Rainbow 6: Vegas Reviewed

Game Informer gave it a 9.5.

This game has been getting better reviews that i thought it would.I'll buy it cause i liked the demo very much but i believe that MS (and its 3rd parties) should have some killer games this holiday season that aren't shooters.Where's my AAA racing game,action game and rpg MS??(i am talking about new games so things like PGR3,Oblivion e.t.c don't count)
+1 for the dev team
- 1 for the marketting team

this title manages to score better than rfom on some big sites, it doesn't had the hype it deserves...
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Just played the first part of it. Not sure what level I'm on but just now got to the strip.

This game rocks. The cover system is better than Gears. I like that you can line up, then pop up/out kill and go back to covers. Having a crosshair while you're in cover REALLY helps to line up shots. However blind fire is Gears is more useful. Blind fire in RB6 is so pitiful you're just wasting ammo. Better to take cover, line up a shot, pop up, fire and then take cover.

LOTS of weapon choices and equip options. The game is very tactical meaning don't just run around with the same gun and hope to "pwn." You also have to make clever use of your squad. The "snake cam" and target priority is really cool. The effects when you get hit really bring forth a sense of urgency and make you panic!

I can see why this game got the high marks it did. If you like shooters, this is the game to get next to Gears. The graphics are just a notch below Gears but still excellent. The art style perfectly fits the scenarios. No frame rate issues or slowdown yet. Highly recommended.
My detailed Rainbox Six Review:

Coming fresh off Gears you can imagine that my expectation were quite high and I'm happy to report, Rainbow Six: Vegas managed to deliver. After finishing the game under "Normal" difficulty here are my impressions on the various aspects of the game.

Graphics: 4.5 out of 5
First of all, much better than the demo. All the enviornments suited the scenes. Good detail all around from textures to most models. However, the details for characters you interact with during the story mode could have used some work. I found them rather plain and dull in comparison to your character and the rest of your team.

Audio: 4 out of 5
The sound effects were spot on for the combat! However the music never really fit and didn't create the level of intensity and immersion that it could have. Also, the rifles were somewhat flat. Could have used a bit more "pop." The character communication and dialogue was good though.

Controls: 4.5 out of 5
All the controls felt spot on. After about 1/2 hour it's all natural. The cover system is nicer than Gears since you have a crosshair even while in cover and have free look ability. However, the ability to jump from cover to cover, like Gears, would've been a great addition.

AI: 5 out 5
The enemy AI is very good. They spot you, they fire and their aim is really good. Same goes for your team. They're not just bait or tag alongs, they will actually perform as spec ops! The ability to micromanage your squad is welcomed change.

Gameplay: 5 out of 5
Snake cam, enemy tagging, tons of guns and arsenal. Lots of thinking and planning required for flawless execution (or you get executed) are just some of the things that will make you keep coming back to RB6 over and over.

Overall: 4.5 out of 5 (not an average):
What it lacks in graphics and audio in comparison to Gears, it makes up with gameplay and really, at the end of the day, it's all about Gameplay.

I'll now be doing co-op and online and see how that goes. If you have a 360, this is a no brainer. Either rent or buy, but you owe it to yourself to play this game. I'll warn you, you'll die a lot and get really frustrated but it's all worth it. :)
Vegas on the PlayStation 3 is mostly identical to what we saw on the Xbox 360 late last year. The bulk of the game has remained the same, though Ubisoft has taken the extra development time to add in a handful of new content and features. Some of those things are related to the online play which we unfortunately can't talk about just yet (soon though), but there are a few new elements to the singleplayer and co-op modes.


PS3 version almost ready for those who care. I have the 360 version and played through co-op with a friend, great game.

Nice. So UE3 on PS3 is not a myth after all. ;)

This was my most anticipated game last year, before the countless delays and Double Agent port crushed that anticipation. Too late maybe, hopefully not too little. If only we could see a demo at PS Store.

Any word on jaggies? I cannot see any, probably due to crappy compression of IGN shots and GT video.
Edge Magazine UK gave it a 6\10

Not that i care, everybody else is giving it 90+

Edge reviews differently than other magazines.

The impression I ve got is that they review games not as products that will be end up at consumers' houses, but as programing and creative work from the developers' perspective. I doubt they rate them from the consumers' eyes.

And judging from the general content in the whole magazine it is probably less "casual consumer friendly". It's more like a magazine dedicated to the technical side of the gaming industry than the entertainment side. Similar to how art critics see and criticize art vs the general casual viewer.

Show a good drawing to a friend and he will go "WOW". Show that to an art "expert" and he will find 100 things that arent so good

So a 6/10 in Edge is not always indicative of the quality for a consumer/gamer who is looking for a great game to play.

So based on their seperate criteria both sides are right. But personally if I wanted to buy a game as a gamer I d go for the other reviews. Not Edge's.
The PS3 reviews are out. It seems that the general verdict is that while frame-rate wise it is the same as the X360 version, it has lower effects and some lower quality textures. Perhaps as a bandaid fix for the disappearing textures problem that some devs here have credited to over-zealous texture streaming.

I'm mainly interested in whether the online components are intact. I'm hoping the online co-op is still there.
i haven't seen any review say that the textures are worse. all i've read was that the bloom effects aren't as apparent and the framerate chugs a little during hectic battles. IGN did mention the textures weren't quite as good in their preview a few months ago, but that was not the final build as far as i remember.
i haven't seen any review say that the textures are worse. all i've read was that the bloom effects aren't as apparent and the framerate chugs a little during hectic battles. IGN did mention the textures weren't quite as good in their preview a few months ago, but that was not the final build as far as i remember.

The IGN review is up and thats what is mentioned, the textures and lowered bloom effects. IGN also mentions less detailed models, but this also hasn't been reflected in other reviews. I think for the differences between the platforms, theres still not enough reviews to draw a consensus.

Framerate-wise, I believe the reviews are saying its more or less the same as the X360 version ; imperfect when things get hectic but generally quite good.

I'm still wondering about the online co-op. Hoping to pick this one up but will have to reconsider if it isn't there.
i haven't seen any review say that the textures are worse. all i've read was that the bloom effects aren't as apparent and the framerate chugs a little during hectic battles. IGN did mention the textures weren't quite as good in their preview a few months ago, but that was not the final build as far as i remember.

Really? I don't know which reviews you've read, but the one linked on this page (IGN's) has the following to say:

"One area that Rainbow Six: Vegas on the PlayStation 3 does fall a little short on when compared to the other versions is with regards to visuals. It's a nice looking game to be sure, but the whole thing doesn't look quite as sharp as it could. Colors are a little duller and there isn't as much use of certain effects, like bloom lighting and such. Some folks may appreciate that aspect to a certain degree, but beyond that it still doesn't look quite as nice as what we've seen previously. Some texture work isn't quite as sharp, and the characters aren't as detailed as what's found in the 360 release, especially in the faces. Weapons that have been dropped pop in and out of view as you approach and walk away when they're but a mere 50 feet or so away."


So apparently, while not significantly worse looking, the xbox360 gets the job done better.
I think it's important for everyone to realize that these games were not developed with multiplatform in mind, and as a result, will suffer from that. I don't expect any game developed w/out PS3 in mind (i.e. 360 titles developed pre-2007) to look even remotely good on the PS3 (or close to it's 360 counterpart). That being said, this game does remarkably better than other multiplatform titles, which is saying a lot.

I bought it yesterday, but failed to check, does the PS3 version include co-op at all?
I bought it yesterday, but failed to check, does the PS3 version include co-op at all?

It has all the same feature except the face mapping, I think it even includes one or both of the map packs that they sell on Live for $10 each.