PS3 Owners: Fall/Winter Shopping List

None of the above.

But I did just buy R&C and Uncharted (1) now that they hit platinum. Maybe in 2 years I'll visit some of these titles. :)
Guitar Hero 5 - maybe.
Uncharted 2 - definitely.
Ninja Gaiden: Sigma 2 - when I find it cheaper.
Ratchet & Clank: Crack in Time - definitely.
Modern Warfare 2 - definitely.
Gran Turismo 5 - definitely, if it is a simultaneous WW release.
God of War compilation - if it's 39.99 in Canada, otherwise I'll wait until it's a bit cheaper.

And that's just to the end of the year. I have GoWIII pre-ordered and I'm probably gonna get Bayonetta and BioShock 2.
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Uncharted 2
Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time
Brutal Legend

And maybe Dragon Age: Origens. I dunno if that's going to be this year. I heard the PS3 version got delayed.
For sure:
Uncharted2 (Really looking forward to this)

MAG (was really looking forward to this, but lately somehow lost interest)
A bunch of maybes for me depending on finances, free time and interest (NHL10 may be irrelevant to me once hockey actually starts so I am leaving it off for now).

(possible) buys:

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2

- want to hear some reviews but would like another hack and slash to play with the wife (we will get tired of Sacred 2 eventually . . . I hope).


- sounds promising, want to hear some reviews first though

NFS Shift or Dirt 2

I really want a sandbox racer like Test Drive Unlimited for PS3 but might go for one of these if I get impatient enough.

Uncharted 2

- not right away but when I have money and spare time or the price comes down.

The Saboteur

- if it gets a decent demo I will consider it.

Red Dead Redemption

- very curious about this one, hope it turns out awesome.

Not Buys:

Brutal Legend

- really get the impression these folks DO NOT know SFA about metal (Jack Black? Really? Was Ben Stiller not available or something?) The released footage so far seems pretty annoying, like a smarmy Hollywood ad agency rep giving left handed lip service to a genre they know squat about 'cause they think they can make a buck. The DEVO 2.0 of metal? Give me a Dethklok game or go home.

Gran Turismo anything

- heresy but for me this game is totally *not* fun, the spreadsheet of racing games IMHO. Like unpaid work on the weekend.

Really would like to see some new games worth buying!

It's taken me a lot longer to think of a reply to this thread than the 360 one because when I thought about it there was little to excite me on the PS3 from now to the end of the year.

This just didn't ring true to me, though MP titles I'll be picking up on the 360 (prefer the controller).

So definite purchases for me are Uncharted 2. I have reservations because U1 was such a linear game. That shouldn't be a problem, as lots of games are linear. But U1 felt like it was holding my hand pulling me forward, as opposed to games such as Tomb Raider, Gears and Killzone giving me the impression that I was in control of my destiny, even though they were just as linear.

Ratchet is a must buy, as it's the only decent platformer of this generation.

Outside of that, I'll probably pick up GT5 even though I'm not really a fan of the series. But it's a PS defining title and therefore it would be remiss of me to not include it in my library ;)

And that's it.
<<Blind buys>>
Uncharted 2
Ratchet and Clank: A crack in time
Assassin's Creed II
God of War re-mastered edition


<<Next Year blind buys>>
God of War III
Heavy Rain
Bioshock 2
Lost Planet 2
NFS Shift or Dirt 2

I really want a sandbox racer like Test Drive Unlimited for PS3 but might go for one of these if I get impatient enough.

I presume you already have Burnout Paradise? What about Bizarre Creation's first multi-platform game Blur? And if you're considering Dirt 2, do you already have Motorstorm 2?
-Uncharted 2
-The new Ratchet game
-GT 5
-Tekken 6
-God of war 3

Those for sure, probably Heavy Rain, if it turns out to be good, and likely there will be some games I haven't paid attention so far, but will notice them closer to the release date.
Will Buy
Uncharted 2
Need for Speed: Shift
Modern Warfare 2
Gran Turismo 5
God of War compilation
Ninja Gaiden: Sigma 2
Ratchet & Clank: Crack in Time

Will wait for reviews
BrĂĽtal Legend
Tekken 6
Assassin's Creed 2
For me, it is hard to buy games at the moment (no cash^^ poor student :D)

But... I will probably get this year:

Uncharted 2
Assassin's Creed 2 (much later though, probably rent it at the beginning)
Gran Turismo 5 (if it comes... doesn't matter, I will get this game day one, one way or the other)
Fallout 3 GOTY (will sell my UK import for 45€ in Germany and import the GOTY for like 40€^^)
Eyepet (already have a PSEye, so it won't cost that much, and I am interested in the technology)

Next year, I will get:

God of War 3
MAG (probably rent only, not much of a shooter guy anyways)
Heavy Rain (deserves a buy from me, loved Fahrenheit)
Final Fantasy XIII (dunno... if it comes in April, it will be my birthday present).
I presume you already have Burnout Paradise? What about Bizarre Creation's first multi-platform game Blur? And if you're considering Dirt 2, do you already have Motorstorm 2?

I used to own Burnout Paradise but never came to terms with the terrible map implementation and lack of race restarts so sold it. Also was pretty sad they ditched crash mode. It's pretty and can be fun in short bursts but for course type races it's more frustration than giggle (IMHO).

Motorstorm never really did it for me, I guess I prefer city / highway type racers or least ones less like Mario Cart.

I do like Midnight Club Los Angeles which I still own.

Never tried Blur. . .have to see if there is a demo for it.

* Demon's Souls Deluxe version (preordered)
* Uncharted 2

Oops forgot to add that I will buy Alpha Protocol if it turns out good (if it will be only half as enjoyable as Planescape Torment I will be happy)...
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Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
Hustle Kings
Uncharted 2
SingStar Motown
Ratchet and Clank: A crack in time
Tekken 6
God of War re-mastered edition
Heavy Rain
Uncharted 2
Buzz World thingy
Trine (PSN)
PixelJunk Shooter (PSN)
Zombie game from the SSHD guys (PSN)
Heavy Rain

Hustle Kings (PSN)
Brutal Legend
Uncharted 2
God of War 3
Modern Warfare 2
Ratchet and Clank ACT
Assassin Creed 2 (bought but never played the first one!)
Ninja Gaiden

And others if they look good!