PS3 costs drive Sony's Q2 profit downwards

Fafalada said:
No, by last count DS still had ~200k more hardware units out then PSP in US.

last count i read in the ign forums had more psps sold in the states than ds's
NDS Software NPD LTD: (through Sept/05)
HW = 2,240,895 (Note - this is best info I have, although a couple months of the data have not been confirmed)
Tie Ratio = 2.08

jvd said:
Phil . Your missing a key point . Casual gamers that make up a huge portion of sonys 90m users will buy what has the hype and what they can afford.

There is a reason why most consoles are sold at the 200$ and under price point and it has more to do than just the amount the system itself costs .

I believe through ms's core unit they will hit 200$ mark way before sony does and with it will have a host of 20$ games .

Most gamers don't care if they are playing gt5 or froza 2 . Just as long as it has the features they want .

You paint a picture of casual gamers being monkeys that just take to whatever is pretty, cheap (if that held any truth Gamecube would be doing gangbusters, not dying a pathetic death), the hype tells them to (if that was true XBOX would have sold better), and have no sense of brand-loyalty whatsoever. I'm sorry, but no. With casual gamers looks and price may play a role, but when the brand they have had before still has most of what they were interested in going for it (looks to their liking, hip-factor, etc.) and the only thing standing in their way is price, they will wait for it to fall before they completely jump ship. And even then, if it warrants the price tag to them, they will buy it no matter what the it is. MSoft has to play their cards flawlessly to make any headway over what they did last generation let alone best Sony.

My thinking is anyone not an XBOX owner this generation or fan of MSoft/hater of all things branded Sony, casual gamer or not, but especially the casual gamer -- if they buy an XBOX 360 at launch or after price cuts will be doing so with the PLAYSTATION 3 in the back of their mind for a later purchase. To dismiss the appeal of the Playstation brand to the casual gamer and the skill of Sony’s marketing ninjas is foolish to say the least.

Sony has done nothing to make me think they can't take this generation, too. Not yet, anyway.
You paint a picture of casual gamers being monkeys that just take to whatever is pretty, cheap (if that held any truth Gamecube would be doing gangbusters, not dying a pathetic death), the hype tells them to (if that was true XBOX would have sold better), and have no sense of brand-loyalty whatsoever. I'm sorry, but no. With casual gamers looks and price may play a role, but when the brand they have had before still has most of what they were interested in going for it (looks to their liking, hip-factor, etc.) and the only thing standing in their way is price, they will wait for it to fall before they completely jump ship. And even then, if it warrants the price tag to them, they will buy it no matter what the it is. MSoft has to play their cards flawlessly to make any headway over what they did last generation let alone best Sony.

ANd for the most point its true . You give no reasons why gamecube would have sold well . There is no hype for it , the hype was on the ps2 .

Brand doesn't matter as much as hype. There are many better mp3 players on the market however ipods still outsell them .

Brand loyalty doesn't exist . People will jump ship for any number of reasons in regards to any products.

As a matter of fact in some markets there is no brand buying at all. People will just buy what is on sale or normaly cheaper .
jvd said:
ANd for the most point its true . You give no reasons why gamecube would have sold well . There is no hype for it , the hype was on the ps2 . .

the gamecube reffrence was on the cheap tip.

jvd said:
Brand doesn't matter as much as hype. There are many better mp3 players on the market however ipods still outsell them .

maybe, maybe not. the "better" mp3's on the market came too little too late, imo. but for the most part, its the bragging rights that sell something through the roof. the ipod's sucess lies not in its quality but in its sleek look and ease of use. ask me, what ipod and sony and motarola are doing with tech right now is broadening it's horizons as far as potential appeal is. what would only sell to the hardcore tech savvy is now selling to their hipster friends.

jvd said:
Brand loyalty doesn't exist . People will jump ship for any number of reasons in regards to any products.

As a matter of fact in some markets there is no brand buying at all. People will just buy what is on sale or normaly cheaper .

buyers in general are, in fact, quite loyal. a shopper will most likely buy coke or pepsi before they grab the stroe's brand. look at nentendo's fans, they seem pretty loyal to me.
jvd said:

Thanks for that thorough rebuke jvd. Here is his working out. We're talking discrepancies in the low thousands range. The general consensus is that the DS is ~200k ahead. Just out of curiousity, what where the numbers posted on IGN?

This is rather beside the point though isnt it. It was your assertation that high UMD sales were substituting low games sales which brought this up. The numbers provided prove that theory to be quite wrong.
PARANOiA said:
I'm interested in what makes you think they're "exclusive". It's possible to own one machine without buying the next iteration. Otherwise the PS1 couldn't have beaten both Sega and Nintendo.

I actually have never bought a console's successor... I had a Sega Megadrive (Genesis to those in the US), bought a Sony PS1, then a Sega Dreamcast, and then an Xbox. Do you think I'll be exclusive to Xbox?

Exclusive in that they only own a PS2. If you had continue with reading, you would have read the sentance that follows:

Now, obviously, we don't know how many of the above mentioned 50 million PS2 owners are casuals, hardcore and loyal supporters, but also here, I'd expect a fair part of them to have become at least somewhat supporters as well, if not for the fact that they enjoy the games they're playing and will be looking out for franchises they know next generation.

