PSP UMD movie sales falter

The good games are what are steadily wearing away at me and making me WANT to pick up a PSP. It just hasn't yet conqured my "wanting to use $$$ for other things" and "not caring much about portable gaming" roadblocks yet. ;)
I don't know... that bundle with the BRD plus UMD is a very smart move. But if that's the way they wanna go, will UMD's come with every movie? I hope because it promotes psp and UMD's.
pixelbox said:
I don't know... that bundle with the BRD plus UMD is a very smart move. But if that's the way they wanna go, will UMD's come with every movie? I hope because it promotes psp and UMD's.

I think in moviegames this would be a *very* good idea esp. Like future official SP3 game with a SP3 UMD.

But one thing i still dont get is why they dont have bonus-discs just like a DVD!?

Btw they stated that it was coming with DVD and not BR atleast first this "combo"
pack(the bundle you refered too).
overclocked said:
I think in moviegames this would be a *very* good idea esp. Like future official SP3 game with a SP3 UMD.

But one thing i still dont get is why they dont have bonus-discs just like a DVD!?

Btw they stated that it was coming with DVD and not BR atleast first this "combo"
pack(the bundle you refered too).

I don't know what that is SP3 is. Maybe that can lower the price to 10 dollars or a UMD burner that could work with that online service they're making. I don't know what can they do to fix this.
NucNavST3 said:
I'm not quite sure what it would take for me to drop some dollars on a handheld, price cut could work, I looked at the PSP games list when I got home, and there was nothing that I went "Wow, I have got to play that game" because most of it looked like they had a console counterpart already.

think of the portability. and the social possibilities that come with a wifi-ed portable - it's fun to challenge/get challenged by a stranger at your favorite handheld game while at a public place. way better than playing against sombody anonymous over the net while sitting alone at home.

Also, from my limited sample of friends (around 10) who have owned both the DS and PSP, most of them don't use their psp for gaming or have returned it and only play the DS.

i do play the ds way more often too (and use the psp for other things), but for me the ds has entirely been a single-player experience so far - i can't seem to find anybody else with nanostray around here, and the rest of the games i play on the ds are not multiplayer.
As a fellow Intelligent Qube lover, I can tell you that Mercury is quite in interesting take on the puzzle game, and very challenging and engrossing. ^_^ Not as much of an "action" puzzler as IQ was (except at times) It is definitely a refreshing new twist on a genre that can get pretty damn derivative. Oh, but for want of a tilt controller! :cry:

Lumines is great, too, and even Ultimate Block Party is fun, but they are indeed of a different playstyle. (Exit looks promising, but seems like it may have one too many annoying quirks.)

There seems to be a dearth of arcade-type shooters coming across right now, but hopefully the Gradius collection will make its' way across the ocean in short order. ^_^

Other unique things that look good: Tokobot, GripShift, Infected (though obviously too bloody for your kid. ;) Not that I think a PSP is a good device to hand to a four-year-old anyway) and perhaps Frantix and Armored Core: Formula Front (that one depends entirely on if you like the genre, and specifically like its' "programmable" mode, which is the unique/strategic part)

I'm not sure how Lemmings hasn't been announced for us yet, but it should make its' way across soon (I hope. Though I'm a bit leery on its' control without a mouse. This counts as "unique" simply because of how LONG it's been since the last functional Lemmings game we could play. ;) ) and if LocoRoco doesn't make it across I will very much KILL someone! Every Extend Extra looks like there's every chance it will be extremely excellent. (Mmm, alliteration...) Also... glorious!

Meanwhile, I've never really understood "having a console counterpart" as being a turnoff. Are all sequels supposed to suck, too, even though so many of the top games of 2005 (and I mean rated quality-wise by folk like us, not sales-wise) were sequels? IMHO, the only thing that matters is to know what kind of games you want to play on a portable first and foremost, then look at the best examples any platform has to offer for them--and how many of them they offer and have upcoming--whether they have a counterpart or not. It's not like you can easily play THEM on the road, can you? ;)
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pixelbox said:
I don't know what that is SP3 is. Maybe that can lower the price to 10 dollars or a UMD burner that could work with that online service they're making. I don't know what can they do to fix this.

