Red Faction

I loved the game. Just liberated mars for the 2nd time (first was in the orginal red faction). Man using the rail drive was fun. I had soo much fun when I finally got it. The only missions I did not care too much for where the Radio missions as I usally got them on route to another mission. I also enjoyed the freedom to blow up just about every building in the game....Laugh my butt off when I dropped the first large smoke stack on my head...I thought I would be safe from the EDF troops that were closing in when I ran behind it. However forgot I had set the charges to make if fall backwards...right where I was hiding :p
A bit surprising, considering it sold 240k in NPD in June, and it had been out for a month already. It must have done really well in Europe. But yeah, I'm just happy to hear that Volition's efforts have been rewarded, they're maybe my favorite dev this generation.

Red Faction Guerrilla has sold 1 milion copies. Its always nice to see good games doing well.:smile:

Thats good news ! I was worried that two superheroe games mught have killed this one :D ! The other day I was discussing with a friend of mine, how the timing of ur launch can screw up everything. Releasing alongside two other open world games, that too with Superheroes in the lead seemed to have dampened the lure of total destructibility, But looks like I was Wrong !!!

I am still to give it a spin, but i have to finish Infamous first :LOL: !
I just finished the SP, pretty good overall. I'm sad that Prototype ate sales from Red Faction.

I don't think I will try the DLC or MP, time to move on.
oh sweet jeebus yes! my multiplayer addiction is fed!

DLC Pack 2 is nearing completion, so what better way to show off our new content than with a video showcasing some of the new features, including some of the 8 new maps and 2 new modes. We thought it would be best to start preparing all of you for our upcoming pack with the help of our trusty QA team. These two specific individuals put most of their time into testing these new modes and getting them ready for our fans. Not only can they provide some of the best insight into how to properly navigate a few of the new maps, but also how to dominate on the new modes.

New Maps (Playable on all but Siege):

* Puncture
* Broadside
* Compound
* Division
* Equilibrium
* Gradient
* Haven
* Remnant

New Modes:

* Bagman
* Team Bagman

For those that enjoyed Red Faction 2, you may recognize the mode names above, as we've brought them back. Your objective in both modes is to grab or protect the bag, and then retain possession for as long as possible. Both new modes can be played on all of the non-DLC maps as well, which can make for some very interesting matches. If you ever wanted an action-filled match, try Bagman with more than 10 people on a small map.

We're planning to launch our Multiplayer Pack for both Xbox 360 and PS3 on September 10th, 2009 - for only 560 MS Points, or $7.00 on PSN.