Red Faction


Did anyone check out the demo from Qore? The graphics and frame rate were not bad considering the scope and stuff going on. The destruction is pretty impressive, though two swings of a hammer taking out a walls is a little over the top.

This might make a good TPS if the story is good and the missions are not repetitive.
I liked it a lot, though it does feel like everything in the world is made from fiberglass and plywood. Which maybe is accurate. Still, it's a ton of fun to run through and tear holes in buildings while yelling obscenities.
I'm getting the demo on 360 for pre-ordering on Gamstop... we'll see if the Pre-order stays. Gaffers seem to be really liking it
downloading later today but here is a demo review from IGN (360)

snip...What's particularly cool about Red Faction: Guerrilla is watching just how dynamically structures come down – there's nothing canned about Geo-Mod 2.0, and thus, every piece of destruction is fun, in and of itself, whether you're systematically taking down a building with the sledgehammer, shooting up a big gas tank to set off a fiery green explosion that does collateral damage to every structure around it, laying a set of remote charges in and around patrolling guards or simply driving through a building. Watching buildings being sheared apart really is great, as is setting off huge explosions that send scraps flying in all directions. It's also impressive to see the way material is represented in the game. We're all used to seeing the metal girder support skeletons inside concrete structures, but in this game every material has an internal structure, such as latticed insulation inside cladded walls.
I've played the demo like five times now, this game has great potential. If they can keep the missions and environments varied it will be good. There are like 130 mission in a open world. Apparently the environments change because of the terraforming, so it's more than just red dust like the demo.
I've played the demo like five times now, this game has great potential. If they can keep the missions and environments varied it will be good. There are like 130 mission in a open world. Apparently the environments change because of the terraforming, so it's more than just red dust like the demo.

I also played the demo several times, I just get surprised how fragile your character is. It doesn't take a lot to actually drop you, and your health recovers pretty slowly.
The sledge hammer has some sort of mass multiplier servo to explain why it is so powerful. Here is a link to a vid where they explain it Anyway I played the demo a bunch of times and loved tearing everything I could find down. If they can keep it varied with a decent story it could be great fun.
The sledge hammer has some sort of mass multiplier servo to explain why it is so powerful. Here is a link to a vid where they explain it Anyway I played the demo a bunch of times and loved tearing everything I could find down. If they can keep it varied with a decent story it could be great fun.
That doesn't explain why you can demolish a building by driving into it without a lot of force. I was in a vehicle next to a building and decided to ram it and thought I would need to build up enough speed to get destruction but when I accidently bumped into it as I was reversing I was astonished at the super destroy powers the vehicle had. They went crazy with the ease of destruction in this game.
Red Faction - EU New Release Date

I Like it

THQ has just sent over a message confirming that the European PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 release date for Red Faction: Guerrilla has changed to Friday June 5th, a week earlier than previously announced.

I find myself playing the demo over and over again. It is simply a joy to play, crashing cars through buildings, or tossing them away with the walker. The destruction you can cause really adds a new dimension to the gameplay. I'm glad they went with completely destructable environments over detailed graphics. I can't wait to play the full game.
While I didn`t like the first part on foot ( somehow the crappy animations put me off) , I had fun destroying everything during the last part on the truck.
I'm holding out solely for multiplayer info.... if it's as good as they say, I'm in. otherwise I need more in my single player game (Mass Effect, Oblivion, Fallout)
pins and needles for me for MP - demo tomorrow 360/PS3

...There is a lot of fun to be had by mixing the different packs with the various weapons. At one point I was holding a sniper rifle looking for a vantage point. As I ran over a bridge, dodging rockets and holding my breath, I came across some jet packs. The smile on my face could only be measured in metres, and I looked up high to pick a spot from where I would drop .50 cal lead on helpless opponents down below. Hitting the left shoulder button and taking off, still smiling like a kid with a new toy, I reached my chosen spot on top of a tower and got to work on picking off the unsuspecting foes.
After a few shots and still retaining my ear to ear smile, I spot a guy respawn and head my way. A flash and a trail of smoke, then there was a rocket the size of my arm heading in my direction. I was quick to engage the jetpack’s thrusters and take off high above the impact point, looking down on the explosion and watching the very tower I was stood on collapse before my eyes. Still smiling, it is moments like this that make this game so much fun. The tactical opportunities seem endless; Go on a rampage with a sledgehammer and the Rhino pack. Drop mines from high above using the jetpack. Run into a crowd of enemies and launch them into orbit with the concussion pack. Or stay cloaked and drop opponents from a far with the stealth pack. Magic....
I got a few games in this morning on the MP demo and can only say.... please buy this game as I want lots of MP competition. :)

This may be a tough sell for the CoD/Halo crowd as it is a much different feeling with the 3rd person perspective and the vertical nature of the game play. It appears to me as if you can get past the fact that it's not a fast twitch shooter but instead a fast twitch game, you may enjoy this.

there is only one (of 6 in retail) game types and 2 (of 21) maps to play. It has 15 unlockables out of 120? (skins and cosmetics mostly right now) that save in the demo for the TWO WEEKS that this will be available. the MP demo will be pulled around retail release day (June 2).

there is so much variety in how you can attack each problem or enemy in front of you that the fast twitch game play presents itself as INSTANT decisions that you need to make in choosing to use one of the many backpacks available to escape, evade or attack an enemy. You want to decide quickly whether to close the distance for an instant kill melee attempt with the hammer or fire one of the many weapons available or combine the backpack use with the weapons. the quick weapon switching allowed me to use many different types of attacks and or weapons in each single engagement with an enemy. You can also decide whether to destroy or rebuild the objective before during or after an enemy engagement. the one game type available is like a "King of the Hill" mode for which you earn XP points for assisting with destroying, rebuilding or holding the objective. In combat, you can instantly chose (depending on which backpack you have on at the moment) to go high above and evade, go forward and attack, blast through or close the distance and close attack... etc, etc. The learning curve was minor based on me using the SP demo as a practice ground for the controls (although backpacks are not in the SP demo) and the games are frantic yet you have enough time to consider your options.

the menus, matchmaking and reports are fast, complete and well executed IMO. I moved quickly into my games and connected instantly and had no lag. This appears to be a complete MP experience and is very polished. The Matchmaking modes and games are derived by the server, settings adjusted according to play lists (ala Bungie) and according to Volition will be well supported with multiple game variants presented in matchmaking as gamers report their likes/dislikes. there is also a veto option in the menu and an auto-start but no join in progress. For example in one match the starting weapons varied slightly as did the speed was increased to 110%. There are also private matches (not in the demo) where many variants can be adjusted. There is party support in the demo and retail. The beta last year allowed them to make a lot of corrections to the MP and it shows in this release. It will be in my library as a different type of MP game rather than just a death match shooter.

I'm sure I may find things that I am not thrilled with and it's certainly not for everyone but it seems to offer as rich a MP experience as there is out there for those that it appeals to.