[PS3] Killzone 3

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Date had to be moved up from next month because of the scans.

Yap, it was intended to be a pre-E3 announcement:

We’ll cut a long story short. We went to Amsterdam last week to interview Guerilla and play Killzone 3. We spoke to studio managing director Hermen Hulst and played the game in both 2D and 3D. The original embargo for coverage from the event was June 1, but thanks to leaks from the US press over the weekend (sincere, heartfelt thanks for that), the embargo was brought forward this afternoon. A lot. To today.

You can listen to the entire audio presentation in Amsterdam here:

... in the meantime you can find audio of Hermen’s entire demo below.There’s a ton of information in there, and it’s well worth a listen. Stay tuned for more. Get first shots here and the reveal PR here.
Eurogamer impression here:

On 3D and particle effects:

It's perhaps not a huge surprise. PS3D has been common knowledge for some time now, and it makes perfect sense that one of the platform's flagship series be earmarked for the technology's release. What is a surprise is how well it all actually works.

I manage to plumb the centre seat, which apparently gives the best impressions of the 3D magic at work, but the appreciative noises emanating from the journos either side of me are reassuring. We play through the same section again, although the pad remains firmly in the hands of the studio representative.

Straight away there's an immediate impact. The weighty, long-barrelled minigun has a real presence in-screen, highlighting the fact that the majority of Killzone's 3D trickery is done via the impression of depth rather than projection. Shuffling behind cover emphasises the effect superbly, each vanishing line and focal reference point making the illusion ever more real.

The game's particle effects really come into their own under the influence of the active shutter glasses too. Snow seems to swirl very distinctly in front of the screen, its fluttering hypnotism starkly punctuated by the bullets which zip and zing towards you. We're told there's a lot of work to be done on the perfection of the 3D yet, and in certain effects that's obvious, but generally the whole effect is a mesmerising one, drawing you into the screen and surrounding you with it, generally just in time to recoil from a projectile or ten. It also adds a competitive advantage, allowing players to judge the jetpack jumps with much greater accuracy. How that will skew the playing field between 3D enabled multiplayer users and their dimension-poorer counterparts remains to be seen.

In one of the more static moments, our demonstrator places a D-charge on the AA battery, the focus and lack of movement allowing a more advanced 3D technique to be used. It's startling how much depth is added to the scene. This is a fairly strenuous technique in terms of brain capacity, though, and we're informed that it's something which won't be happening too often. "If we were to do this during a combat scenario, your eyes would tire, your brain would malfunction. This is a game we want people to be able to play for hours at a time."
Huh...after seeing those shoots Im bit underwhelmed.It does look good but it reminds me of Reach...KZ2 with very clean look and daytime.Still,cant wait for E3 to see it,gameplay changes seem cool and they are focusing more on narrative,story and variety this time.

Somehow i think that we will get big Crysis 2 vs KZ3 showdown at E3:D
Looks quite nice but i think Eurogamer forgot to downsample those promo shots becouse they are huge!

Also it seems snow trails are just like U2 with no real deformation but 'just' emitter spawning snow trail geometry behind player ontop of terrain.
Do you think they will implement MLAA?
I still see some jaggies here and there based on the ones found in Eurogamer.
Is that more to do with the screens being 5120x2880?
Hmm... instead of supporting trail deformation like MotorStorm, IMHO, they should improve the destructibility of covers and other assets. It contributes more to gameplay.
Kizone 3 - Stereoscopic 3D Rendering

Sony has confirmed Killzone 3. The big announcement is that they are adding a stereoscopic 3D rendering option.

This is great news! Now I can feel like a dysfunctional jerk-off in 3D space! Awesome!

Hey Guerrilla... instead of adding a feature that only .099% of Killzone gamers will actually use (probably due to the fact that a pair of $100 glasses are required along with a 120Hz TV), FIX THE CONTROLS!
Those screens are weird. They're lacking all motion blur, depth of field from Killzone 2. I imagine the game will look considerably different.
Those screens are weird. They're lacking all motion blur, depth of field from Killzone 2. I imagine the game will look considerably different.
That's because official screenshots from KZ2 have never shown any Depth of field, lens flare or Motion blur "maybe all the POST processing effects?" and that's why the game looked so much better in motion. I'm pretty sure they'll keep all the previous effects in the sequel if not adding more. They do look quite good as it is though.
The 10x bigger scale with epic set pieces sound really impressive and that's what I wanted the most in KZ3, also good to know how the jetpack would bring you to see the scale better and controls swiftly.
Is it probably to early for GG to focus on 3D gaming (maybe they got pushed by SONY)?
3D TVs are not common at the moment, right!
It is also logic that the typical KZ3 audience will not push the 3D TV sales through the roof due to their limited financial resources available - so, there seems to be no strategy argument left!
They could have well waited for KZ4 or something like this, where the effort for a 3D mode would be justified?!?!
Is this the burden you get being a SONY first party...

