Rainbow 6: Vegas Reviewed

I think it's important for everyone to realize that these games were not developed with multiplatform in mind, and as a result, will suffer from that. I don't expect any game developed w/out PS3 in mind (i.e. 360 titles developed pre-2007) to look even remotely good on the PS3 (or close to it's 360 counterpart)

What made you come up with this crazed theory? R6:Vegas was annouced as a multiplatform title... Not only that, but its made by freakin Ubisoft, which pretty much only does multiplatform.
It has all the same feature except the face mapping, I think it even includes one or both of the map packs that they sell on Live for $10 each.

Todd33, would you be able to confirm this ?

When I bought MotorStorm this afternoon, some dude stormed in to look for a copy and then left hastily when he couldn't find any. It kinda raised my curiosity slightly.

Depending on the larger response, I might get it when my pipeline is low. Hopefully Ubisoft gains enough experiences from this game to improve their multiplatform engine and techniques further. It seems that there are still room for improvement.
For the most part, Rainbow Six: Vegas on the PlayStation 3 is identical in most respects to its counterparts on other systems, but the wait for PS3 owners has paid off a bit in terms of value. While Xbox 360 owners are able to purchase the Red and Black map packs for $10 a pop, all of that content is included right on the Blu-ray disc. This includes a couple new modes and a large handful of new maps, giving you some 20 maps to play on. While not every map is available for every game mode and three of them are "redux" versions of other maps, we doubt anyone could complain about the amount of content to be found here.

With a total of 20 multiplayer maps, the ability to play through the whole game cooperatively online, terrorist hunt and the single-player missions, there's a whole lot to this package and it shouldn't be passed up.


Good MP video here:

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I just got this game and found that the co-op matchmaking is pretty good. There were 2 other people in the game I joined, but there was no lag. Also good idea to get a mic/headset.
I'm not sure why they even included the upscaling if it's so bad, they need to make it a game specific feature, here is another story about it.

Upon loading the game initially, I noticed that the loading screens during the initial caching of data to the HDD were much blurrier than the ones on the 360 version. When the start screen with the panoramic view of the Vegas strip came on, I noticed the text was really blurry and there was a lot of video compression in the sky. After starting a game, I saw that the game looked absolutely horrible to the 360 version, really blurry and washed out looking. I was extremely disappointed at first, because I played the 360 version to death, and many of the early PS3 reviews stated that it looked exactly like the 360 version. After changing TV settings to death with no good results, I eventually quit the game and went to the display settings in the PS3. I was hoping that the game was defaulting to 480p for whatever reason. I endedup just killing the 480p and 1080i options and leaving in 720p as that is my TVs native res. Voila! Now the game looks wonderful, very comparable to the 360 version, if not better. I remapped the controls to the 'tactician' settings in the game options to mirror the more intuitive 360 settings, and have had a blast since.

for all the reviews i read so far only ign has stated the inferior graphics on the ps3 version. im not convinced at this point and wondering if anyone would give me a definitive answer to how ps3's version compare visually to 360's. i just need to know it before i buy it. the ps3 screens from ign actually looked pretty good.
There's been some hubbub about 1080i being a problem, namely, its just upscaled so it doesn't look as "crisp" as the 720p output of Vegas. The graphics are about the same (in my experience) with the PS3 having a slightly better draw distance.

Online is a bit buggy at the moment, but its getting progressively better each day.
On the 1up show (which I only just now listened to because I was on holiday), John mentions that he has had very good (better than 360) experience with the voice chat in the game. As someone else on the show had heard from someone else that the quality was worse, it may be a ymmv type of experience.

Overall they hinted at 1up recommending the PS3 version over the 360 version, but that may change if the downloadable content is indeed free now, don't know.
About 5 of us spent some time after work doing a side-by-side prior to the street date at an undisclosed location and everyone basically agreed the 360 version looked and ran better. The problem is that it's subjective because the effects, colors, brightness, etc. are not the same so it's possible some people would prefer the PS3 version but to us it was pretty clear. Although in our group, no one particularly prefers one console over the other, but from the comments I have seen online, that too can be a big factor.
Although it's game play is very good, R6V isn't impressive visually. So all this talk about which version looks better is fairly useless, especially for the console vs console argument that these threads always devolve into.
About 5 of us spent some time after work doing a side-by-side prior to the street date at an undisclosed location and everyone basically agreed the 360 version looked and ran better. The problem is that it's subjective because the effects, colors, brightness, etc. are not the same so it's possible some people would prefer the PS3 version but to us it was pretty clear. Although in our group, no one particularly prefers one console over the other, but from the comments I have seen online, that too can be a big factor.

What resolution have you played the PS3 version at?

Videos I ve seen do show that the 360 version is a little bit better but I ve heard that playing the game at 1080i on the PS3 makes the game look even worse
i finally bought the ps3 version few days ago and the game actually looked pretty good compared to 360's"at my friend's place". heres what i've observed, the 360's has more bloom in teh outdoor and somewhat a hazy feel to it. the ps3's version appeared to hav less blooms but slightly sharper textures on the human models and their armours. the ps3 version has more alias maybe due to less bloom. overall, two versions are quite similar to each other in terms of visual, anyone says 360's looked alot better is purely being biased. anyone whos played ps3's version at 720p would know wat im talking about.