PSP ??

nintendo handheld = sony platform

like ps2, it need not ulta specs to winxor! like ps2, even when xbox has cheaper devcosts, devs still flock towards ps2. i mean, IF sony can sell their PSP to great heights fast, else GBA > PSP.
chaphack said:
like ps2, it need not ulta specs to winxor! like ps2, even when xbox has cheaper devcosts, devs still flock towards ps2. i mean, IF sony can sell their PSP to great heights fast, else GBA > PSP.

No, this analogy is fallicious. PSP can offer 'perks' and cater to a demographic that there currently is nobody serving. Nintendo doesn't have the technology, infastructure or digital media to offer what Sony can.

When Ken Kutaragi said, "This is the Walkman of the 21st Century," he didn't intend that SCE will compete against GBA directly and try to woo the sub-10year old demographic with Pokemon right off the bat. I think they look at the true digital revolution thats occured in Japan and the Far East as indicative of the future of pervasive computing in the Western World.

Someone will offer us Digital Media, be that Movies, Music, Internet or Voice Communication all threw a network fabric - a handheld device will be part of this. SCE, IMHO, is looking towards that... not a GBA clone at all.

XBox, as you injected into this conversation offered nothing over PS2, nothing (Be this tangible technology, games, et al). And it has fallen. PSP, as PSX once did - will offer something to the consumers that other don't. It will probobly suceed, and the Street would seem to concur.
Sony is the large underdog here. Anybody who thinks otherwise is deluding themselves.

And battery life is far far more important a spec than the number of sprites or polygons a portable system can push.

Nintendo hasn't dominated the portable market because of a fluke. Give them some credit.
When Ken Kutaragi said, "This is the Walkman of the 21st Century," he didn't intend that SCE will compete against GBA directly and try to woo the sub-10year old demographic with Pokemon right off the bat


someone will offer us Digital Media, be that Movies, Music, Internet or Voice Communication all threw a network fabric - a handheld device will be part of this. SCE, IMHO, is looking towards that... not a GBA clone at all.

heh! that is what i said earlier. :D

but the major problem is, will people flock to buy all these all in one gadgets? i guess the price is main factor, it has to be right to successfully compete between handheld gaming market and personal digital entertainment market.
Heeey... now a 512 MB cartdridge... hehe, and you want to tell me that they will be comparable in price to the UMD optical discs ?

Tag already mentioned the 512mb version in her earlier posts. Apparently it will be comparable in price to a UMD as it'll be comparable in price to the carts GBA already uses.

Also by your reasonign no developer will ever make ANY game for the PSP...

No, not at all. I was only mirroring your comment from the opposite perspective to make a point, that's all. The point being your view is far to one sided. Your looking at one possible advantage for PSP, disc size, and totally missing a far greater advantage for GB, userbase. Where you can say "a dev will chose a 1.8gb disc over a 256/512mb cart anyday". I can say "a dev will chose a 100+ million userbase with a 256/512mb cart over a 0 userbase with a 1.8gb disc anyday".

The point is that a developer has incentive to choose the PSP

They have an even bigger incentive to chose GB.

BTW who says Nintendo won't match Sony's PSP licensing fee's? Nintendo have now matched Sony and MS's licensing fee's with GC.. after being more expensive for a long time.
Teasy said:
Heeey... now a 512 MB cartdridge... hehe, and you want to tell me that they will be comparable in price to the UMD optical discs ?

Tag already mentioned the 512mb version in her earlier posts. Apparently it will be comparable in price to a UMD as it'll be comparable in price to the carts GBA already uses.

NO, she said 256 MB... ah come on... we cannot play this game... you keep increasing the size and assuming the cost of it will be low...

As far as a 256 MB or a 512 MB cartdridge comparable to a mass produced optical disc... well we disagree...

Also by your reasonign no developer will ever make ANY game for the PSP...

No, not at all. I was only mirroring your comment from the opposite perspective to make a point, that's all. The point being your view is far to one sided. Your looking at one possible advantage for PSP, disc size, and totally missing a far greater advantage for GB, userbase. Where you can say "a dev will chose a 1.8gb disc over a 256/512mb cart anyday". I can say "a dev will chose a 100+ million userbase with a 256/512mb cart over a 0 userbase with a 1.8gb disc anyday".

