[PS3] Uncharted 2

Played more Co-op. Very very fun indeed :D ! Diden;t find glitches to report !but had a great time playing it ! Looking forward to full release eagerly for the Co-Op :cool: !
They should not attach this crappy build to inFamous then... I don't care if it is early build or not...

Let me show you something ;

Crackdown - Halo 3 MP Beta release date : February 20
Halo 3 release date : September 25

Halo 3 MP Beta released 5 months before the game's release and it was not crappy as U2 MP Beta ... At least they showed some respect to consumer who bought Crackdown for H3 MP Beta with releasing a great build ...

Thanks for your advice , but what you say is " if none of your friends play U2 when you do , then you dont too and wait for them to get online "... Sorry but this doesnt make sense...

Tried to play 20mins ago , couldnt even connect to Multiplayer , servers are down or what ?.. And please dont say anything about my connection , its not 8mbps or something I can play other games without a problem...

I'm having a really hard time trying to understand what it is you dislike about the game. I guess it's not everyone's cup of tea so I can't expect you to like it just because my friends and I love it. Perhaps you are right... they shouldn't have released this beta in YOUR territory because it's obviously got connection issues there. I have no problems joining games here in california. The beta size is only roughly 3000 people at any given point in time and during the play hours for your region is only around 800 I assume, since I got a late night game in last night and that was the player count.

Your previous complaints about not being able to "replay" the same people is very short sighted. Once again this is a BETA. Not everything is included... in fact, what IS included is unlocked from the start. Every company chooses to beta test different things. If you look past your (in my opinion unfounded) anger, you'll see that "custom game" is blacked out in the initial online menu. You mentioned Halo3... well halo 3 had the same matchmaking system where you could party up and fight a group of players and then continue on to fight another group. THAT is what we currently have in uncharted 2 beta. The custom game aspect is not in the beta.

It would seem like this matchmaking infrastructure is one of the important things they are beta testing and making sure works correctly straight out of the box. Again, every developer's beta testing philosophy is different. You just need to be cunning enough to recognize it. It is clear to me that naughty dog is: A.) Testing matchmaking infrastructure and B.) Testing basic gameplay and bugs. Having a matchmaking system is one of those things that people have come to require since Halo3's system was put in place. You can see the influence... as you can't choose DM or plunder, it's randomly decided by the matchmaking server.

I'm really not trying to defend the game here. If you don't like it, you are naturally going to pick at it's problems (although they are unfounded at this point). In my opinion, the game is damn polished at this stage. I've only found a few minor gameplay glitches and oversights and as a beta tester, I'm voicing my opinion in the official uncharted 2 beta forums.

I think they struck a perfect balance in DOF, Graphics, and playability. I get the feeling some things have been toned down since Uncharted1 (character models? texture streaming?) but if memory serves me right, some models sometimes look a little less detailed than they did in the first game. BUT, I'm all for it! the game is tear free and runs buttery smooth. I haven't experienced a hitch or slowdown. Nor have I experienced odd lag anomalies such as deaths "after i shoot them for a while" like in Killzone2 post patch.

P.S. great games last night betan ;)
I'm really not trying to defend the game here. If you don't like it, you are naturally going to pick at it's problems (although they are unfounded at this point).
Unfounded ???

Yeah , you're right , I've [ and RenegadeRocks too ] never experienced matchmaking problems , Friends list updates itself without a problem , quitting game doesn't reset my 60GB PS3 , party mode works flawlessly ... :rolleyes:
The beta size is only roughly 3000 people at any given point in time and during the play hours for your region is only around 800 I assume, since I got a late night game in last night and that was the player count.
Ahh you're right again , that explains why we wait more than 10 mins to find a game frequently...
I'm really not trying to defend the game here.
That's exactly what you do ...
Unfounded ???

Yeah , you're right , I've [ and RenegadeRocks too ] never experienced matchmaking problems , Friends list updates itself without a problem , quitting game doesn't reset my 60GB PS3 , party mode works flawlessly ... :rolleyes:

Ahh you're right again , that explains why we wait more than 10 mins to find a game frequently...

That's exactly what you do ...

I never said these things were good. If I did, I'd be defending THE GAME. I'm defending the BETA status. Please, look up the definition of a beta. Just because you beta tested other games and the "matchmaking is perfect" or the "friends list is perfect" doesn't mean this is a terrible beta.

