Radeon 9100

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lol, the website title is actually "Triton 8500".

Oh well, if nVidia can rename a 4600 to a 4800, I guess theres nothing wrong with ATi promoting the 8500 by 600 model numbers.
BoddoZerg said:
Oh well, if nVidia can rename a 4600 to a 4800, I guess theres nothing wrong with ATi promoting the 8500 by 600 model numbers.
In fact there is nothing wrong with that....now ;)
Yeah, but its annoying that the videocard manufacturers seem to have gotten into a race of Giving Things Higher Model Numbers For No Reason. It all started with the "Ti" designations for GeForces, soon afterward ATi retaliated with the 7x00-series Radeons and then nVidia made the GeForce"4"MX, then ATi retaliates with Radeon"9"000 and now it is just crazy, they keep the same identical videocard (4600 and 8500) and just give it a higher number. So confusing, argggghhhhh!

If only videocards had some kind of semi-constant measure of performance like the Pentium 4 GHz / Athlon model numbers...

Come to think about it, what are they going to do for Clawhammer/Opteron? Are they going to get Athlon like model numbers, so "3000" for a 800 MHz Hammer? !??
NVIDIA hasn't announced a 4800 product. The AGP 8x version of the 4200 kept the same model number, one would hope the 4600 would stay the same as well.

Renaming the 8500 to be higher than the 9000 puts things back in order, but doesn't change the fact that the 9000 shouldn't have been dubbed higher than the 8500 in the first place. I'm not a big fan of the MX naming convention either, but at least it's got the MX in the title, so there should be no confusion as to whether or not it's crapola.
well first off, the whole naming thing started back in the day with Renditions Verite 2100 and 2200. then, of course, 3dfx followed suit with their Voodoo3, and you know the rest.

yes, the Ti4600 with AGP8x will be renamed to 4800. assuming they actually produce it for, what, 2 months til the NV30 hits?

well i would have a big problem with the MX's if they were called "4200" "4400" and "4600" but at least they bumped them down to "420" etc. I do have some friends that would go for the 420 just cause ;) But i still dont like calling it a "4." i think calling the RV250 a "9x00" is just as big a problem because that indicates its on the same level as the rest of the 9x00 series. 7x00 is DX7, 8x00 is DX8, and 9x00 is DX9... or so they said until suddenly the 9000... why the fuk do they keep changing their naming conventions!?!?!?!? at least the 4800 is actually a little different than the 4600!!!! and at least the GF4 MX has some GF4 Ti tech... but where the hell does ATi get off calling their RV250 a 9x00!? why the hell is it even a Rx250!? the R250 is more advanced than the R200, the RV250 is less advanced than the R200 so it should be "RV200"!!!!! AAAARG
geforce 4 mx is basicly a geforce 2 clocked higher . the 9000 radeon has a new memory controller taken from the 9700 and hey its a dx 8.1 part compared to a geforce 4 mx that is only a dx 7... is it even a dx 7 ?
Let's not get into this crap again...it's just going to go the same way as last time. Just accept the naming conventions and live with them. As pointed out the 8500 is faster than the 9000 so it deserves the higher numbering (and also costs more to make so it can't be sold as cheaply, thus also deserving a higher number).

As for the rest, it's been beaten to death and who really cares?
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