Wow, pixel shading on a handheld console. Holy crap, I must say I'm really surprised...
marconelly! said:Wow, pixel shading on a handheld console. Holy crap, I must say I'm really surprised...
Panajev2001a said:N64 had a more then respectable combiner ( by admission of the own Art-X guys who had worked on the N64's RCP )
Grall said:Panajev2001a said:N64 had a more then respectable combiner ( by admission of the own Art-X guys who had worked on the N64's RCP )
N64 had a *color* combiner for fog and alpha blending etc, but to my knowledge it did NOT have any *register* combiners of any kind. No software shows any use of such features anyway. It's very rare to see any multitexturing at all in N64 games since it's got pretty rotten fillrate.
Grall said:Then why isn't it used for anything?
Grall said:Or perhaps it just ISN'T THERE?
The fact I never seen it listed in any kind of specs sheets about the N64 speaks for that as well.
If it was there, I think at least one game would have used it SOMEWHERE, at least on the title screen or something.
jvd said:There hasn't been a move because of battery life. Everything before mbx would kill the battrey while being used. That is why you haven't seen 3d in phones. Since mbx is both 3d and 2d and uses what .05 watts . You will see it take off . Esp if the price is very cheap. At the begining only a few high end phones will use it. Alot of pda's will use it . But as time goes on mbx and other chips as capable will take over that market. One day pdas will be fully replaced by phones just as capable.
akira888 said:But my question is this: If 3D tech on handhelds will be the next "killer app" that has only been held back by power consumption issues, then why hasn't 3D hardware become standard on desktops where power concerns are largely irrelevant. We have had efficient consumer-level 3D harware on desktops for 7+ years and there has been no movement towards mass adoption yet. Hence my extreme pessimism.
notAFanB said:to take a less extreme example BM isn;t used in PS2 titles thogh technically it could be done. the trade off are apparently unbalenced so omitted.
Vince said:I'm not sure what you mean by this. Today, 3D hardware is pretty pervasive with Intel's enormous integrated marketshare making up a huge part with nVidia trailing and ATI, et al following.
3D has reached a point where everyone has some lvl of accelerated potential (DX7 as a proboble mean), your argument held water in 2000 but it's no longer as applicable. In the near future it will become entirely irrelevent (circa 2005) when Microsoft releases Longhorn, which will require DX7 as a minimum and DX9 preferably for basic GUI functionality.
If anything, I question why there hasn't been a serious challenege to Nintendo's POS products in the past, perhaps arising from the PPC market in the form of a specilized product/standard spearheaded by an industry leader like Microsoft.