend your delicate sensibilities.
Geez. Who's bitching here, really? :rolleyes:

I only need to be able to more or less monitor the other box every once in a while since it's pretty much exclusively going to be a backup machine and seti@home client (though it takes it like 1 1/2 days to finish a work unit). I need to be able to check if it's crashed or something, click around in a few windows, maybe move some files every now and then, that's pretty much it.

Huh? Excuse me?
Whatever for?

Not to mention your attack's entirely uncalled for, but maybe you're not too concerned with deliberately crashing and burning threads?
Guden Oden said:

Huh? Excuse me?
Whatever for?
Humm, lets see...
Russ Shultz said:
Sorry, no freebies, but remote desktop is da bomb
And you responded with
You have any idea how much MONEY one has to pay for XP pro????

Didn't you see me asking for free stuff only?

Oh, and thanks for the VNC tip, I'll check that out... Hope it'll do what I want to do.
So you are either blind or rude. Take your Pick.

BTW not that Russ needs anyone to stick up for him I just thought your initial and subsequent responses were rude.