Finished the game last night, found myself actually liking the ending. I conclude that the story is actually very good, but the game does a shitty job of telling it. They haven't learnt enough from Uncharted yet in that respect. I agree that the fights could last longer, but I loved that there weren't any spawn points or 'get across this line to make Helgans retreat' type things, and the latter half had a better ratio of good, longer battles. I also really liked the ending in that I hated the final fight in KZ2 so much I never finished it.
Played through all of it with Move and loved every minute. The fighting system is quite deep too, and I still haven't mastered all if it.
Variation was awesome, but this game feels less hardcore than part 2, so I can see complaints in that area. This game should take some of its better fight areas and give them a horde mode to play around in, as a variation of botmode.
Absolutely nailed it Arwin ;-)
I cannot agree more... i really liked the story and i thought the characters were awesome, but it kinda felt too much to me as though GG were even trying to emulate Uncharted a bit too much. Much more in the sense that instead of taking the super immersive, albeit narrative-lacking, "always-in-the-action" gameplay of KZ2 and just trying to expand the story telling in a more non-intrusive way, they instead looked at U2 and thought to themselves "hey, what worked for them can work for us!"
The problem was really with their execution and direction. The cutscenes were far too frequent and pulled you out of the game far too much.
It's a shame because as many have said, the gameplay is just liquid gold. I think GG should for KZ4 focus on telling a personal story about the protagonist through the eyes of the protagonist. For all the people that complained about KZ2's lack of narrative, for the game it was that's really all it needed. I think these folks are now realising this with KZ3.
I think ultimately GG should no longer listen to their fans when it comes to the overall vision and direction of a KZ game. They should just make the game they wanna make and put their heart and soul into it.
I also kinda got the impression that Sony's desire to have all major first party titles supporting 3D most likely put them under alot of strain as a studio and i think it shows in the areas in KZ3 that lack real polish (e.g. cut-scene issues and inexplicable omission of online co-op).