And I say that most apples taste differently than most oranges... we disagree again that the two arguments mirror each other...

The point is that a developer has incentive to choose the PSP

They have an even bigger incentive to chose GB.

Again we disagree... and investors seem to put your point in doubt a bit too...

BTW who says Nintendo won't match Sony's PSP licensing fee's? Nintendo have now matched Sony and MS's licensing fee's with GC.. after being more expensive for a long time.

I did not say that, I just put it in discussion... if it happens it is going to be good... competition == good for consumers...
Your logic is not clear to me.... how is the argument "how many developers on GCN use more than two disks ( which would be 3 GB ) ?" related to the fact that developers would enjoy a cheap 1.8 GB format ?

I meant to say more than 1 disc ;)

And what does DC recovering from anything mean? I use this to prove your point about having a huge game base wrong, since DC had the better games and look what happened? PS2 raped it. DC "recovering" haha how funny, the average person who bought a PS2 had no idea of what happened to 32X or DC. DC got killed because people just wanted a PS2 more, which again goes to prove that a "headstart" means shit in this case, as DC had a huge one over ps2.

Haha you're proving MY point ;) One of the reason people wanted PS2 initially was because of HYPE and the PSX wave not QUALITY ;)

PS2 is still continuing to do well now is because of the headstart/momentum which gave it more games get it???

People passed over DC for the PS2 because of HYPE not quality. DC had the quality. There were no QUALITY games at launch for PS2 get it????

So your point about having the headstart is bullshit, wrong.

Read above genius.

And what does people paying 1000 dollars on ebay for ps2 have anything to do with anything?

It proves that people WANTED ps2 and would get one under any means necessary, they could have just got a DC or waited for Xbox or cube, but no they wanted the ps2. Which again proves your whole ps2 is winning because of the headstart bullshit wrong again.


You seriously need to go back and read carefully and try to grasp the concept...specifically my response to london boy with regards to buying Sony products. :p Oh and if you still can't grasp the concept then let me make really easy for even the average Joe to understand. The PS2 HYPE machine killed the DC so that's one of the reasons why DCt stopped selling well.

You might want to take off your goggles for a couple of minutes when you respond to this post ;)
PC-Engine said:
And what does people paying 1000 dollars on ebay for ps2 have anything to do with anything?

It proves that people WANTED ps2 and would get one under any means necessary, they could have just got a DC or waited for Xbox or cube, but no they wanted the ps2. Which again proves your whole ps2 is winning because of the headstart bullshit wrong again.


You seriously need to go back and read carefully and try to grasp the concept...specifically my response to london boy with regards to buying Sony products. :p Oh and if you still can't grasp the concept then let me make really easy for even the average Joe to understand. The PS2 HYPE machine killed the DC so that's one of the reasons why DCt stopped selling well.

You might want to take off your goggles for a couple of minutes when you respond to this post ;)

People likes something new, I remember almost every new consoles had the prices bloated a couple of times the official price in my area when the supply was short. Only X-BOX was the exception (it was bloated only to around 1.5 times of its official price but dropped to below the official price very fast).

As for PS2 keep selling like hot cakes, hype might have given it a kick start, but they are the games that keep is going strong. It is the strength of Sony to capture enough developers into PS2. People like to make up many reasons to put down/discredit the strength of Sony.

If no one likes the games, the console wouldn't sell.

BTW, I think the major reason for the death of DC was piracy.
Vince said:
No, this analogy is fallicious. PSP can offer 'perks' and cater to a demographic that there currently is nobody serving. Nintendo doesn't have the technology, infastructure or digital media to offer what Sony can.

When Ken Kutaragi said, "This is the Walkman of the 21st Century," he didn't intend that SCE will compete against GBA directly and try to woo the sub-10year old demographic with Pokemon right off the bat. I think they look at the true digital revolution thats occured in Japan and the Far East as indicative of the future of pervasive computing in the Western World.

