PSP firmware 3.00?





We can see from the pictures that the possible new firmware will come with several applications like “Sony Mailâ€, “SonyPaintâ€, “Alarmclockâ€, “Sony Organiser†and “Writepadâ€. A music store function is integrated into the “WWW†menu. Under the “Game†menu, a “PS3†hard disk menu item was added (we can see that a USB cable was connected at the time… Guessing, does the PSP need to communicate with the PS3 via USB interface? Maybe there will be a “PS3†icon under the “Videoâ€, “Music†and “Photo†menu too?

Is it true? Do you guys like this update?
Not only does it look fake, but it sounds fake too. Some of the apps like the writepad sound realy dumb especially when there is no stylus.:LOL:
as fake as it gets. unless sony decided to totally redo their XMB (fonts, layout, highlights, colors and saturation) and that MAC address is a total leg-puller, of course, regardless of the above.
memory? Would the PSP internal memory be enough to hold these apps and leave enough room for running them and the games as well.
Yea, even though I know zit about programming for PSP or much about the tech, but that seems a lot of software for the smallish amount of RAM the PSP has.

Which brings to my mind, the GPS application.
Why would they put the program resident in the PSP memory, when it could be distributed with every GPS map disc and run from the disc... like the games do run from the UMD's.

Also, if the PSP internal ram is not enough to hold an infinite amount pf applications, would they distribute some of these other apps as commercial UMD software, like a video chat software, that could very well be run from an UMD. It wouldn't of course be as convenient, but if the hardware limitations would not allow otherwise...
The apps would naturally be stored in flash memory initially and decompressed/run when started through the menu system. They wouldn't sit in main RAM all the time and take up space.

It's quite possible Sony could make an on-demand download feature available through wifi if they start running out of space in on-board flash. The PSP would only need to store info on how to get the apps from across the internet, that would save quite a bit of storage, and since apps are likely to be lightweight anyway there wouldn't be any significant download delays methinks. Not from any decent kind of broadband connection anyway, if server congestion isn't too bad it shouldn't have to take more than a few seconds.
The apps thus far (web browser and RSS feed player) have been stored to the PSP internal ram, they do not require a MemoryStick at all.
Yea, they could put more memory hogging apps into the MemorySticks in case the internal RAM is getting cramped, which I think it already is because most webpages fail to show because of "Out Of Memory" error.
rabidrabbit said:
The apps thus far (web browser and RSS feed player) have been stored to the PSP internal ram, they do not require a MemoryStick at all.
I'm not talking about a memory stick, but the internal flash store used for the firmware. That chip has a finite capacity (a couple MBs at most I'd guess). It won't have room for constant and infinite growth you know.

And when you run a game or watch a movie, the web browser or RSS reader won't be sitting in main memory. They'll only be unloaded from flash storage when you actually run them, otherwise there wouldn't be enough room for the game itself.
Guden Oden said:
I'm not talking about a memory stick, but the internal flash store used for the firmware. That chip has a finite capacity (a couple MBs at most I'd guess). It won't have room for constant and infinite growth you know.

And when you run a game or watch a movie, the web browser or RSS reader won't be sitting in main memory. They'll only be unloaded from flash storage when you actually run them, otherwise there wouldn't be enough room for the game itself.

I believe there is 32mb of flash in it. I think they had the foresight to add enough space so they could do the stuff they planned for the next few years at least (like the connect addition, ps3 connectivity, online stuff, etc). NAND flash in <128mb quantities is so cheap that they'd have been silly not to add some breathing room when they originally planned the thing.