Recommend me a decent PSP strategy game (or SRPG)

Rolf N

Recurring Membmare
Turn-based is preferred. I love me some of that for winding down. PSP because it allows me to crash on a couch or in bed.
I used to be big on the Advance Wars but you can only keep playing the same game for so long ...

I'd love something like a Jagged Alliance or X-Com clone, or even a Battle Isle 3 (with a proper UI!) ... or a good HoMM game.

So far I've tried:
  • R-Type Command/R-Type tactics
    Good, almost great. Resource gathering was flawed and I'd have liked a little more (meaningful) unit variety, but the challenge was there and it was ... interesting I guess. I chuckled at their insistence to give it a story. They totally phoned that in. Completed it anyway, enjoyed it, but doing it once is enough.
  • Warhammer 40k Squad Command
    Too simple. No control over squad composition. No researching. No acquiring units or weapons in the field. As you don't earn anything to keep (besides progress), and the game doesn't even care how many units you've lost, individual battles feel meaningless.
  • Field Commander
    Easy to a fault. I can't imagine what in the world I'd have to do to ever fail a mission. Stopped caring around the 50% mark (says my save file).
  • Metal Gear Acid
    Fourth mission now. Seems decent, but a little confusing still.

All in all this probably means I appreciate RPG elements in my strategy games so I can rack up ... something every time I win a mission. E.g. leveling up my COs in Advance Wars, or mechanics where units gain experience that carries over to the next mission. I have no particular preference for style: fantasy, historic, sci-fi, anything goes. It just has to be good :)

Two games that are already out are Final Fantasy Tactics (been there done that on another platform) and Disgaea (ditto). I don't think I could go through all that again.

The one thing I've found so far is Jeanne D'Arc. I'm trying to get the 23$ in my US account wallet so I can grab it as a downloadable.

Anything else, old, new or upcoming?
I played a couple mission of "Mytran Wars". It has an elaborate tech-tree for research, you can customize your mechs and have 3 different "tiers" of units, from fragile but fast scouts to durable and slow tanks. Appart from having a couple mandatory mechs, you can freely customize your troop.

I enjoyed the game up to the point where missions nearly always get a good part of my troop killed.. and I hate spending hard earned money to resurrect/repair them. I'm kinda perfectionist in that regard, I want to spend everything for upgrades - so I stopped playing when I couldn't beat a mission without casualties :oops:
For turn-based games, I recommend Metal Gear Acid (2 is better or more accessible than 1).

I also like Metal Gear Portable Ops. It has stealth action gameplay, and the build-your-own-army strategic element. They are seamlessly integrated into one game.
I was going to suggest Jeanne D'arc until I saw your last sentence. I played Jeanne D'arc, and I think you'd like it based on your posts. It has a map screen where you can play previous missions over, buy stuff for your characters, etc. You start out with 2 people, and I had 7 people on my team last time. What's really well done in that game is how you're introduced to advanced gameplay mechanics in the loading screen tutorials before each mission. It's a good game, worth your money, however it might be cheaper on the UMD.