Obviously, some of those 50 million PS2 owners are loyal supporters, while some are just casuals. The point is, given the shifts in userbase that happens in each consoles lifespan, the people that will buying Xbox360s within the time before the PS3 is released are mainly to a larger extend hardcore gamers and loyal platform supporters (Xbox fans). Once PS3 launches (and that's rougly between 6 to 10 months probably depending the region you're looking at), it will start to pick up with casuals as well - but with a PS3 that close around the corner or possibly already selling like hotcakes by again hardcore & and its loyal supporters, one has got to wonder what will make those casuals buy a xbox360 instead of a PS3. Maybe you can tell me?

I think it is clear that there are more PlayStation supporters outthere than they are of any other kind. I'm still waiting to find out why they will buy a Xbox360 instead of a PS3 in 1.5 years - 6 years down the line based on reasons that we can accurately predict today?
jvd said:
Brand doesn't matter as much as hype. There are many better mp3 players on the market however ipods still outsell them .
The iPod certainly is a brand, and a strong one too.
I don't understand how you can separate the brand and hype... or bundle them together... I really don't know which one you're doing here.... and why should brand or hype equate/dissociate with quality???

One thing is for sure, short-term hype itself doesn't sell. But hype created by a strong brand and that is built over time does sell.
Brand loyalty doesn't exist . People will jump ship for any number of reasons in regards to any products.
No, it does exist, it just switches target ;)
People won't jump ship overnight for no reason at all.
If a brand does not dissappoint them, they are likely to continue with that brand.
Of course they might try another brands too, but that doesn't mean they'd abandon the other brand or vice versa.
As a matter of fact in some markets there is no brand buying at all. People will just buy what is on sale or normaly cheaper .
You mean like some daily consumer goods? What about some things more closely related to gaming and home electronics than soft toilet paper :)
Thinking that a "new generation" somewhat resets the Matrix, makes everyone forget what came before, and makes them "start from zero" is very naive.

In the end most people will want the console where they know they can get the games they enjoyed so much in the last generation. If someone really wants to play MGS4, he WILL buy a playstation, whether you want to call him a "loyal Sony fan" or whatever.
If he liked EA games, he will get the first console he can put his hands on and play those games.

There are so many scenarios that limiting everything into "we'll start from zero, there is no brand loyalism" is just not right. They're not TVs or washing machines, which are quickly forgotten (very few people are "loyal" when it comes to TVs or microwaves for example, they just get what they feel like, what looks best among the rest of the furniture at the time of purchase), consoles are instruments through which people play software, some of which is exclusive, and as such there will always be preferences.
No, it does exist, it just switches target ;)
People won't jump ship overnight for no reason at all.
If a brand does not dissappoint them, they are likely to continue with that brand.
Of course they might try another brands too, but that doesn't mean they'd abandon the other brand or vice versa.

No it really doesn't exist . If someone is willing to jump ship for any reason than that is not loyalty .

Thanks for that thorough rebuke jvd. Here is his working out. We're talking discrepancies in the low thousands range. The general consensus is that the DS is ~200k ahead. Just out of curiousity, what where the numbers posted on IGN?

This is rather beside the point though isnt it. It was your assertation that high UMD sales were substituting low games sales which brought this up. The numbers provided prove that theory to be quite wrong.

The numbers were on the psp ign board. I don't have the time to go and search for them as my life doesn't exist only on the forums . I really don't trust someone working things out. I trust offical numbers . Apparently he isn't able to supply them as he admits himself and must work it out for himself .

No thanks .

There are so many scenarios that limiting everything into "we'll start from zero, there is no brand loyalism" is just not right. They're not TVs or washing machines, which are quickly forgotten (very few people are "loyal" when it comes to TVs or microwaves for example, they just get what they feel like, what looks best among the rest of the furniture at the time of purchase), consoles are instruments through which people play software, some of which is exclusive, and as such there will always be preferences.

The average consumer will buy what they can afford or feel is the best value for them .

Games factor in much later. Many people don't get hyped up about games coming out in another year or 2 . They look ats whats avalible and whats cheap. You don't know how many times a parent has come into a store and asked me , whats the cheapest and has the most titles and i point them to the ps2 and they just snap it up even with the other parent or the other child saying no i think he wanted a xbox .
jvd said:
Games factor in much later. Many people don't get hyped up about games coming out in another year or 2 . They look ats whats avalible and whats cheap. You don't know how many times a parent has come into a store and asked me , whats the cheapest and has the most titles and i point them to the ps2 and they just snap it up even with the other parent or the other child saying no i think he wanted a xbox .

Jvd this is totally on the side, but do you guys have any non-used Xbox's left in stock?
xbdestroya said:
Jvd this is totally on the side, but do you guys have any non-used Xbox's left in stock?

I dunno , i only work once every other week , tommrow i'm stoping there for comics so i will let u know .

I know last wensday we had 1 halo 2 xbox used 2 ps 2 slims , 4 psps , 2 ds's (we had 6 but people were buying them for nintendogs) and 4 cubes
jvd said:
The numbers were on the psp ign board. I don't have the time to go and search for them as my life doesn't exist only on the forums . I really don't trust someone working things out. I trust offical numbers . Apparently he isn't able to supply them as he admits himself and must work it out for himself .

No thanks .

...but you're quite happy to bring up unverified sales numbers from IGN which you 'cant even be bothered to find'? It is my understanding that if there was ever a reason to visit GAF it's for their accurate sales data sourced from NPD numbers.