Red Faction

couple other things I noticed are host switching in case of a host drop, pretty seamless excepts it resets your location to a spawn point but all other things are intact. Also a nice switch in the times of day for each map (2 in demo) 21 in full game plus a time of day change or two is nice.

there is so much diversity there in the way you want to play the game. I love the Rhino pack to run through walls people but I totally dig the jet pack and remote charges and raining bombs from the sky. On certain maps (or in certain situations) fleetfoot and a hammer is a melee players dream.
Watched two snipers jetpack to a tower on warlords only to have one of our guys below out of the line of fire, drop the huge frikken thing while the snipers went tumbling, jetpacking off to have to fight it out on the ground.

Kind of cool too that you can rebuild the walls around the checkpoints after securing it just to give a couple of more seconds to defend an attack.

I am having a blast. Turn the speed up and adjust the controls to alt 1 (left trigger zoom). the game moves smooth as butter too without any hiccups no matter what happens.
Just give it some time to find some good games an get the hang of it. There are some quitters and some guys. Just knocking things down with hammers right now. But when it Clicks.. .. It's awesome
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You really know how to sell a game Tap In ;)
You got me interested too. I'll try it as soon as I get home from work!
Does anyone else have problems finding games in the MP demo? I start matchmaking, it finds 20 games but gets no responds when it tries to connect to them. After that it creates a new game and tries to find 7 other players, but after a minute no-one has shown up, and the matchmaking restarts
Does anyone else have problems finding games in the MP demo? I start matchmaking, it finds 20 games but gets no responds when it tries to connect to them. After that it creates a new game and tries to find 7 other players, but after a minute no-one has shown up, and the matchmaking restarts

PS3 or 360? PS3 was having connection issues and in fact I believe volition pulled the demo until they figure out how to fix.

360 I have had a few times where I canceled and restarted but n the whole I have never played an online game where I connected so quickly and easily from game to game (CoD WaW is close) EDIT" evidently a few are experiencing 360 connection issues as well

couple other observations:

there is a "Party up" button at the end of each match if you want to stay with some of the current team. Also, evidently the retail game includes a spectator mode and in "Detonator game mode (VIP) you can pass the Vip off to a team mate if you just want to protect or kill.

this game is a blast when working as a team each with different packs (abilities)

to those that played the game you will get how this works (the control points are small cylindrical chambers) ...I thought it was pretty cool. :D

(from the Red Faction forum)
Friend and I playing, (we) knock down a Control point, I run through the center of it (inside) while my friend repairs. I get stuck inside, wait there (not wanting to sledge my way out because it was a very tie game). Enemy comes along, starts hitting the other side, he stops for a second seemingly noticing my guy stuck inside, and then, my sledge connects with his face.
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For PS3. Hopefully it will get fixed soon. I was hoping this demo would convince some of my clanbuddy's to buy the game. Right now it seems I'll be the only one.
For PS3. Hopefully it will get fixed soon. I was hoping this demo would convince some of my clanbuddy's to buy the game. Right now it seems I'll be the only one.

yea whatever the reason a major screw up for a possibly good MP game for some
The PS3 connection issues were fixed according to the rep, yesterday I think. It was something on their side, no need to re-DL.
Yes, its working now. It seems to offer quite a lot of an online mode, although I'm still trying to figure everything out.
Yea according to the official forum thread (above) it's been pulled from PSN until they figure out the issue

That's a shame because the game rocks. The most fun I see depends on them mixing up game variants or customs matches. So many creative possibilities
Game informer 9/10

The single-player campaign is lengthy, and continually rewarding. Don’t be surprised, however, if you shun this experience for multiplayer. Wrecking Crew mode is the most enjoyable controller-passing game that I’ve come across since Burnout’s Crash mode. The goal of this mode is to tally as much destruction as you can. Your friends then have to try and beat your score. On top of this, Red Faction offers 125 ranks worth of depth in its competitive multiplayer. Deathmatching in destructive playgrounds is a powerful proposition that changes the tactics of war. Why bother with a headshot when you can drop a bridge that kills five? Being able to change classes mid-match through backpack pick-ups is also a cool idea that works well with the team-based modes.
No matter what mode you enter, Red Faction: Guerrilla delivers on its promise of destruction, and offers an experience unlike anything else out there.