Someone will offer us Digital Media, be that Movies, Music, Internet or Voice Communication all threw a network fabric - a handheld device will be part of this. SCE, IMHO, is looking towards that... not a GBA clone at all.

You mean a cool looking silver device, advertised with semi-naked women with 'mature' games and with non-games apps (MP3, phone connectivity, PDA functionality, etc)? Sounds like Nintendo to me. All availble on Gameboy today (at least in Japan).

Most of you are thinking of GBA not GBA:SP and certainly not the next Gameboy, Nintendo have the kiddy market sown up (BTW Thats 50% of the gaming market) and a 24 month lead on the adult handheld market (GBA:SP has been out 6 months, and its 18 months to PSP). They have the adult software coming on nicely (or have you not played the best RPG in modern time (Golden Sun), a better RPG than ANY PS2/Xbox/GC RPG).

If Nintendo stick with cartridges for the next Gameboy, they will make sure it has hardware MP3 and MPEG4 to reduce space. In other portible arena's (MP3) discs have lost, because of battery and size.But Nintendo have serious investment in small discs as well, a modified Gamecube disc would be trivial.

People seem to assume that Nintendo won't react to this challenge, so far they have charged what they want and updated at their leisure. Why not? They are an effective monopoly at the moment, but that doesn't mean they won't react to a major challenger like Sony. They have more 'spare' cash then Sony, its time they spent it.

I also wouldn't be surprised if next gen GBA becomes a controller with their next console, they are showing lots of games that use 4 GBA for Gamecube. To me the next logical step would be for their next gen console to come with a free next gen GBA as its default controller... And the price might be more like the price of an extra controller (20-30 quid anybody?). Nintendo haven't needed the razor model (loss leading) yet, but it would be easy for them to start.

Nintendo have seen how Sony beat them in the console market, I don't see them sitting idle while Sony steals another massive market from them. How many people use the term Gameboy to mean a handheld console, just as people use Playstation to mean a normal console?

At this point, it a matter of personal belief. Does Sony have some kind of advantage that will make them (the underdog) overturn Nintendo's monopoly? It will be 3-4 years before we know, personally I don't see what Sony has that Nintendo doesn't (or couldn't get) but I could be wrong.
Bottomline is Sony poses most serious threat to Nintendo's handheld empire and not only they are a serious contendor, they also have the capability and will power to topple N...
DeanoC said:
Vince said:
To me the next logical step would be for their next gen console to come with a free next gen GBA as its default controller...

That sure will not happen. You can't produce something that could beat PSP for 30$. Impossible!

And the other problem is the form of your controler. A handheld needs to be easy portable, so it should be in a form you can place into a small pocket, like a PDA.

OT DeanC, but I felt that Golden Sun's text was an insult to my intelligence, the level of language used was sub Grade 5, if that :)
aren't gameboy roms listed as MegaBITS? I think they are

256Mbits ROM cartridge equals to 32megabyte ROM
14745Mbits ROM UMD equals to 1.8GIGigabyte disc . 8)

so comparing 512 mbit or even a 1mbit rom cartridge (that equals to 64 and 128megabyte) to a 1.8 GIgabyte disc is a joke
hey69 said:
aren't gameboy roms listed as MegaBITS? I think they are

Yeah, they are. Most ROMs are 4MB, some are 8MB and very few are 16MB.

You really can't make a ROM with a similar price and size than a disc media. It's impossible.

Ok this is ridiculous. The GB and all iterations are not just for kids. You don't sell hundreds of millions of handhelds worldwide to kids only. So for you people saying "Oh, Sony can just tap into the adult market and get a foothold."

Please. Stop deluding yourselves. The GB --> GBA-SP are everywhere, in every demographic. This isn't the console space. :rolleyes:

No matter what Sony does, they're going to have a hard time simply because they're a decade late. But whatever they do, I hope they make sure to create long battery life and price it reasonably, or else they're going to be dead before they even start. I don't know why people discount those two factors.

We've seen every portable *but* the GB --> GBA-SP go the way of the dodo, even when techologically superior, because the battery life was terrible and they were outlandishly priced.