I finally bumped into Ostepop in KZ2. He's really good (usually top 3 or top in the game). I'm usually the bottom 3.
You guys don't play in your own regions?
I finally bumped into Ostepop in KZ2. He's really good (usually top 3 or top in the game). I'm usually the bottom 3.
I have yet to try multiplayer (other than playing with bots). usually don't even go online anymore because I don't have enough time to play to get good enough. Maybe I'll go online just to try it out as it seems to be pretty fun.
I'm not sure what you mean. There is much less positive feedback in CoD than KZ2. In fact many of the weapon modifications and perks come with tradeoffs in CoD.
Maybe, I am exaggerating the deficiencies of assault rifles in KZ2. But it's clearly not a run and gun weapon. The long range accuracy you speak of is pretty much useless to me as long as it requires both the target and the shooter to be more or less stationary.
I have yet to try multiplayer (other than playing with bots). usually don't even go online anymore because I don't have enough time to play to get good enough. Maybe I'll go online just to try it out as it seems to be pretty fun.
Same here, I'm stuck on the Autrach sanctum part of the last level.
Its kind of annoying to join MP so late, because you'll be so behind everyone who jumped into MP the moment the game came out.
I have yet to try multiplayer (other than playing with bots). usually don't even go online anymore because I don't have enough time to play to get good enough. Maybe I'll go online just to try it out as it seems to be pretty fun.
I went for it this weekend, and although I'm not great, like patsu said, there's noob rooms which are fun enough even for noobs. By my 36th death I was killing more than dying (28 kills). And you don't die all the time right away either, which is nice. Also, the maps have a lot of fun passages and places where you can be free from instant death, and the objectives keep the more skilled players busy in certain areas giving you more breathing room.
It's easy to find warzones for newbies. If you want, you can spectate first.
I found KZ2 walkthroughs on YouTube. They are rather helpful in navigating the last level in Veteran and Elite difficulty.
Your brother seems to be a Corporal (2nd beginning rank) while you're a Sergeant (around the 5th rank). He'll have to level up, or you can only play in an unbalanced game.
Once you're in the game, you can set up a squad between the 2 of you.
Earned Points Rank Unlocks
[ ] 0 Private: -- n/a --
[ ] 30 Corporal: Squad creation allowed
[ ] 100 Sergeant: Clan creation allowed
[ ] 200 Sgt 1st C.: Shotgun, SMG
[ ] 350 M. Sgt.: Medic Badge
[ ] 550 Sgt. Major: Light machinegun (Helghast/Vektan)
[ ] 800 Lieutenant: Engineer Badge
[ ] 1100 Captain: Missile Launcher
[ ] 1450 Major: Tactician Badge
[ ] 1850 Lt. Colonel: Assault Badge, Grenade Launcher
[ ] 2300 Colonel: Saboteur Badge
[ ] 2800 General: Scout Badge, Sniper Rifle