[PS3] Killzone 3

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Clamped highlights again... I'm getting very curious about what is going on with the engine. KZ2 looked better than this.

Does that mean the brighter part of the metal surfaces are not white enough?

Just played through the demo and enjoyed it alot. One thing that stick out is the response from enemies when you shoot them(it was the same in KZ2) it affects them until they hit the ground. Why don't we see this in most shooters.
Yes, it's exactly what I mean, the image has a compressed range and looks sort of ugly. Lack of HDR rendering I guess, but still, KZ2 had far less of this.
Yes, it's exactly what I mean, the image has a compressed range and looks sort of ugly. Lack of HDR rendering I guess, but still, KZ2 had far less of this.

Thanks for the explanation. Yeah, I wish they were able to implement HDR but I think they did a good job with the limits they have.

I actually wasn't a huge fan of KZ2 and honestly wasn't too impressed with the graphics(too blurry). I was more impressed with the amount of effects and action going on with a decent framerate.

This however looks incredible to me, it looks so sharp...did they use some type of sharpening filter?
Put me in the line of people amazed by the demo. Can't wait to play through the whole thing!

Also played with Move from start to finish, and noticed I'm already forgetting I'm playing with Move which is a very good sign! It feels great and natural.

What are you amazed by ?
Move on the beta worked fine. Now I am starting to get problems with the single player demo which is irritating.

The Move controller keeps going off center especially after I reload. Everytime I reload the cursor moves completely to the left and my character keeps spinning until I point the controller completely to the right. I have recalibrated the controller a shitload of times and I keep getting the same problem. I dont know what the hell is wrong with it but Its killing the game for me.

Does anyone get the same issue?
For a moment i thought i was going nuts. I was shooting at some of the crates outside and i start i hear a noise as if i drop some stuff , i look down and it was the sounds of the bullet shells hitting the floor.lol. Great stuff.
Yes, it's exactly what I mean, the image has a compressed range and looks sort of ugly. Lack of HDR rendering I guess, but still, KZ2 had far less of this.

Hey Laa-Yosh ! THey seem to be doing some fake tone-mapping to simulate HDR in the new SP videos. Can you chk it out and tell what it is. Basically, if you look at dark areas the image brightens up and if you look at sunlight the image darkens as it would if they were using HDR.
Watched the second link. Is that a fake Brightness/contrast trick they are using to simulate HDR like tonemapping effect? Look around 4:30 !

Maybe it is this effect going awry and clamping the highlights !
Damn, SP demo looks amazing, the best looking game on consoles right now IMO. Texture resolution was the weak point of KZ2, now it's the strong point of KZ3 :D
The environment textures look the same to me, except without the QAA blur. Character model textures on the other hand look better, but that may just be the detail textures.

I like this better:

Not sure if it's a cutscene.
Pyrrhus Crater (MP): http://www.killzone.com/kz3/en_AU/blog/features/2011-02-09_mp2-playthrough.html

Look at all this damn thin geometry... why GG is killing their AA solution like this? :???:

The environment textures look the same to me, except without the QAA blur. Character model textures on the other hand look better, but that may just be the detail textures.

Nah, some textures are from KZ2 (like concrete) but those textures were hi-res in KZ2 too. All new surfaces (like snow covered metal, ground etc.) have hi-res textures in KZ3. 90% of the textures in KZ3 demo are top notch for console standards, this number for KZ2 was like 40-45% IMO (maybe except Cruise level, most textures were exellent there). If you have KZ2 and previous KZ3 beta (one with 3 maps) you can compare very big maps in both games: Pyrrus Rise (KZ2) and Corinth Highway (KZ3 alpha-beta) it's night and day difference in terms of textures quality :)
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Is it that bad ? I thought the video looks good.

Thanks for the link anyway. I just realize an Engineer could repair weapon depot and turret. XD
Is it that bad ? I thought the video looks good.

Thanks for the link anyway. I just realize an Engineer could repair weapon depot and turret. XD

It looks good on the video but we all know that thin geometry is not covered by MLAA and this map is full of it. Why they designed it like that?
Who decided the colours for this map? its freaking Neon green ! Yuk !

and right at the start where it says Engineerand the guy is shooting, you can see there are no muzzle flash shadows. looks like they removed it thinking they might not make a difference in all the daylight maps anyway :cry: !

EDIT: Ewwww...its so damn green !

I don't know what's up with this engineer but effect is still there, you can see that in MP beta and SP demo (other players and Ai controlled characters are casting shadows on environment when they're shooting). But now only jetpack gun is casting shadows when player is shooting...

I also don't know why they pared back DOF on most weapons, I loved that effect in KZ2 (it's implemented in MOH and Brink too) :( OMB is also less apparent, they probably changed this becouse so many people were bitching about smeared look etc. Same for colors in KZ2 alpha, game looked sooo good in 2007...


They need to stop listening to wrong people.

But other than that engine improvements are great :)
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Yeah, I think I'll take 3x the polycount, 3x the draw distance, 4x better textures, MLAA and heaps more particles any day over a slightly toned down OMB or a few missing muzzle flash shadows.
Ha! Sony bullied me into becoming a PlayStation Plus member yesterday when for the third day in a row, I still couldn't log into the KillZone3 Open Beta and just needed some KZ3 fix. So I took the plunge and got the Plus membership to be able to download the demo. Ironically, after becoming a Plus member, the Beta started to work... :S

Anyway, I didn't take my chances and ended up playing another 3 hours yesterday. Some random thoughts:

- if you can't get into the open beta - find someone who is in it and have him send an invitation. That usually works!
- have "home bases" been removed from body-count only missions? I noticed you keep spawning in random areas. Big shame if true - that's the single most annoying thing about the CoD MP games and the best feature in KZ IMO.
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