The WHOLE POINT of my previous post is that BETAs from DIFFERENT companies are designed to TEST DIFFERENT THINGS. As such, you will run into different types of problems when playing different betas. Get used to it... or don't beta. It's as simple as that.

And yes, your anger IS unfounded. The things you are angry about can be explained due to BETA status. Again, if you don't like to run into problems, DON'T BETA. Comparing another beta to this one is moot because once again, devs release betas to test different things.

Matchmaking problems - Beta, not enough players worldwide
Friendlist problems - Beta, not completely tested (and now they know)
Retrieving new group of players after each match - Beta, custom matches are not available at this time, only matchmaking

Do you not see a trend? You are angry at a build that is designed to test for flaws or specific parts of the engine yet you complain about polish? How do you think Polish is actually achieved? TESTING.
What you dont understnd is " This is not a normal Beta phase , because of this Beta included ,so much people have bought inFamous " ... Lots of them thought that this is something like Crackdown-Halo3 but no , this is crap... If this was a normal Beta phase , I wouldnt care... I hope you know what the "respect" means ...

Anyway , I'm not gonna argue with any of you anymore , these are my thoughts like it or not... I'm not gonna change my opinion for top notch gfx because that's not the subject ...
I also think that Sony and NaughtyDog did not manage the expectation correctly. I thought the beta is a public one too. There should be a disclaimer on the beta code sheet.

As the userbase grows, I believe keyn is not the only one who's shocked. And it won't form a great impression of U2.
That's the problem inherent in using betas as a marketing tool. It doesn't help that MS has basically been using "beta" to mean "exclusive demo" for some time. Really ironic given the criticism Sony gets for their accurately labeled "exclusive demos" attached to preorders. Consumers get all excited about early access, feeling like they are privy to something cool before it's done only to turn around and bitch that it isn't finished...
Ha ha, Sony can't blame Microsoft for treading carefully. Sony needs to take care of its user base itself.
I still don't really understand the criticism. Beta is beta, no matter what the condition of it is, you are agreeing to participate in a game that is incomplete. Whether you think you are entitled to a better version "because it is packaged with a full retail game, which costs $60 usd with or without the beta" is neither here nor there. Try participating in MMO beta, you'd probably hang yourself. HOW you got the beta is not relevant imo. It's Beta.
Yes, the matchmaking takes around 10 -20 mins sometimes. It has a problem and a note even says that matchmaking has a problem and ND is fixing it.

Keyn, I can understand ur anguish but there are no set standards that need to be met for a beta ! Maybe u bought Infamous just to plaY U2 early, and it turned out wonky. But you do have to understand that ND never promised a Demo, they provided acces to bug finding beta. If you enjoy giving ur opinion to companies about what should be and what not, then you would enjoy this phase, otherwise not.
For me, the whole enjoyment is in seeing the rough build now, providing my opinion to ND and watching which exact changes they do before final release. I like to see what they find most important to implement and what not ! I enjoyed watching the befroe and after of R2. Some things,like the length of a co-op session was better in the beta than in the final game, they reduced it, and I don't get it ! Co-op became very less enjoyable when individual sessions became smaller and then the players would vanish playing with different people.

Anyways, Beta's are, for me, testing out my theories and watching if the Devs also think alike or not. I get irritated too as sometimes I get to play only one game in an hour, but then we are not playing a demo. Its an unfinished game !

Beta updated! New welcome changes in MP!
What you dont understnd is " This is not a normal Beta phase , because of this Beta included ,so much people have bought inFamous " ... Lots of them thought that this is something like Crackdown-Halo3 but no , this is crap... If this was a normal Beta phase , I wouldnt care... I hope you know what the "respect" means ...

Anyway , I'm not gonna argue with any of you anymore , these are my thoughts like it or not... I'm not gonna change my opinion for top notch gfx because that's not the subject ...

The point is to find bugs Keyn...you should be reporting on what bugs you find to ND. That's the point.




Did I say the most beautiful game ever? Oh Yes, I did :D !!!
and Elena looks beautiful :love: !
I kinda have to agree. This game is pretty much the best in the current generation so far.
It's the best looking third person shooter on any platform.
But other games in other genres are quite competitive from a visual standpoint.
I don't know where to begin and who to believe in subjective comparisons. List some objective measurements here man.

EDIT: I think last year's model is prettier than this year's.