I'm really enjoying reading how the sky is falling in the comments section. If there's one thing no-life gamers are good at, it's imagining threats unreal and getting really upset about them. When do people start whining about how bad Sony PR is handling the situation? Press release expected by morning?
Back to the hardware itself. I'm really curious about the CPU and memory not receiving much of an upgrade. Are they trying to enforce feature parity? For the consumers sake or for the developer? Why not 12GB of RAM? Why not a few more CPU cores, or a new CPU core that supports the same instructions?
Whenever PS5 comes out, it would definitely require a large bump in both CPU and memory. I'd expect 16GB of RAM at a minimum and a significantly better CPU. What does that say about the model going forward? When PS5 comes out the disparity between CPU and memory for 4.5 and 5 is going to be quite big, much bigger than if they'd done incremental upgrades on the 4.5. Essentially they're creating a minor/major upgrade cycle that will be fairly uneven.
In the past when new generations launched, some games just weren't available on the old platform, because they couldn't be designed to fit into its limitations. You got cross-gen games that were designed for that, and you got next-gen games that just stood on their own to take advantage of the new hardware. So if the gap between PS5 and PS4.5 are very large in terms of memory and CPU, how do you force devs to make their games available on both so that people don't feel like their premium price investment in PS4.5 was a waste? If you bought a PS3 in the last four years of the gen, you did so at a very reduced price knowing you'd get cut off. But buying a premium device that doesn't look like it's spec'd well enough to last 8 years seems like a bad investment.
My expectation for a mid-gen upgrade cycle would have had something like the following supported hardware by year:
2013 - PS4
2017 - PS4, PS4.5
2021 - PS4.5, PS5
2025 - PS5, PS5.5
It'll be very interesting to see what their plan is, because it doesn't seem to fall in line with what I expected. Edit: Without them explicitly stating that going forward they would be switching to a forwards compatible model, I would not invest any money in PS4.5