PSP ??

It would be awesome if you could hook up a PSP to PS3

PSP: Uhh dad I need a little more power to render this scene at a higher frame rate

PS3: Again??!!

PSP: Yea..

PS3: Fine *PS3 donates the power of one it's APU's to help out it's child the PSP*
I love how some die-hard Nintendo fans are already pooping all over Sony's new portable with criticisms of battery life, etc.

The portable market is Nintendo's last bastion. Has been ever since they proved unwilling to evolve with the times and gave up great gobs of market share to Sega in the 16-bit generation, then Sony in the last two gens.

So now the company is facing a new and potentially dangerous threat in its last remaining stronghold. We all knew it was inevitable. I hope they enjoy the ride down! :D

If Nintendo loses half of it's portable marketshare to Sony, they are in trouble. That's about one of the only things keeping them afloat.
Kolgar said:
I love how some die-hard Nintendo fans are already pooping all over Sony's new portable with criticisms of battery life, etc.

The portable market is Nintendo's last bastion. Has been ever since they proved unwilling to evolve with the times and gave up great gobs of market share to Sega in the 16-bit generation, then Sony in the last two gens.

So now the company is facing a new and potentially dangerous threat in its last remaining stronghold. We all knew it was inevitable. I hope they enjoy the ride down! :D


Mmm, I love it when die-hard Nintendo haters come in and drop flame bait.
Tagrineth... are you all right ? Uhm... you haven't perm banned them or beat them up or use their faces to sharpen claws...


I am just kidding... I know for a while we will have PSP is doomed vs Nintendo handhelds are doomed...

I believe that there is space for the PSP and even if Nintendo looses some market share it won't be a dramatic problem unless Nintendo refuses to acknowledge it...

PSP even if highly succesful ( which has chances of being ) will not kill Nintendo or their handheld division as it would not overlap that much with Nintendo GBA's userbase, but it should cover abit more the GBA SP and upwards...

I think there is space fo a succesful PSP and a GBA 1-2...
Nintendo hater? Hardly. But of all the console manufacturers, I think Nintendo has delivered the least the past two generations.

The company used to criticize Sony's platforms for having so many sequels. Well, if Nintendo isn't the sequel king, I don't know who is. How many times do we have to play the same Mario or Zelda game with improved graphics?

Nintendo's attempt at going after "mature" gamers was mostly lip service, the company's third-party support has been lacking for years, and there's no hint of an online strategy (unless they announced something I'm not aware of). Unless you're a big fan of Nintendo's franchise characters, there's very little to attract you to their systems.

All of which helps explain the fact that the company has given up huge chunks of market share in every generation since the NES. Now that Sony may be mounting a serious challenge in the portable market, God help them.

As for me, I used to be die-hard Nintendo all the way. But over the years, I got tired of watching the company's arrogance neuter its systems' potential. I got tired of the delays and misinformation. Finally, I just got tired of there being too few games.

As a consumer, I'm happy to see companies that satisfy me gain success. And it also pleases me to see companies that have burned me reap what they sow.

But I digress--this is a thread about PSP, right? :)

Now all we need is m$ to build one using a SuperH processor and MBX (will make DC game ports trivial).

The NURBS stuff sounds totally silly BTW. It is an ok primitive for modelling, although even there it aint all that, but it is inefficient for rendering especially if you dont use it for modelling in the first place ... there are far more efficient HOSs, even if you do use NURBS for modelling. Whenever I hear the term in relation to console news I cant help but think that it has been made up.
A little silly Mfa, but the way I see it it is only to say "hey this system is in between PSX and PlayStation 2 ( which uses NURBS just fine )... the FPU or the Vector unit used will be nice and powerful"...
The thing most likely WILL draw considerably more power than the GBA SP, .09u manufacturing or not. .13u didn't save GFFX from the dustbuster fate after all... :)

If it draws more power, it'll need a (considerably) larger battery to get comparable battery life, especially with the larger screen, which will need more LEDs to light it evenly.

Bigger battery, more powerful chips, new proprietary high-density disc storage = higher cost and more fragile. You could drop a GBA down a flight of stairs and it would survive without too much damage done to it as it's all solid state stuff, what about the mechanics in this disc drive unit?

Nintendo doesn't HAVE to have superior tech. They have KILLED, and yes, I say *KILLED*, technically superior competitors before. Many times in fact. :LOL: Actually, they have *KILLED* every competitor there is in the mobile marketplace, they rule unchallenged at the moment. If PSP looks to threaten them, they'll lower the price of their hardware. They can do that because by then they'll have sold a gazillion of them already and cost-revised their hardware and all that business stuff which means they could lower prices substantially and still make a profit. I wonder how much that disc drive in the PSP alone costs. Probably QUITE a bit.

Sony would enter the market with ZERO momentum other than hype, and that doesn't carry you very far if you're far more expensive than the (extremely well established) competition. Besides, how well does 3D graphics work on such a small screen? Wouldn't it get really grainy and hard to make out? Now, if the hardware did 4xSSAA, it would help of course, but I think the chance is big it would just become a grainy mess. Esp if the hardware does bilinear filtering (ant city! Ugh!).

Hope we'll see that drive unit in some variation of future Minidisc players! :D It would be excellent in such an application (rewriteable of course).

