Proof that ants are smarter than I am

I want to know how they managed to stop the ant, glue stilts on him, without getting him confused in general.
RussSchultz said:
I want to know how they managed to stop the ant, glue stilts on him, without getting him confused in general.
Well, the people who make fly-powered model aircraft use carbon dioxide to anaesthetise the flys. Presumably the same would work with ants.:???:
You could imagine what the ants were thinking about during the "operation":

Hmm, this is a cute little chamber. Not too big, not too small. Bit boring though.......Gosh, it it me or is it getting really stuffy in here now? Phew, I feel like a walked miles. Wow, so so sleepy. Sleeeeppppyyyy.....

*thud* zzzzzz

Wuu...humph...wha....Ooooh, Christ on spacehopper, my bloody head. Gah, what was I drinking last night? More dodgy aphid nectar I'll, off to wo....WHAT THE??!?!? What the feck is on my legs????

*wobbles about a bit but eventually gets up*

Wooooo - looky at how high I am. LOOK AT ME!!!! GRAWWARRAAA!!! I AM MEGA-ANT! FEAR ME YOU LEWZERS!!!!

*Stomps about like a T-Rex*

Mwhaaahahaaa! Oh, dammit that queen beeyatch is moaning again...ah, well off ta work......and off we go - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.....
Simon F said:
Well, the people who make fly-powered model aircraft use carbon dioxide to anaesthetise the flys. Presumably the same would work with ants.:???:

More importantly, does it work on humans?
Simon F said:
Well, the people who make fly-powered model aircraft use carbon dioxide to anaesthetise the flys. Presumably the same would work with ants.:???:
No, that's the easy part. THe hard part would be getting them to orient themselves after waking up.

Neeyik's got it about right with the narrative :), though perhaps he's hit on the mechanism: A chamber with a single entrance so that ant orients itself on the way out.
Simon F said:
Don't go there... he might actually do it :rolleyes:

Well what's the problem? He'll wake up a few minutes later. I hope he won't do it with the bag over his head and tied around his neck.

Just hold it in front of your mouth in your hand, Kruno. No adhesive substances needed!
So it's safe if I do it for about 1 minute?
Will there be any permament damage?

If not I will definitely give it a try. If this works then why do people still use that other crap in hosital?
K.I.L.E.R said:
So it's safe if I do it for about 1 minute?
Will there be any permament damage?

If not I will definitely give it a try. If this works then why do people still use that other crap in hosital?

Should be no damage if you stop it as soon as you get dizzy. It's definitely no solution for the hospital, though.

EDIT: the best way is to have someone there to help you if you should go unconcious for a few minutes
K.I.L.E.R said:
If this works then why do people still use that other crap in hosital?
It works on insects. We are not insects.

FWIW too much C02 is toxic - that's why they have the panic to fixe the "C02 scrubbers" in Apollo 13.

Mind you, too little is also a problem as it controls our breathing (and, IIRC, possibly blood acidity??). The paper bag is used to cure hyperventilation (which is not pleasant).
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We USED to be insects.
We evolved into humans, we probably still have some old genes left over from the days old.
Kind of like how our stomach bacteria evolved from early man.

It works on insects. We are not insects.
Simon F said:
It works on insects. We are not insects.

FWIW too much C02 is toxic - that's why they have the panic to fixe the "C02 scrubbers" in Apollo 13.

Mind you, too little is also a problem as it controls our breathing (and, IIRC, possibly blood acidity??). The paper bag is used to cure hyperventilation (which is not pleasant).

Too much oxygen is bad, as is too much nitrogen.