SP3, Spiderman3, i took it as its the best example esp with most people seen atleast that one on their PSP. But of course upcoming "The Da Vinci Code" could been another example. :)
Im not just sure if they would make a game out of that one but its atleast SonyPictures.
NucNavST3 said:
I'm not quite sure what it would take for me to drop some dollars on a handheld, price cut could work, I looked at the PSP games list when I got home, and there was nothing that I went "Wow, I have got to play that game" because most of it looked like they had a console counterpart already. Also, from my limited sample of friends (around 10) who have owned both the DS and PSP, most of them don't use their psp for gaming or have returned it and only play the DS.
I've got the PSP and other than Lumines and movies on an airplane, I really don't see a point to it yet. I really really really wanted to like Death Jr, but boy is the thumb stick quite horrible. I wish they'd focus more on some very cool 2D games. Or get some really great RPGs. As it is now, other than being damn sexy, I'm pretty much horribly disappointed in it.

But I will be pretty excited if once the PS3 is out Sony makes an effort to release dual Blu-ray and UMD packages. I'd be willing to spend a little extra for that...
I was taunting ya, man. ;) Though I will point out that there is a VERY small amount of games (mostly RPG re-do's that haven't been around for ages. I am of course not counting any anthology collections) that are direct ports. You may get "the same kind of game" as has appeared on non-portable consoles before, but for anything that matters plot/story-wise (therefore I'm not counting fighting games here. -_^ But even WITH fighting games, they're getting good treatment. The Street Fighter Alpha for PSP has a number of improvements and modes that you can't get from the other versions) Most of, say, the racing games are derivative, but those games are all about the gameplay and there's little else to matter; if you want racing games for a portable system, you'll be looking their way. There are at least a good number of choices to pick from. Hehe...

There are very few exactly-the-same ports on either system (the DS may, in fact, have more. One of the peeves I have about Resident Evil: DS), and even those get "enhancements" at the very least. Sometimes just in some kind of wireless multiplayer, but if that's what suits you... Hey. ^_^ I don't even care about Super Mario 64 DS's single-player game (wonky controls, played it before...) except in how it opens up more amusing mini-games. ;) (I am not counting simul-releases for new games across all platforms, naturally. They may end up having notable differences as well, but even so we don't expect them to be offering completely different experiences, same as we wouldn't expect it from a game launched on P/X/G simultaneously.)

The vast majority, however, are effectively "sequels." They're just sequels on a portable system. You may recognize the KIND of game it is right away, but it still won't be the same game. And as with all sequels, some will offer more than others. But what can ya do? Heh...

This still doesn't do much, IMHO, to counteract my final statement from the previous post: it only matters what you want to PLAY portably. Even if one or two games are repeat experiences (and you'll find a low, low minority of those) where it matters that it is an exact repeat (like with platformers, but NOT as with fighting games, racing games, action/shooter/arcade-y games...), just so long as you WANT to play them when you're out and about--that's all that matters. (And for some like RPG's you may be actively SEEKING to play them all over again.) It just seems to me that you're overthinking things without a real solid foundation.

I'm not sold on portable gaming either, but it certainly has nothing to do with the games :p There are too damn many that are enticing me! Heh.

From a technical standpoint, I'll concur with Sis, though; the analog control is--as I expected--pretty damn painful to use. No games seem to force its' use, at least, but it is a shame to HAVE it there but feel bad when you do. :???: Definitely a turn-off for some games (like racing) which could really benefit.
To me the thumb stick for great for most games. I don't find myself crashing a lot or anything. It takes some getting use to that's for sure. You can't use it like the DS2 controller. But it's not horrible at all imo.
Interesting points about the thumsticks guys, cause im not *that* found of it, should been little higher and with some kind of rubber material that stick, and notcompletely round either. But other friends like it when they got used of it so its divided opinions there aswell.
Btw ive seen there are some "rubber" like addon you stick on it but havent tried it, maybe a solution to some.
mckmas8808 said:
To me the thumb stick for great for most games. I don't find myself crashing a lot or anything. It takes some getting use to that's for sure. You can't use it like the DS2 controller. But it's not horrible at all imo.
The control itself is pretty good; it's the positioning that sucks. It's simply annoying to hold the PSP while using it comfortably, and to retain a decent enough grip, my hand just aches after too much playing.