OPM (AU) 9/10
Official score: 9/10
- Massive map, loads to do, Awesome weaponary, interesting plot.
- Beautiful graphics and some of the best destruction effects EVER.

Cons ( I myself would not consider these cons, very minor).
- The enemys all look a trifle similar
- Blood in the game but not in the cutscenes.

Quote from review: "Some games are what you expect, some games exceed expectations but games like RF:G come along and give you something you didnt even know you wanted. Genius."
two more reviews

9.5 MSXBOX world

5/5 Game Pro

I'm guessing GS/IGN will come in around 8.5 to 8.8 :p

Edit: actually IGN 8.0 :)

to me I don't care if the story and SP is an 8, the multiplayer is a 9.5 to me and that is only 2 maps and one mode. :p
The level of destruction carries over into the online experience, though, which certainly makes for some interesting moments. It makes deathmatching of the free-for-all or team variety stand out from standard action fare since in addition to engaging in the game's solid third-person shooting gunplay you can take advantage of a wide variety of backpacks as well as hack through buildings and create your own avenues of attack or escape. The multiplayer backpacks, which can give you additional destructive power, stun-inducing shock waves, added healing, and jump jets, among other things, lend to the modes a more energetic feel. In the game's more sophisticated online modes you'll find yourself organized into teams and tasked with defending certain structures from enemy assault or seizing and holding control points. To keep them in one piece as the enemy launches rockets, mines, and whacks away at supports with hammers, there's also a gun unique to the online scene that functions to rebuild decimated structures. So not only will you be trying to defend, but you can also repair any buildings you need to, adding a welcome layer of depth to the modes that take advantage of this tool. Like in any of the modes, you're always free to break apart a wall to establish a new route of attack or escape or bring down a building on top of someone, giving the games a nice dynamic, if at times making things overly chaotic.

Beyond that, there are detailed online setup and tracking features such as various character and player icons, an in-depth statistic tracking system to keep tabs on kills, flag captures, and tons of other numbers, along with a progressive unlock system that hinges on experience earned in matches. It's rounded out with leaderboards, a spectator mode, and a number of match search options, making for a well constructed multiplayer infrastructure that anyone who gets into the online play is sure to appreciate.

Certainly if you're looking for a product that offers a lot of value in terms of single-player game length and multiplayer elements, Guerilla delivers. It even lets you continue to play around in the fully unlocked game world after completing the single player story to mop up missions you missed, enable cheats, or just blow a bunch of stuff up.
releases Tuesday June 2nd
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TeamXbox 9.0

...snip.. Despite the frustration I often felt while playing through the game, Red Faction: Guerrilla really won me over with its style. The environment is great, with each sector of the map looking different—not only in its terrain, but also the style of buildings that populate it, the vehicles that are on its roads and even the clothes the local populace wears. Some will no doubt criticize the design of the vehicles as being weird or complain that the buildings within a certain area can be repetitive, but mainly that’s a personal style choice, and the buildings do differentiate enough between zones to keep it interesting. More than anything, the art design of the game seems original and not any sort of re-hashed science-fiction stereotypes.

Another thing that should win a lot of gamers over is the multiplayer. It comes in two flavors in Red Faction: Guerrilla: online play and the single-controller Wrecking Crew mode. The online multiplayer should be called out for its robustness; you can customize so many elements of your game that it almost makes you feel like a game designer yourself. On top of that, it’s fun to play, with the added depth of the backpack system making matches into really interesting affairs. The Wrecking Crew mode is great fun, too, setting up environments for players to take turns trying to tear down through different combinations of weapons and physics. Again, another great combination of strategy and action that Red Faction: Guerrilla seems to get right at every turn.

Red Faction: Guerrilla is a very complete package as a game, and it will provide a lot of entertainment for those who decide to plunk down their hard-earned cash for it. It’s by no means perfect, but it’s a great reboot of the series that has us looking forward to the next one.
One thing that I had noticed from the demo is that the game is unforgiving, that was one of GT's main gripes. The demo was sorta... 'Hahaaa, I'm wrecking stuff, I'm--holy cow, when did the 21st Earthican Battallion arrive?'