[PS3] Killzone 2

No, but there was someone who was using a sixaxis to move the fps camera around in a PC game. There's also small bits of this by the way in Linger in Shadows, but that's not as good an example. I vaguely recall there being a similar option in another game (fps camera only) but I can't remember.

And I wasn't personally talking about head-tracking (PS Eye can do that better) but about moving your head to look around in an FPS game - say that you're running forward but at the same time you want to look to the left while you're running, doing so by tilting the sixaxis.
No, but there was someone who was using a sixaxis to move the fps camera around in a PC game. There's also small bits of this by the way in Linger in Shadows, but that's not as good an example. I vaguely recall there being a similar option in another game (fps camera only) but I can't remember.

And I wasn't personally talking about head-tracking (PS Eye can do that better) but about moving your head to look around in an FPS game - say that you're running forward but at the same time you want to look to the left while you're running, doing so by tilting the sixaxis.

My bad ! Still same problem though. The screen view may be too twitching when my hands and fingers fidget too much. I will pity someone's watching me play.

Easy, just strap a second controller on top of your head :)

Yes, yes. I can see it now... especially coming from someone with your nick. :D
Tilt the controller handles upwards and you can live up to your namesake.
SIXAXIS would work in that capacity yes, and for things like lean peeking around corners. The problem with mapping ingame head movement to the SIXAXIS/Hands is that it complicates the controls even more than they are already and is not exactly natural.

All demos i have seen for head tracking using cameras like eyetoy have relied on tracking the head on a horizontal and virtical plane. What you want is for tracking of head tilt and rotation, as this is how you look around in real life.

If you could strap a sixaxis, or preferably the tech within it in a different form factor, to your head you mite be able to come up with something but you still have a fixed screen, you really do need a head mounted display in order for games to use tilting of the head for looking around because you need the image to stay directly in front of you no matter which way your head is pointing.
The sixaxis sniper aiming is way more manageable than the game's basic aiming controls. I found my solution to not being able get a grip on the controls.....ROCKETS!!!

I had no problems with
SIXAXIS would work in that capacity yes, and for things like lean peeking around corners. The problem with mapping ingame head movement to the SIXAXIS/Hands is that it complicates the controls even more than they are already and is not exactly natural.

All demos i have seen for head tracking using cameras like eyetoy have relied on tracking the head on a horizontal and virtical plane. What you want is for tracking of head tilt and rotation, as this is how you look around in real life.

If you could strap a sixaxis, or preferably the tech within it in a different form factor, to your head you mite be able to come up with something but you still have a fixed screen, you really do need a head mounted display in order for games to use tilting of the head for looking around because you need the image to stay directly in front of you no matter which way your head is pointing.

I don't understand why anyone would want headtracking unless your television was on sometype of mechanical swivel that could keep your TV directly in front of eyes no matter where you turned your head.

FOV in a FPS is always going to feel limited to most gamers, since your eyes's field of vision is 200 degrees horizontally and 165 degrees vertically.

Furthermore, whats the advantage of separating head tracking and gunning aiming which are both incorporated as one mechanism controlled by the right analog stick?
I don't understand why anyone would want headtracking unless your television was on sometype of mechanical swivel that could keep your TV directly in front of eyes no matter where you turned your head.

FOV in a FPS is always going to feel limited to most gamers, since your eyes's field of vision is 200 degrees horizontally and 165 degrees vertically.

Furthermore, whats the advantage of separating head tracking and gunning aiming which are both incorporated as one mechanism controlled by the right analog stick?

Exactly, you need head mounted displays to make the idea viable. It could also potentially give much greater FOV.

Free look based on a head tracking lcd glases would be a huge step towards true virtual reality, why wouldnt you want it? the tech is there to do it and at probably not at too great a cost.
No, most, if not all guns have it. Pull out your pistol or M82 and strafe while looking at an enemy. Although I think the aim assist is stronger with the shotgun.

Especially in MP, I was playing skirmish against bots, and the auto-aim when not zoomed in is ridiculous for a supposedly 'hardcore' shooter, the reticule changes from an + to x and actually 'sticks' onto the enemy for quite a bit.

I dislike such obvious auto-aim in FPS, it highlights the deficiencies in the controls otherwise GG wouldn't have to add it.
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Nice thing about headtracking, if you haven't noticed yet, is that it gives you a much more 3D perception of the environment. It's pretty engrossing actually.
Nice thing about headtracking, if you haven't noticed yet, is that it gives you a much more 3D perception of the environment. It's pretty engrossing actually.

Yep the eyetoy demos are really impressive in that regard. Im not shure youd get the same effect through just tracking head rotation/tilt though which is what i think would be more useful in game imo. I wouldnt think the eyetoy stuff would be hard to implement in current games, why havent we seen it yet? facial recognition couldnt be too much of an overhead could it?
Head tracking for KZ2 will take too long. May not have enough horsepower (and memory ?) to run in parallel with the existing workload too.

I might throw the SIXAXIS or DS3 at the HDTV if I get frustrated enough in the last fight though. Heard it's challenging.
Iam having so much fun with the multiplayer. How does the engine keep up the amount of action that goes on you would think the ps3 would explode.
Nice thing about headtracking, if you haven't noticed yet, is that it gives you a much more 3D perception of the environment. It's pretty engrossing actually.
It would add to immersion, but wouldn't solve the trouble of FOV and ont knowing where the heck anything is. I finished playing the campaign yesterday getting my butt handed to my by a flying bot-boss. The thing was impossible to track and stay safe from, being able to move faster than I could turn my head. Add in all the smoke occlusion, and the reduced visibility due to death-effect so that the more dead you are, the less chance of recovering, and the whole situation was very frustrating.

As for autoaim, I'm all for it if it makes for a more fun game. I know it's not the choice for proper FPS fans, but I don't see anything wrong in using the player to pick a target when shooting, and then the game to fill in the player-character's combat training and aiming skills to be able to track the target. WH and SWBattlefronts were plnety of fun, and the playing field was level. I'd prefer the option of better aiming aids in KZ2 to account for the difficult control of the reticule.
Yes, that's what I would love to have sixaxis support for - for being able to quickly look around independent of my running direction.
Yes, that's what I would love to have sixaxis support for - for being able to quickly look around independent of my running direction.

Maybe combined with a button press, however awkward that'd be. It'd be annoying to have to hold your controller perfectly level all the time while playing, otherwise.
The 1.2 patch apparently includes "Controller input tweaks and modifications. " - someone needs to do a before and after test! Get to it B3d.