Rare Replay. The game collects decades of classics for the Xbox One. 30 games, 30 $/€

I'm not sure if I'm buying it yet. I pretty much only want the 360 games only. I might buy them separately as 360 titles if they are cheaper. The only other game I'm interested is Grabbed by the Ghoulies. I wasn't a big N64 of SNES gamer, but I loved GoldenEye even with the awful N64 controller. Maybe one of these days it will make it onto a Xbox.

Tommy McClain
Your background makes me think that some of those games might positively surprise you. You have played as many of those games as me, which means, not too many. We all have our gaming white whales, I mean those that, while others usually sing their praises, we hide our heads wondering just what all the fuss is about. But in this case, it's more than justified.

Battletoads can arouse anyone's curiosity. Kameo was a technical gem for the time it came out -launch day-. Grabbed by the Ghoulies was just fun. And then there are the games that you never played that are actually good. 30 games is more than half my X1 library and I hope to play them little by little.

GoldenEye.., afaik, is Nintendo's intellectual property, so one of your favourite Rare games can only be played on a Nintendo machine. I played it years ago via emulation and managed to complete the game. It was really fun and every stage was well thought out, missions wise, enemy placement was also good. The most similar game is Perfect Dark, and you have it on the X360, and it is playable via BC, which I did.
I've seen deals for Rare Replay that has it down as low as 18 pounds. Every week it seems to be creeping 1 pound lower as well. At that price it's almost worth buying it for a single game :)
So I spent far too long last night playing with this and still barely scratched the surface.... Did the first area in Kameo and that still looks so good and the emulation seems so smooth, then somehow lost an hour to Attic Attac, and various chunks of time to Battletoads, KI, Jetpac and Nuts and Bolts. (N&B was a little stuttery at times but still worked well). Overall presentation is just amazing. Also managed to fill up quite a few stamp books when it imported my 360 achievements. yay! :)
I really liked Kameo back when i first bought it for 360. Hows the performance on X1?
Kameo was the game I got a 360 for (i've also managed to get the original xbox version of kameo as well ) :) XBox one version is just brilliant. I was wondering at times if it was even too smooth, flying Kameo around the castle gardens I actually got a little bit of motion sickness it was so 'fast'. Only 'problem' is I've got to find a way of getting 300 more points to finish off my stamps. It even has all the dlc kameo/warrior skins available!
Oh and forgot to mention GbtG one of the few (only?) titles to have a meaningful upgrade and the ingame stuff just looks brilliant, image quality and everything is top notch. I think the art style they had in the original has really scaled well , I'd have to dig out my original to see if some of the other things I noticed are new or just better versions from the original but it's so nice :)
Can't believe I haven't grabbed this yet. Already have Kameo and Viva Pinata 1+2 through backcompat which is probably what slowed my purchase. Fantastic collection though.
I can't believe you haven't grabbed this and are not only not grabbing it now but posting about having not grabbed it!!!

He's excited that the game is out. Nothing wrong with that. I'll be getting it as well soon as it's too good a value to pass up.
It's cool to be excited about games. Also, it's been a while since he has posted so put out the welcome back mat.

Yeah, it's only been about a year or two or three...came back and saw the "new design" I remember when this black was orange and black lol. Anyway, I grabbed Replay this morning. In my defense as you can see this was the FIRST place I posted on my return! Nice to see a place that appreciated/appreciates Kameo.

I hit forty in December. :) Massive party planned
I thought i liked Kameo but I've spent the last 3 nights redoing the Corallis fight and I'd obviously blocked that from my memory... It wasn't the deep blue stuff that was hard it was the annoying lightning bolts that always lasted a fraction of a second too long and caught me, that and the fact you'd get an exploding plant nicely lined up when suddenly 2 or 3 more would arrived messing up your shot, either that or there wouldn't be any at all you could use. <sigh> Still a good game though :)
Noticed something a bit odd last night with Viva Pinata : TiP - I managed to get another Amber Gem which you can use to make a Dinosaur pinata. From what I remember you're only supposed to be able to get one per account and I'd got one the last time I'd played the game a few years ago. Be interesting to see if I can make another Dinosaur after all....