REMINDER: The Best Show on Television Returns Tonight

Ooooh. I'd forgotten! Wow, that does make it a beautiful day!

And btw, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, while low on geek factor, is pretty good I'm finding. And even my wife who hates sports found Friday Night Lights good. NBC might almost be a TV network again if 30 Rock is 1/2 decent next week.

*My wife works for an NBC affililiate, so if this is viral marketing at least it is disclosed viral marketing. :)
digi, they ran every episode in a marathon on Sci-Fi in the last two days, along with a recap "Story so far" episode. You don't have a Tivo with a season pass!??

Also, Lost started new episodes this week too. I had almost given up on this show last season, due to the sneaking suspicious that like X-Files, and Twin Peaks, and other series, the writers didn't have a clue where they were going (they admitted that back in season 1, they did not know what would be in the hatch! They made up the whole Dharma thing while writing season 2!) That was, until the last episode of last season and those Portuguese researchers in the antarctic. Now I'm interested again, and the premiere episode was a doozy. I'm somewhat miffed at SG-1 going, but ah well, I had 10 years. Wish Firefly was brought back.

Anyway, I don't watch much TV, but here is the shows I will watch:

1. BSG
2. 24 (Where's my Jack Bauer Power Hour! My Chloe O'Brien and my Chinese tortured Jack?)
3. Lost
4. Jon Stewart every once in a while.
5. SG (when it comes back)
6. Boa vs Python, Mansquito, Sharkman, ... (just kidding)
7. from time to time, some reality shows, especially Bravo, like Project Runway (my dear, sweet Heidi Klum the only women besides my wife who turned me on even as she was pregnant), and The Apprentice.

8. Oh, and X-Play on G4 once in a while.
9. Any Frontline or NOVA special, auto-tivoed.

I watch no MSM news at all, and get all my news online and from Jon Stewart. Haven't watched any real MSM news since 9/11 and some of the footage from Iraq War when it started. (I think I stopped watching when David Bloom of NBC died)
digi, they ran every episode in a marathon on Sci-Fi in the last two days, along with a recap "Story so far" episode. You don't have a Tivo with a season pass!??
Nope, Comcast dual DVR hooked up to a 42" plasma....but I never use it.

I prefer to download 'em and watch 'em on my 'puter, it's just more comfortable for me.

If they ever start broadcasting them in HD I'll change my tune quick enough, but probably not until then.
Nope, Comcast dual DVR hooked up to a 42" plasma....but I never use it.

I prefer to download 'em and watch 'em on my 'puter, it's just more comfortable for me.

If they ever start broadcasting them in HD I'll change my tune quick enough, but probably not until then.

If there's isn't a Sci-Fi Channel HD petition somewhere, there really oughta be. :D
It'll happen, if the new season is as well rated as the last I think it may just happen. :)

Watching the webisodes now, kind "meh" to me but at least setting the right mood.
BSG is shown in HD on Universal HD (Channel 70 on DirectTV), but not concurrently with the new episodes. Generally, you have to wait a few weeks before they start showing in HD.
What sucks is having to wait a week until the next episode. :cry:
BSG is shown in HD on Universal HD (Channel 70 on DirectTV), but not concurrently with the new episodes. Generally, you have to wait a few weeks before they start showing in HD.

The day BSG is out on HD DVD, IT'S MINE! That's one show that can greatly benefit from proper HD treatment, with all the blacks and space scenes.
Is this the third season now? And was it a 1 or 2 hour show today?

I saw a torrent for it, but it's 1 seed to 600 leeches and climbing. I just put my son to bed, my daughter is at Grandma's, and my wife is at work; mebbe I'll just cheat and go watch it on the bigscreen.

Well, only if my son goes to sleep soon. I let him have the gerbils in his room since his sister is gone and he's all excited checking them out. :LOL:

(I do have the DVR record it, just in case. ;) )

EDITED BITS: HA! Saved by TL! Season 3 episode 2 just got posted with an apology for posting them out of order. I take it there were two episodes tonight, I hope they were good. I'm gonna avoid this thread like the plague now until I watch 'em. :)
first season was only 13 episodes (I guess SciFi channel and Sky still weren't convinced to fund a full season). Season 2 was only 20 episodes. Most series consider 22-24 a "full season"

I guess the Cylons are Jews and the New Capricans are Palestinians according to this episode. Baltar is perhaps either Arafat or head of Iraq Coalition Provisional Authority, and we are the Cylons, and New Capricans are Sunni Insurgents.

Oh, and Colonel Sigh is Zarqawi and Rosalind is maybe some Shiek.

Very subversive. Moore did something no mainstream TV show did. Criticize the war on terrorism using force, show the reality and logic behind suicide bombing (with sympathy) in hopeless assymetric warfare and the futility of assassinating "terrorists".

How can this show not win an Emmy for best drama series?
I personally found it a little TOO blatent to be "subversive". I still like the show, but being so overtly political takes away from my suspension of disbelief, particularly when the whole "occupation" makes no sense w/respect to the previously known motives of the cylons. It almost seems contrived.
...the whole "occupation" makes no sense w/respect to the previously known motives of the cylons. It almost seems contrived.
The cylons had a plan... THEN THEIR PLANS CHANGED!

BSG's plot has a bit too much of the "making it up as they go" feel. I'm sure they'll get back to the original plan when it's convenient for the writers.

Still a great show in spite of that and still my favorite.