It might have compromised design a bit, but considering how flat the PSP is, I wish they'd worked up some kind of swivel (or even a "take out, turn 180, put back in") system so you could put whichever control you wanted to in the prominent position.
pixelbox said:
I don't know... that bundle with the BRD plus UMD is a very smart move. But if that's the way they wanna go, will UMD's come with every movie? I hope because it promotes psp and UMD's.

I wonder...

As a consumer, if i dont have a need to watch movies on the go or to watch them with headphones on a 5" screen, am i really going to go out and buy a PSP? I'm not sure that's the case, no matter how many 'free' UMDs you give away with DVD purchases...
expletive said:
I wonder...

As a consumer, if i dont have a need to watch movies on the go or to watch them with headphones on a 5" screen, am i really going to go out and buy a PSP? I'm not sure that's the case, no matter how many 'free' UMDs you give away with DVD purchases...

No of course you wouldn't. This means you are not the target market.
NucNavST3 said:
Funny you guys are talking about the controls, because when I saw the 1up guys in the 1up show put a quarter on the PSP to able to play SF better I was like WTF?

<blinks> What? You mean they put it over the D-pad to let you "roll" the commands easier? As far as Street Fighter is concerned, I think that'd be the least of your issues. The whole "not having six face buttons" is worse. ;) (But I suppose not as bad for me anymore, since I wouldn't be able to play it on a PSP the way I would on a console controller--tapping the buttons from above with my index, middle, and ring fingers.)

Nice bargain, btw. ^_^ As for cases and protectors, you might as well browse through here first for options.
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mckmas8808 said:
No of course you wouldn't. This means you are not the target market.

Right. My point being that if the 'target market' isn't buying UMDs now, how is giving them away with DVDs to the 'non target market' effectively promoting the PSP or UMD?
NucNavST3 said:
The situation will be more interesting when the new formats hit because iHD, if I am remembering what its called in the AACS, allows you to rip to a portable device format (I noticed that in the Bill Gates keynote when they were displaying HD DVD). Does the PSP only play movies from umd or can they go onto the memory sticks as well. Because if I buy a BD-ROM or HD-DVD I will already have the legal means to transfer that over to my portable devices. Bleh, I need to do some more PSP studying...

Youre thinking of MMC (managed media copy?). Yeah this could be impactful to the UMD as well. Its a much more consumer friendly model, imo, to not deal with physical media.

MS is clearly trying to steer their whole strategy away from physical discs and Sony towards them. ( Obviously becuase Sony sells plastic discs and MS doesnt. :) )
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expletive said:
Right. My point being that if the 'target market' isn't buying UMDs now, how is giving them away with DVDs to the 'non target market' effectively promoting the PSP or UMD?

Your point about giving them away to non target market people makes sense, but I want to point out that people are buying UMDs just not as much as DVDs.

For some reason the movie studios seemed to be expecting DVD numbers from UMD sales. I have no reason why. At this stage of the game UMDs are selling faster than DVDs were when they were first introduced.

Now I'm not saying that two years from now UMDs will be bigger than DVDs, no I saying that it isn't a losing battle. Once more PSPs are sold and they lower the price to what me, you, and about everyone on the internet thinks is reasonable like $9.99 - $14.99 I can easily see UMDs selling decently.
expletive said:
Right. My point being that if the 'target market' isn't buying UMDs now, how is giving them away with DVDs to the 'non target market' effectively promoting the PSP or UMD?
Because, unless you think PSP owners do NOT buy DVD's, it's simply making it more enticing for them to. ;)

Not to mention it will still attract people who've been waffling on the purchase by letting them see there WILL be cheaper UMD purchasing option.

Of course it helps. (Helps "sell more UMD's," certainly. You can still question if it brings in enough extra purchases to counteract the price difference they'll be losing.)
NucNavST3 said:
That is EXACTLY what they did.
Just seems silly and imprecise to me. (And not just in the "losing traction" way.) It might just be that my thumb is made of sterner stuff, but I've never had a problem with any D-pad. (Though some, like the GameCube's are more annoying than others, and poor options for fighting games. The NES pad was also pretty hard-edged, but I can forgive them since they were kinda creating it and all. ;) )