Q. At Nintendo's press conference this week it seemed that Nintendo is not very worried about the PlayStation PSP, the new handheld game player Sony said it will launch late next year. What are your thoughts on Sony entering the handheld business?
Iwata: What troubles me most is that what they showed yesterday was simply one small optical disc. Other than that, no information is available and they are just talking about a thing which may or may not come out a year and a half from today. We don't know how much it will be, what kind of exterior design and what kind of specifications it will have and most importantly what kind of games they can offer.
And now, people ask me, "Are you worried?" That kind of questioning itself troubles me most. Maybe we should be thankful that Sony has given us such a long notice, one year and a half ahead of the launch. So we can make any preparations, if necessary, but the fact of the matter is they need to challenge the market occupied by Game Boy Advance.
By the time Sony may be able to introduce the system, at least 16 million units of Game Boy Advance will be there, against which they will have to compete. <<< it is PS1/2 in de handheld !