the ignoramus
The AI is pretty sick in this game. I just replayed the Raedec fight. I move a lot between the foremost cover positions to try and control battle arena and not allow the Helghast to flank me on one side or the other.
I noticed that the AI began to consistently predict my pattern of movement. At first it was a few Helghast trying to beat me to my sweet spots. I thought that was cool. However, when that didn't work the Higs began tossing grenades. To my utter amazement that Higs didn't toss the grenades at my current cover position but instead at where it expected me to run next since I stuck to a strict pattern of movement. I died about twice before I noticed what was happening. I would hear a grenade land and move to my next preferred cover position but without seeing where the grenade actually landed I ran right to my death two times in a row. I was simply amazed at that moment. I never expected the AI to set me up like that.
I can attest to this.
I didnt particularly enjoy the Radec fight itself (it was obvious the shooting mechanics dont support a fast moving boss that teleports anywhere and everywhere, then rushes you with knife or bullet), but the build up to that scenario is quite the showcase for the AI, at least on Elite.
Initially,at the start of the fight, I'd rush the exact spots the Higs would jump down from, knife them with a quick swipe, rush to a far corner, then wait for the next batch of Higs to vault over the rails. I died lots, but on the seventh or eighth time of my doing this, one of the Higs sent a grenade about a half dozen steps ahead of me and exactly in the corner of the room I'd headed to the previous 6 or 7 times. Impressive I thought, but maybe a coincidence. But as I continued doing this, I started noticing that I was taking an awful lot of gunfire right from the spots where these guys would jump down from, and I noticed that there was a Hig upstairs (not Radec) firing down at me, while his buddy climbed over the the previous dozen or so times, nobody had this vaulting Higs back.
He would climb down and be met with a shotgun blast or a knife, then die.
But then all of a sudden, as this guy climbs down, a second Hig joins him and starts laying down suppressing fire to preempt my attack.
And later, as I was fighting Radec, executing the exact same moveset for the eigth or ninth time, he too sent a grenade flying about 7 or 8 steps ahead
of exactly where I was heading.
I also had a couple of crazy "WTF did I just see" moments while I fought the second wave of Higs on the balcony floor.
The first time, two Hig grunts rushed me from the walkway on the far right, (the one that the Hig flamethrower grunt sets ablaze) but as I ran to engage them (with my trusty combat knife..believe me, if you
want to win this fight on Elite, you will learn to use, love and appreciate this knife) one of them caught fire. I continued my Rambo charge, running at the second one with a swipe, and missed. As I began to turn around and look for the bastard, I thought, ``oh shit, I`m a dead man.``
But the expected melee to the back didnt come and to my utter amazement, as I turned around fully, I saw the Hig lift his legs over the balcony railing on the side of us, jump down to the lower floor, then proceed to hide behind cover.
The second time, something similar happened, except this time it was with those knife wielding maniacs; I inadvertently stumbled across one of them, and as I switched to my blade, looking to knife the sucker, he`d already entered his climbing animation and was pulling himself over the side of the railing. As he gathered himself for the jump, I slashed at him, but he was out of my reach
(or the game wasnt allowing me to hit him), because he jumped down safely to the bottom floor and rejoined his other buddies!
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