I hope this console is cheap and becomes successful because it looks great on paper, of what I know so far at least. Still I have to be somewhat sceptic esp regarding cost and battery life until Sony tells us more. Doesn't make me a Nintendo f-boy party-pooper, just realistic. (Hey, if anyone doubts me, I own a PS2 for chrissakes and I luv it so STFU with the f-boy crap okay! ;) )

Well, all I can say is, that I agree with Ozymandis. We FINALLY have someone who is willing to take bigger steps in handheld gaming. Hopefully, Nintendo´s GBA will be dehtroned by this machine, we had enough of babysteps in this Nintendo monopoly.

One other thing, considering Sony´s partners, filling this thing with quality software (with a much more mature approach I might add) won´t be difficult at all.
I think comparing GBA to PSP is like comparing the PS2 to GC, the second is more powerful but the first has a bigger userbase and that means more developer support.
Actually, Grall has a point.

The Lynx... the Game Gear... the Nomad... all left broken and bruised by the ORIGINAL GB hardware, which all three outclassed to a ridiculous degree.
Grall said:
0.09u manufacturing or not. .13u didn't save GFFX from the dustbuster fate after all... :)

But, in all fairness to nVidia: The nV30 is 120M transistors that were designed to be used with a low-K dielectric that TSMC (The dudes who make the chips) didn't have available for mass production in time. Also, this could be 90nm SOI.

So, a bit diffrent...

Tag said:
The Lynx... the Game Gear... the Nomad... all left broken and bruised by the ORIGINAL GB hardware, which all three outclassed to a ridiculous degree.

Very true, but two of these were made by Sega - so it's really not a fair comparason. <ducks and runs>
Nintendo doesn't HAVE to have superior tech. They have KILLED, and yes, I say *KILLED*, technically superior competitors before. Many times in fact. Actually, they have *KILLED* every competitor there is in the mobile marketplace, they rule unchallenged at the moment. If PSP looks to threaten them, they'll lower the price of their hardware. They can do that because by then they'll have sold a gazillion of them already and cost-revised their hardware and all that business stuff which means they could lower prices substantially and still make a profit. I wonder how much that disc drive in the PSP alone costs. Probably QUITE a bit.

Sony knows a bit more about marketing than Sega and they have good 3rd party relationships and having a 1.8 GB relatively cheap optical disc is an advantage none of GBx competitors had ( they were all on cartdridges ).

Sony can drive the PSP's price down very nicely as well...

Think about what they have done with the PlayStation 2, think about how a new revision of the PlayStation 2 with the EE+GS@90 nm would cost them...

Sony would manufacture their won chips, die shrinking them as soon as their advanced fabs allow them to... expect to see 65 nm and after 45 nm die shrink of the chip used in the PSP...

Sony has very nice manufacturing technology and high volume fabs... they can fight the price war too :)

Sony would enter the market with ZERO momentum other than hype, and that doesn't carry you very far if you're far more expensive than the (extremely well established) competition. Besides, how well does 3D graphics work on such a small screen? Wouldn't it get really grainy and hard to make out? Now, if the hardware did 4xSSAA, it would help of course, but I think the chance is big it would just become a grainy mess. Esp if the hardware does bilinear filtering (ant city! Ugh!).

Look... PSOne games on the PSOne LCD screen LOOK SWEET.. better than on the TV I used to play them IMHO...

This should have a good screen too and AA :)
I think comparing GBA to PSP is like comparing the PS2 to GC, the second is more powerful but the first has a bigger userbase and that means more developer support.

True, I don't think developer going to dump GBA overnight. Unless the PSP offered more competitive financial incentives, than GBA, early support might be alot less, than people here might anticipated.

PSP might just get port here and there.
V3 said:
I think comparing GBA to PSP is like comparing the PS2 to GC, the second is more powerful but the first has a bigger userbase and that means more developer support.

True, I don't think developer going to dump GBA overnight. Unless the PSP offered more competitive financial incentives, than GBA, early support might be alot less, than people here might anticipated.

PSP might just get port here and there.

I doubt that is going to be the case. PSP´s technological power will be MUCH, MUCH greater than the greatly underpowered GBA. Hopefully now we can see proper MegaMan, Castlevanias and Final Fantasies with graphics that don´t look nor sound like they were taken straight out of 1992.

In any case, if things work out as they should, I´ll be good for the industry to see Nintendo lose this last monopoly.
hey69 said:
i'v just read that! holy canoly macarony!

at last some healthy competition for the handheld market.

imagine ps2 quality games on a portable.
(what would be cool if those could be even better on the PSP)

Welcome hey69 to B3D....!

BTW is it Playstation 1 Portable....I am sure it cant be PS2 portable...did they show PSP there?
I doubt that is going to be the case. PSP´s technological power will be MUCH, MUCH greater than the greatly underpowered GBA.

Increasing development cost, would be the last thing that Publisher needs. Unless the masses starts eating PSP in great number, ie outselling the current GBA, and Sony doesn't have supply problem like Nintendo with their GBA, I don't think many developers will shift.

Hopefully now we can see proper MegaMan, Castlevanias and Final Fantasies with graphics that don´t look nor sound like they were taken straight out of 1992.

The proper graphics for those games, are the one from 1992 ;)

I think we will see companies porting their GBA, PS, PS2, GC, Xbox games for quick cash.

In any case, if things work out as they should, I´ll be good for the industry to see Nintendo lose this last monopoly.


If it is to prove that GC2 and Xbox2 going to come out about the same time as PS3. We should see something similar in this department.

I wonder what will save GB this time, Pokemon again ?