Yea, it's going to be annoying probably watching people who have no real idea what they are doing or talking about trying to conclude one thing or another based off this game.. which is why I'm hoping Alex gets an interview with Nixxes who could shed light on everything... but regardless of that, I'm very interested in seeing how this game will perform across a wide range of devices and graphics configurations.It will likely depend how much RAM is available. Lots, then yes, little, then no. Testing this game is going to be a nightmare and I expect to see lots of misleading conclusions being published. I just hope Alex goes all out on his analysis of this one as he's basically the only person on the net I trust to reach accurate conclusions. I don't care if it needs a 2080Ti to match the PS5, I just want to know conclusively one way or the other through properly matches settings and scenes. I shudder to think of the spin a certain IGN based reviewer will be trying to throw at this.
There's a lot of different things I assume people will test for with this game:
-What is the PC equivalent of PS5 at like for like settings
-DirectStorage on vs off load time comparisons
-How much mem capacity and bandwidth the game actually requires at various graphics presets
-How much does DirectStorage affect performance on AMD vs Nvidia across their various different generations of hardware
-Any meaningful difference between the Windows 10 and Windows 11 implementation of DirectStorage
-DLSS3 vs XeSS vs FSR2
-RT comparison vs PS5
Going to be quite the game to test!