Sony financials

Shifty Geezer


Very importantly I think, Sony's electronic's division has recorded a substantial profit. That's been a tricky area for Sony for a while. Game division made a loss for once, which I guess is understandable given time and current investments.

If the intention for Sony is to get away from relying on their gaming division to keep them in the black, this is a step in the right direction. I dare say Stringer is serious about reworking the company to work as a whole, tying the divisions together, and intentions for PS3 income are very much through total content accessibility rather than chiefly selling games. If so, the idea of things like full Linux and open development can be seen as desirable in promoting the platform as a content service. It'd be nice to have some real info on how that side of things, particular the services, is developing. My prediction of the moment is that when the PlayStation Network for PS3 is unveiled, it will be a substantial service and integrate tightly with PSP, providing the PSP's service that hasn't materialized to date.

I will now sell this analysis for $5000 to watever investor-type chump is willing to pay me :p
I think it's a strong report from them, and most importantly shows progress in their core electronics business. That they're still on target to reach their ~$900 million net income fiscal year target on top of the restructuring costs and ~$900 million loss expected in the SCE division this year says something to the level of 'health' Sony has returned to. It's still not the 80's, but it's definitely out of the ER.

Anyway they just need to keep doing what they're doing. Playstation and/or Blu-ray could obviously boost Sony back into some historic territory, but at least now the company is healthy enough that if either or both of those two initiatives imploded, the company would still survive it without plunging into the red.
The fact that their electronics division is finally turning a profit is really good news. That means Sony is getting back to what it should be, which is an electronics manufacturer first and foremost, which means there is a strong chance that they will show some true stability in the market for a while.
I've always thought that Sony relied too much on SCE for their "success", so losing more than they gained.

Pretty much like the England team in the 2002 World Cup.

So the electronics company rurning in profit despite the loss in the games division is good news. Looks like Stringer's making good on his promises. ;)