[PS3] Infamous

Anyone climb up the extremely tall "building" in the Warren? I managed to get near the top, and missed a jump (UGH) and just ended up doing a thunder drop all the way down.
Yes, it's a nice journey up and a nice drop down :) Just wait and you'll get there ;-)

How're the Evil side missions ? I noticed that playing the good side will close off some missions from the bad side.

I'm much preferring the evil side missions, they give you a nice opportunity to be evil!

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Anyone climb up the extremely tall "building" in the Warren? I managed to get near the top, and missed a jump (UGH) and just ended up doing a thunder drop all the way down.

Yes, it's a nice journey up and a nice drop down :) Just wait and you'll get there ;-)

Yap ! That's what I meant when I said "Look down and jump" in my previous post. Didn't know there's an even taller building in island 2.

For thunder drop, I thought I should only press [] upon impact ? I don't have to press [] the moment I jump right ? I am asking because my drop seems rather weak.
Yap ! That's what I meant when I said "Look down and jump" in my previous post. Didn't know there's an even taller building in island 2.

For thunder drop, I thought I should only press [] upon impact ? I don't have to press [] the moment I jump right ? I am asking because my drop seems rather weak.

You should hit it the moment you jump, actually, as it will increase the damage it does :)
Ugh, I knew something was wrong. Thanks for the tip !

I should probably come down to ground level to fight more.
Aye, if you press [] when you jump/drop Cole will accelerate downwards with lightning forming around his feet :) I missed some things I only picked up on play through 2, like when near objects using the O cover mechanic. How did I miss that on play through 1? Mind you, the tutorial is telling you this when you are under fire from multiple enemies in a sewer!

I'm much preferring the red scatter lightning grenades that evil gets, I really didn't appreciate them in the demo.

I'm almost finished with my Evil playthrough. Only 32 more shards and I can finish the game :)

You can continue searching after beating the game as well...I finished it on good today. 33 shards left and I can start a new game on hard and evil.
I just beat the game today. I was playing as Good. It was FANTASTIC! One of the best games I have ever played. I really really loved the ending and how the story all came together so well.

Really fantastic game.

Just curious, about how many hours to finish? I'm loving this game as well, very addictive!
Just curious, about how many hours to finish? I'm loving this game as well, very addictive!
My good play through was approx 22 hours. That's with 100% of the first island (all territories, side missions, good side missions), approx 65% of the second island and very few non-story missions on the third island, so there is plenty more to play even though the main story is complete.

The reason I didn't do many side/diversionary missions on island 2 and 3 was simply that the main story missions were too compelling, I wanted to see what happened next :)

Not to mention DSoup, when you go evil, that is another set of trophies, side missions, and story changes. I love how different everyone treats me and how some missions change as well as the world around me. I love this game.
Finally finished this. Liked it a lot, but the platforming can be a bit annoying -- sometimes the vacuum thing is counterintuitive. Ironically, what I liked the most about the control scheme were the shooting controls. Being able to chain regular shots into rockets into grenades into shockwaves is great, being able to easily switch into sniping mode also. And the good-side, lightning-guided rockets are among the best weapons I've ever used in a game. Not sure what other sort of game that control scheme could be used in, other than, say, a mecha game.
100% on the fisrt two islands and on the third, the game really takes it up a notch story wise on the second island. I can't wait to replay as evil.

I'm not sure if I want to worry about all the shards yet, I'm missing two on the 2nd island and one o the 1st.
What vacuum mechanism is this ? I am still on the first island (4th mission).

The jumping, it draws you towards objects. In some of the more platformy missions, for me, at least, it pulled me towards objects in a way I found counter-intuitive and forced me to over-correct and then fall. And in some situations there just isn't enough precision for certain leaps, it was trying to hold my hand when maybe that's not what I wanted.
Ah I see. The stickiness did caught my attention (Can't decide whether I liked or hated it). In the end, the stickiness saved me 2-3 times in the bridge platforming. So I let it slide. :)
And the good-side, lightning-guided rockets are among the best weapons I've ever used in a game. Not sure what other sort of game that control scheme could be used in, other than, say, a mecha game.

Blasphemy, all mecha shot rockets should be of the mass-spaghetti-drunken-weaving-shotgun-something has to hit out of a million rockets type. :p

Blasphemy, all mecha shot rockets should be of the mass-spaghetti-drunken-weaving-shotgun-something has to hit out of a million rockets type. :p

Actually, I was thinking I'd like to see a macross-like missile swarm in an eventual sequel, as long as I could guide them all to a target with a lightning blast.