I don't understand all the hate here.

3D gaming (and 3D HDTV's) can't take off without content.

Sony is creating that content. Thus, justifying people who want 3D TV's. Why cry bitter tears about it?
That's because official screenshots from KZ2 have never shown any Depth of field, lens flare or Motion blur "maybe all the POST processing effects?" and that's why the game looked so much better in motion. I'm pretty sure they'll keep all the previous effects in the sequel if not adding more. They do look quite good as it is though.
The 10x bigger scale with epic set pieces sound really impressive and that's what I wanted the most in KZ3, also good to know how the jetpack would bring you to see the scale better and controls swiftly.

I'm expecting all the post-processing to be there. I'm expecting the game to look better than those shots, even though those shots look very nice and clean. They just look a little flat compared to killzone 2.
:LOL: It would be ironic if the final stereoscopic 3D version is more "flat" than the regular KZ2/3 version.

Now we can see the impact/benefits of SPU post processing. ^_^

Then again, once the effects are in, we may not be able to see the fur and creases clearly, especially when the action gets heavy. Speaking of fur, I wonder if we will see Helghast dogs in KZ3. They were in KZ Liberation.

Eh... at this stage, if we have a video, we should see the snow "reflecting light" (sparkle) like Uncharted 2 right ?
One thing I hope they get right in KZ3 is the controls. I know what they were going for, but they need to change it to open it up for more sales.

Also, it's interesting to see Sony putting this engine to good work. It's likely we'll see a 4th installment (or another spin off KZ title) on PS3, essentially earning back the budget of the initial game. I doubt this entry will cost even half of what the last title did.
I don't understand all the hate here.

3D gaming (and 3D HDTV's) can't take off without content.

Sony is creating that content. Thus, justifying people who want 3D TV's. Why cry bitter tears about it?

which hate?
don't mess "pure logic" with "hate"!!

EDIT: they should well think about how much and where to spend the resources for this new tech...because, as I said in my post: I don't think that the KZ audience is the typical " I buy a new 2k$ 3D TV tomorrow" consumer!
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Same was said when PS3 was introduced with 1080p support.
People said Sony's crazy, and that 1080p TV's would remain very expensive for years, and that few people would even have a flatscreen 720p TV's.
Well, see where we are now. Basically every TV is 1080p flatscreen. Actually it didn't take long after PS3 came to market that 1080p TV prices went down.
I think the same will be with 3D TV's. Already every major manufacturer has introduced one, and the prices aren't that high either.
Personally, I'm not that big of a fan of 3D movies, but 3D gaming gets me excited.
Same was said when PS3 was introduced with 1080p support.
People said Sony's crazy, and that 1080p TV's would remain very expensive for years, and that few people would even have a flatscreen 720p TV's.
Well, see where we are now. Basically every TV is 1080p flatscreen. Actually it didn't take long after PS3 came to market that 1080p TV prices went down.
I think the same will be with 3D TV's. Already every major manufacturer has introduced one, and the prices aren't that high either.
Personally, I'm not that big of a fan of 3D movies, but 3D gaming gets me excited.

I agree with you that it is likely that 3D TV will break through.

But your 1080p argument perfectly illustrates what I mean:

-I don't think that PS3/Xbox360 1080p games are the reason, we have all 1080p TVs now
-I think that people with 720p TV back then did not care if a game was 1080p or not, as 720p was supported as well
-I don't think that people with 1080p TVs, go back an play the available 1080p games, just because they are 1080p
-Nowadays, a true 1080p game is rather rare, as it seems that no one cares ;)
OMG ! When did all this happen ?????
I was expecting R3 reveal and what do I find here KZ3 !!!! :oops: ! that too with screenies !

BTW, I see aliasing in the screens, why? KZ2 aliasing was unnoticeable !
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