[PS3] Killzone 3

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EDIT: they should well think about how much and where to spend the resources for this new tech...because, as I said in my post: I don't think that the KZ audience is the typical " I buy a new 2k$ 3D TV tomorrow" consumer!

On the contrary. I think if there is an audience for 3d it's the tech-loving hardcore gamer.
I`m rather excited about it thats for sure! If the development process is along the same lines as KZ2 then we can expect a nice amount of graphical and performance polish towards the end of the cycle.
On the contrary. I think if there is an audience for 3d it's the tech-loving hardcore gamer.

...it is not only a question if you love tech (who does not?!), but if you have enough money!
I remember times, where people complained about a 600 Euro console being to expensive...but, to come to a conclusion on my side, I will look forward to learn how many of you guys actually buy a "first generation" 3D TV to play KZ3D!

I hope, I am not the only one
when asked about what kind of sacrifices they had to make for the 3D, the PS blog dude says:

I didn’t go into that much technical detail, I’m afraid, but here is a quote from Hermen: “Implementing 3D is a bit of work for our engine guys but it’s very doable – it’s actually easier for us than you would think and we’re already at the stage in our development where we can switch it on and off. It’s important to get it right but we’re quite lucky in that the Killzone universe, with so much going on all of the time, lends itself well to 3D.”
I'm really curious now, maybe Laa yosh's suggestion does bode clues:).
...it is not only a question if you love tech (who does not?!), but if you have enough money!
I remember times, where people complained about a 600 Euro console being to expensive...but, to come to a conclusion on my side, I will look forward to learn how many of you guys actually buy a "first generation" 3D TV to play KZ3D!

I hope, I am not the only one

The 40" Bravia HX800 is coming in at under £1500, which is a very decent price for an intro into the realm of 3D TV. Hell I paid £1800+ for my Bravia when it first came out and I've just pre-ordered a 47" LG LX9900.

I think you'll find a lot more people than you think are willing to part with the cash to be part of a paradigm shift in home entertainment!!
That's because official screenshots from KZ2 have never shown any Depth of field, lens flare or Motion blur "maybe all the POST processing effects?" and that's why the game looked so much better in motion. I'm pretty sure they'll keep all the previous effects in the sequel if not adding more. They do look quite good as it is though.
The 10x bigger scale with epic set pieces sound really impressive and that's what I wanted the most in KZ3, also good to know how the jetpack would bring you to see the scale better and controls swiftly.

There's plenty of post processing here:


It's probably GG's method of taking their shots by disregarding all the motion blur, DOF and any particle layers involved, so that the final shot can be seen crystal clear. Of course, in motion we all know how kz2 looked and I doubt they'll ditch what makes kz2 look the best.

new interview
using 100% SPUs
OH I like that;).
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3D Killzone ! Hmmm.....I can't buy a 3D TV which requires glasses, I know that. Just not my thing. Japanese say they have got tech that doesn't require glasses and I can wait for that.

Just a question: Switching on 3D will require double the number of frames as output so will the game tone down resolution and onscreen stuff(Like games do for split screen co-op) ? I guess we'll know how it all works by E3 !

One more thought: Having Jetpacks is like having a HALO like lesser gravity jump in Killzone universe(the low grav jumps is what keeps me away from Halo, btw ;)) !
Any sign of HDR in the screen that GG release yesterday?

Oh Yes! I wanna know that too ! THey had shown HDR in the reveal gameplay of KZ2 but removed it by the time the game shipped . Is it in this time ? Please please say yes ! :D

And when KZ2 was released they said they have realtime radiosity working in-game, but not optimised enough to be put in KZ2. Is it in now ? Oh please please say yes !

I'd be more than pleased to have dynamic light shafts,some real time AO for moving objects & some baked radiosity....HDR is on my least wanted list for now.
Same was said when PS3 was introduced with 1080p support.
People said Sony's crazy, and that 1080p TV's would remain very expensive for years, and that few people would even have a flatscreen 720p TV's.
Well, see where we are now. Basically every TV is 1080p flatscreen. Actually it didn't take long after PS3 came to market that 1080p TV prices went down.
I think the same will be with 3D TV's. Already every major manufacturer has introduced one, and the prices aren't that high either.
Personally, I'm not that big of a fan of 3D movies, but 3D gaming gets me excited.

According to Mark Rein, over half the users who played Gears of War 2 did so on a SDTV(me included!)...Shows there is alot of people who hasn't upgraded to HDTV yet

And I find it hard believing that those who have recently upgraded to a HDTV, suddenly will go out and shell out for a 3D TV

And I wouldn't be surprised if alot of families have a HDTV, but the gamer uses his 360/PS3 on his SDTV because he doesn't have to share that TV with his family

I can't see 3D TV have its breakthrough even when PS4/Xbox 3 come
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That's old and on another platform though. I wonder how the numbers look like on PS3 today.

3DTVs are selling very well. Both Panasonic and Samsung have already sold out of their first batch, and raised their production level. What's more, these TVs are selling not only because of stereoscopic 3D, people want Internet TV also ! ^_^
I'd like to see it in 3D. I think it's a nice bonus feature, but also incredibly expensive. To take advantage of all the features in this game, you need a PS3, a 3D TV and Move.
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