[PS3] Uncharted 2

If you skipped some cutscenes in U1, didn't you get a loading screen?

You get really bad low res textures if u skip cutscenes in Uncharted 1, and then u can watch them stream in. I never found any loading screens though I skipped all cutscenes in my 3 rd playthrough.

@deepbrown: I fared better than you, deepbrown ! I still haven't watched that cuscene or any Ice images ! Looks like my indian spirituality helped ;) !
I've only seen a loading screen once while playing during several play throughs of U1. I died just before the first checkpoint in the jeep chase level, putting me all the way back into the castle. Other than that there was just the textures streaming in at the start of some chapters. If they can get rid of that for Uncharted 2 it'll perfect.
Just incredible, I like the positive vibe we can "feel" from every person involved.

Not to mention the "kitty" story :D .

Can't wait to play Uncharted 2.
My god, this game reminds me of Vincent van Gogh's Starry Night.

It's the same Interview video in TQcast. I :love: the color scheme.

Has anyone done a game based heavily on great paintings of mankind ?
Not sure but have you seen the end credits for Wall-E? They're pretty cute in how they bring those to life.

I see that they've got a lot more melee variations in the multi-player - that's cool, as that was one of my suggestions/requests I gave as feedback on the beta.
This one ?

Somewhat close. I was indeed thinking along the line of the above Uncharted 2 MP video, but in say... Starry Nights settings. :)
Like playing in the painting itself, 2D, 2.5D or 3D.
OK so it's been a long time since I asked for Uncharted 2 questions, and since then we've learnt a lot more about the game and ND is allowed to say more...SO I wondered if you might have even more questions about the game.
OK so it's been a long time since I asked for Uncharted 2 questions, and since then we've learnt a lot more about the game and ND is allowed to say more...SO I wondered if you might have even more questions about the game.

I don't want to know a whole lot about the single player game. :D

So all my questions would be about the multiplayer, like maybe a list of things they've changed after the beta - though they mention some stuff in the video (but it's hard to understand what he's saying). The melee is definitely expanded, which is showed off by the video. I also made a suggestion to order people by kills - deaths rather than just kills, as in deathmatch that's what counts: if you make 7 kills with 0 deaths that's a much better score than 14 kills and 16 deaths, for instance. Also would like to know about online leaderboards for instance for the coop modes (fastest time, highest score, etc?).

Maybe spoilerish: the new character seems to be a spoof off Lara Croft - she seems to be an all business, non-team player cold b*ch from the few things I've seen. Was it a conscious effort to tease the Lara Croft character like that and make Elena look good, or is it just a general consequence of the 'Among Thieves' thing, where Elena seems to be the only reliable character (i.e. not a thief at heart, but a reporter)
OK so it's been a long time since I asked for Uncharted 2 questions, and since then we've learnt a lot more about the game and ND is allowed to say more...SO I wondered if you might have even more questions about the game.

If you buy an import game blu ray (e.g. from Canada) and then play it in Europe, can you still select the EU servers or will you be "server locked" to the region where the game disc is from (something which I suspect of my Far Cry 2 import, as the lag is almost as horrible as in the modem days)?

Also, as you are in touch with ND, please thank them for Uncharted 1, IMO the best PS3 game without doubt.

Thanks and good luck,


P.s.: Please, do not forget to mark all "spoiler" answers with the spoiler tag, let the story be a surprise...
Are they worried about going up against COD 6? For me its an easy choice, Uncharted 2, but I guess for Ostepop and a bunch of people on here its COD 6. Ie FPS dudes will get their latest FPS fix and when their done, they just might skip U2 completly due to the next big thing and overlooking U2.